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Postmaster General DeJoy suspends changes to postal service to avoid any impact on election mail (1 Viewer)


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Sep 6, 2019
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Postmaster General DeJoy suspends changes to postal service to avoid any impact on election mail

The U.S. Postal Service will suspend any policy or operational changes until after the November presidential elections, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy said Tuesday. Critics claimed the longtime Republican donor was hindering the agency's ability to accommodate a surge in mail-in voting.

"In the meantime, there are some longstanding operational initiatives — efforts that predate my arrival at the Postal Service — that have been raised as areas of concern as the nation prepares to hold an election in the midst of a devastating pandemic," DeJoy said in a statement. "To avoid even the appearance of any impact on election mail, I am suspending these initiatives until after the election is concluded." DeJoy said the hours of post offices would not change, mail processing equipment and blue mail boxes would not be removed, all mail processing facilities would remain open and the Postal Service would again allow overtime to be "approved as needed."

This is welcome news, but I think DeJoy needs to resign. He has obliterated any trust the American people had with the USPS and its handling of mail-in ballots.

In an environment where Trump is doing crazy things like posthumously pardoning Susan B. Anthony for election fraud and suggesting a do-over of the November election, we can't trust anything Trump, Trump-appointed officials, or his fascist, thuggish supporters say:

Trump Claims 2020 Election May Have To Be Done Again

President Donald Trump claimed on Tuesday that the 2020 presidential election may have to be done again if universal mail-in voting is introduced.

During his announcement of a posthumous presidential pardon for pioneering women’s rights activist Susan B. Anthony — who died in 1906 — Trump was asked about his feud with the Democratic Party over mail-in voting.

“The Democrats want to make it a political issue. It’s not a political issue, it’s really about a correct vote. You have to get voting right,” he declared. “You can’t have millions and millions of ballots sent all over the place, sent to people that are dead, sent to dogs, cats. Sent to everyone. This is a serious situation, this isn’t games, and you have to get it right.”

“I just want to get it right. Win, lose, or draw — I think I’m going to win — win, lose, or draw, we have to get it right,” Trump insisted. “We have to have honest voting.”

He went on, “You can’t take millions of ballots, send them haphazardly all over the country, or all over a state, and expect it to come out properly,” before clarifying, “By the way, absentee is great, it’s been working for a long time like in Florida. Absentee, you request and it comes in, and then you send it back. Absentee is great, but universal is going to be a disaster the likes of which our country has never seen.”

“It’ll end up being a rigged election or they will never come out with an outcome. They’ll have to do it again, and nobody wants that,” Trump concluded. “And I don’t want that.”
Postmaster General DeJoy suspends changes to postal service to avoid any impact on election mail

This is welcome news, but I think DeJoy needs to resign. He has obliterated any trust the American people had with the USPS and its handling of mail-in ballots.

In an environment where Trump is doing crazy things like posthumously pardoning Susan B. Anthony for election fraud and suggesting a do-over of the November election, we can't trust anything Trump, Trump-appointed officials, or his fascist, thuggish supporters say:

Trump Claims 2020 Election May Have To Be Done Again

I hear the postal workers refer to the Postmaster General as Louis DeLay!
There goes the false narrative.
So, none of the mailboxes will be put back in, and none of the sorters reinstalled.

How generous of him.
LOL. And they still aren't happy. Nothing will ever make them happy. EVER.

Most of America will drop 20+ time the number of Christmas cards in the mail this year as mail in ballots and yet they will most all get delivered save the one that flies off the precious sorter and isn't found for 3 years at which point it will be delivered, grease, dust bunnies and all in a sealed clear envelope saying, "Oops here it is, but we really don't think you should unseal it."
There goes the false narrative.

This a lie. USPS itself has stated several days ago that it wouldn't be able to meet the deadlines for 46 states.
So, none of the mailboxes will be put back in, and none of the sorters reinstalled.

How generous of him.

I agree.

He needs to be fired, and they need to reinstate previous services.

Pushback needs to be forceful.

No compromise. No surrender.
There goes the false narrative.


Like when trump releasing the money to Ukraine once the cat came out of the bag meant he was never holding it up in the first place, right?

We should let all the bank robbers know to just give the money back if they get caught and it's all good, right?
While good, we need a reversal of decisions implemented.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Like when trump releasing the money to Ukraine once the cat came out of the bag meant he was never holding it up in the first place, right?

We should let all the bank robbers know to just give the money back if they get caught and it's all good, right?
No. More like all of the other idiotic conspiracy theories Democrats have dreamed up.
So, none of the mailboxes will be put back in, and none of the sorters reinstalled.

How generous of him.

They'll just have to hope they got rid of enough of both before those nosy kids showed up.
Postmaster General DeJoy suspends changes to postal service to avoid any impact on election mail

This is welcome news, but I think DeJoy needs to resign. He has obliterated any trust the American people had with the USPS and its handling of mail-in ballots.

In an environment where Trump is doing crazy things like posthumously pardoning Susan B. Anthony for election fraud and suggesting a do-over of the November election, we can't trust anything Trump, Trump-appointed officials, or his fascist, thuggish supporters say:

Trump Claims 2020 Election May Have To Be Done Again

He only changed course because he got caught trying to slow the mail for his master. He needs to go, Now.
This a lie. USPS itself has stated several days ago that it wouldn't be able to meet the deadlines for 46 states.
So it's going to be just like every other time the postal service gets a surge in mail? Who could have predicted that? :lamo

Nice of the USPS to give Congress a warning. Maybe they'll get off of their thumbs and do something about it.
No. More like all of the other idiotic conspiracy theories Democrats have dreamed up.

Ignorance is no excuse.

When regular citizens stand by and allow a President to so openly attack the Democratic Process.

You can act like a clown and pretend the obvious isn’t happening because you want to “win” on a Political Forum, but it’s obvious to everyone with 3 brain cells what they were trying to do and depending on how many sorting machines may remain out of commission, what they have done.

I don’t expect anything meaningful to be said back.

What’s more important to you, is to be able to “troll the Libs” here, rather than allowing your fellow citizens to vote during a deadly pandemic. :shrug:

I assumed when you said "false narrative" you were referring to the narrative that the recent changes to the postal service would have an adverse affect on voting. The above OP proves this narrative was true.
No. More like all of the other idiotic conspiracy theories Democrats have dreamed up.


Our "conspiracies" all have some "you couldn't come up with any evidence" element which totally ignores that all the evidence was hidden by the suspects.

Your conspiracies don't stand up to more than a couple of rounds of the three year old's "Why?" game.

Or cannot be true if yesterday's is.

Like "no money for the post office because it will let the dens steal the election". Which is a vile thing to say fellow Americans intend, but that isn't the good part.

Now, it's just a bargaining chip to get concessions from democrats.

So, let's unpack that:

First, what in any of those concessions make mail in voting un-fraudulent? Why in the world would you give that up for liability protection for businesses? Why would you drop that angle ever if you believed in it.

Second: your boy just said he will interfere with the election if he doesnt get those concessions. Which sounds eerily familiar...
This a lie. USPS itself has stated several days ago that it wouldn't be able to meet the deadlines for 46 states.

You're the guy who promoted the Chaos Theory, right? We saw that in Jurassic Park.
How in the world (to be polite) would anyone in the USPS know if deadlines will not be met in 46 states.?
How will we know when the virus has gone away? How will we know if the planet is going to get cooler?
Those are all unanswerable questions. And you're saying the USPS knows what is going to happen before this unprecedented event has even started?
Some of the narratives promoted by some of the Trump haters in these threads are literally incredible.
But they fit the narrative of those who have spent four years hating Trump.
I agree.

He needs to be fired, and they need to reinstate previous services.

Pushback needs to be forceful.

No compromise. No surrender.

Your Chaos backside is still showing.
You need to put your statements on bumper stickers and parade through an anti-Trump rally.
While good, we need a reversal of decisions implemented.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Specify those decisions and we will vote on them. How else do you get people to go along with you?
This a lie. USPS itself has stated several days ago that it wouldn't be able to meet the deadlines for 46 states.


“The U.S. Postal Service issued letters in July to 46 states and Washington D.C. warning their election deadlines may result in mail-in ballots being delivered too late to be counted, according to a report in the Washington Post, escalating concerns about how the USPS will handle the November election amid recent changes to the agency, which CNN reports are now under review by the agency’s inspector general.”

Postal Service Warns Mail-In Ballots In 46 States May Not Be Delivered In Time

The issue is with the deadlines some states have in relation to voting day. From the same Forbes piece:

“Pennsylvania moved Thursday to extend its mail-in voting deadline in response to the letter they received, saying it marked “a significant change to the outlook for voting by mail,” and officials in Maryland and Arizona told the Post they had also shifted deadlines in response to the letters.”

I’m glad the states that have potential problems are taking actions to alleviate them.
So, none of the mailboxes will be put back in
Are you talking about the few that were removed recently, or the 12,000+ Obama removed in his efforts to "kneecap" the postal service?

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