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Predict the next Chief of Staff (1 Viewer)


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Dec 4, 2018
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This is the thread where DP members predict the next Chief of Staff for the President Donald J. Trump.

Ayers has declined. So now it is wide freakin' open.

Who wants to ruin their career being the next baby-sitter to the President of the USA?

I'm making a wild, out of left field (and just came to me as I was composing this thread) prediction: Mike Huckabee. His daughter Sarah has already ruined her reputation, and Mike is a very bad Twitter comedian, so what does he have to lose?

Who is your prediction?

The winner gets a like from me. Hard to resist, I know. But you can also brag about your prediction for at least 20 days until Trump decides he needs a new CoS.
This is the thread where DP members predict the next Chief of Staff for the President Donald J. Trump.

Ayers has declined. So now it is wide freakin' open.

Who wants to ruin their career being the next baby-sitter to the President of the USA?

I'm making a wild, out of left field (and just came to me as I was composing this thread) prediction: Mike Huckabee. His daughter Sarah has already ruined her reputation, and Mike is a very bad Twitter comedian, so what does he have to lose?

Who is your prediction?

The winner gets a like from me. Hard to resist, I know. But you can also brag about your prediction for at least 20 days until Trump decides he needs a new CoS.

I hear Kris Kobach needs a job after losing the race for Kansas governor
This is the thread where DP members predict the next Chief of Staff for the President Donald J. Trump.

Ayers has declined. So now it is wide freakin' open.

Who wants to ruin their career being the next baby-sitter to the President of the USA?

I'm making a wild, out of left field (and just came to me as I was composing this thread) prediction: Mike Huckabee. His daughter Sarah has already ruined her reputation, and Mike is a very bad Twitter comedian, so what does he have to lose?

Who is your prediction?

The winner gets a like from me. Hard to resist, I know. But you can also brag about your prediction for at least 20 days until Trump decides he needs a new CoS.

There won't be one. Trump will declare the job pointless and box in another hour of Hannity pillow talk.
Here are the very serious front runners.

1. Honey Boo Boo
2. Phil Robertson
3. Ted Nugent
4. Kanye West
5. Michelle Malkin
Here are the very serious front runners.

1. Honey Boo Boo
2. Phil Robertson
3. Ted Nugent
4. Kanye West
5. Michelle Malkin

Not sure Trump even knows who Michelle Malkin is.
This is the thread where DP members predict the next Chief of Staff for the President Donald J. Trump.

Ayers has declined. So now it is wide freakin' open.

Who wants to ruin their career being the next baby-sitter to the President of the USA?

I'm making a wild, out of left field (and just came to me as I was composing this thread) prediction: Mike Huckabee. His daughter Sarah has already ruined her reputation, and Mike is a very bad Twitter comedian, so what does he have to lose?

Who is your prediction?

The winner gets a like from me. Hard to resist, I know. But you can also brag about your prediction for at least 20 days until Trump decides he needs a new CoS.

Someone who Trump thinks will help him.

Which means they'll hurt him.
steve bannon
Igor Korobov
steve bannon

No way Bannon will come back to the cesspool unless he can guarantee he becomes President in three months due to collateral damage and unforeseen circumstances related to the Trumps family health that had to get them shipped to the Ecuadorian Embassy.
Megyn Kelly is available!

Won't that be a kick in the whatever!
I would love to see John James.
No way Bannon will come back to the cesspool unless he can guarantee he becomes President in three months due to collateral damage and unforeseen circumstances related to the Trumps family health that had to get them shipped to the Ecuadorian Embassy.

he would jump at the chance
javanka would not be pleased, however
but bannon was tRump's chief strategic advisor
that should make him the obvious first choice
he would jump at the chance
javanka would not be pleased, however
but bannon was tRump's chief strategic advisor
that should make him the obvious first choice

Bannon is enjoying crafting his own destroyer of democracies image in other countries. I think he's having too much fun and too much blood spilled over the Fury book to come back.
Individual-1 doesn’t know many people who could be vetted. What’s more, honestly, the way things are going the odds are likely that the job will be temporary. Trump may resign or he may be indicted. No one, no one, will get a career boost from having been Trump’s cheif of staff. It isn’t a plum position, no perks to speak of and no respect from anyone including the boss.

No one with anything to lose would give their current gig to take the COS position. We aren’t even seeing GOP leaders mentioning anyone. The Administration is falling apart. The GOP is staying the hell away.

Report to Trump and kinda/sorta have to report to the Trump family? Oh, hell no. And then there are the 2nd and 3rd rate people you’d have to work in White House, not to mention a Cabinet full of bozos.

Jump on a growing dumpster fire to get a career boost? Naaaa, un-uh.
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Bannon is enjoying crafting his own destroyer of democracies image in other countries. I think he's having too much fun and too much blood spilled over the Fury book to come back.

i hope you are right and pray that i am wrong
but bannon should be the obvious guy for that chief of staff slot
This is the thread where DP members predict the next Chief of Staff for the President Donald J. Trump.

Ayers has declined. So now it is wide freakin' open.

Who wants to ruin their career being the next baby-sitter to the President of the USA?

I'm making a wild, out of left field (and just came to me as I was composing this thread) prediction: Mike Huckabee. His daughter Sarah has already ruined her reputation, and Mike is a very bad Twitter comedian, so what does he have to lose?

Who is your prediction?

The winner gets a like from me. Hard to resist, I know. But you can also brag about your prediction for at least 20 days until Trump decides he needs a new CoS.

That creepy porn lawyer guy.
Chris Christie is still out of work I believe.
Steven Miller. He's the worst person I can think of, so he's likely a shoo-in for the job.
Eric Trump

LOL I thought of that too. He seems to need a role in the White House. Maybe Barron could get some time off from school?
Steven Miller. He's the worst person I can think of, so he's likely a shoo-in for the job.

I forgot about that guy, but yeah, I'd see him taking it.
This is the thread where DP members predict the next Chief of Staff for the President Donald J. Trump.

Ayers has declined. So now it is wide freakin' open.

Who wants to ruin their career being the next baby-sitter to the President of the USA?

I'm making a wild, out of left field (and just came to me as I was composing this thread) prediction: Mike Huckabee. His daughter Sarah has already ruined her reputation, and Mike is a very bad Twitter comedian, so what does he have to lose?

Who is your prediction?

The winner gets a like from me. Hard to resist, I know. But you can also brag about your prediction for at least 20 days until Trump decides he needs a new CoS.

I think Pence had a long talk with Ayers and BEGGED him not to leave him. Well we know Pence thanked gay conversion therapy for saving his marriage....and Ayers is kinda cute you know.

Anyway - whoever accepts this suicide mission will be a YES man or woman - probably from Faux News. Tucker Carlson perhaps?
Here are the very serious front runners.

1. Honey Boo Boo
2. Phil Robertson
3. Ted Nugent
4. Kanye West
5. Michelle Malkin

There are actually plenty of qualified candidates:

Steven Mnuchin
Mark Meadows
Mick Mulvaney
Robert Lighthizer
Peter Navarro
Just to name a few....
Sarah Palin - for three months.

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Of course! Sarah Palin would make an excellent choice. But what about the other unemployed trumpsters? James Woods and Chachi haven't had a job for ages. And Roseanne is looking for work.

Maybe trump is looking for another white blonde bimbo who will happily let him grab her *****? Suzanne Somers perhaps?

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