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DP Veteran
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Political Leaning
I have to scroll down to see posts when I go to a thread. The ads show on the left side, but nothing but white screen otherwise. When I scroll down awhile, I can see the posts. Can this be fixed?
What browser are you using?
Is anyone else having this issue?
I think I fixed the issue.

Internet Explorer, Mozilla, and FireFox was displaying ok.

It was a simple <TR> tag. It now passes w3c validation.

I am so sorry about that all. No more changes for awhile.
Last edited:
vauge said:
I think I fixed the issue.

Internet Explorer, Mozilla, and FireFox was displaying ok.

It was a simple <TR> tag. It now passes w3c validation.

I am so sorry about that all. No more changes for awhile.

The changes are great. Don't stop improving because of a few minor glitches.

I am still having the problem. I am using Internet Explorer on a Mac. I have never had this happen before yesterday. Thank you.
Would you try hard refresh shift/refresh or control/F5 and see if that helps?

I just d/l opera and it is displaying correctly in Opera, Mozilla, Firefox, and IE for me. No access to a Mac. :(

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