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Portland Biden voters practicing their first amendment rights. (1 Viewer)

Oh Bull****. This is Democrat's America.
Where are all the riots and such beatings occurring? Democrat controlled cities.

Who's the President? Biden?
Trumps America. And you want four more years of this.
Sixty unanswered 911 calls in Portland. Defund the police. Biden’s America. Own it.
And you want four more years of this.
As if the beating and burning and stabbing and killing they're doing now isn't bad enough, leave it to the left to threaten people with MORE violence should they lose this election. :roll:
Who's the President? Biden?
Trumps America. And you want four more years of this.

Isn't the control of the local police and their response a responsibility of the local Democrat lead government?

What you are supporting, whether you acknowledge it or not, is 'If the left doesn't get their political way, riots will result'.
That's called extortion.
That's called political terrorism.
That's anti-Democratic government.
That's anti-America and it's principals.
As if the burning and stabbing and killing they're doing now isn't bad enough, leave it to the left to threaten people with MORE violence should they lose an election. :roll:

Trumps America.
Those are Americans protesting and rioting and looting, you know. Americans. Fellow countrymen. Your country is so divided now there might be no saving it with another four years of Trump.
I don't care if you're four years old or a hundred and four, America was a better country the day you were born than it is today. And more Trump would only make it worse.
Sixty unanswered 911 calls in Portland. Defund the police. Biden’s America. Own it.

Trump's America Gramps, the one you SUPPORT.
Isn't the control of the local police and their response a responsibility of the local Democrat lead government?

What you are supporting, whether you acknowledge it or not, is 'If the left doesn't get their political way, riots will result'.
That's called extortion.
That's called political terrorism.
That's anti-Democratic government.
That's anti-America and it's principals.

America was a better country four years ago than it is today. And it would be still worse after four more years of Trump. That's the pragmatic truth.
This is what America under the democrats will always be. They are anti law and order, anti wealth and prosperity, anti God and religion, anti family. What they are for is, racism and victimization. In over 6 decades of promises exactly what have democrats done for black Americans?

That's what America is under Trump. You think he could turn it around if he's re-elected? He can't do diddly-squat. He says so himself and his Trumpelievers parrot it every time the subject of Presidential power comes up.
America was a better country four years ago than it is today. And it would be still worse after four more years of Trump. That's the pragmatic truth.

That all depends on what the political left does far more so than what the political right does.

Now, you didn't really think that the leftist coup of the government and just about everything else would go unchallenged, did you?

But the unalterable fact remains that it is the Democrat controlled cities where the incidence of riots and violence occurs.
But the unalterable fact remains that it is the Democrat public policies where the incidence of riots and violence occurs, and is promoted.
But the unalterable fact remains that it is the Democrat public policies where the incidence of riots and violence occurs, and is not thwarted.
But the unalterable fact remains that it is the Democrat public policies of division which have sown these seeds.

Own it. Embrace it. Love it. It's all yours.
That all depends on what the political left does far more so than what the political right does.

Now, you didn't really think that the leftist coup of the government and just about everything else would go unchallenged, did you?

But the unalterable fact remains that it is the Democrat controlled cities where the incidence of riots and violence occurs.
But the unalterable fact remains that it is the Democrat public policies where the incidence of riots and violence occurs, and is promoted.
But the unalterable fact remains that it is the Democrat public policies where the incidence of riots and violence occurs, and is not thwarted.
But the unalterable fact remains that it is the Democrat public policies of division which have sown these seeds.

Own it. Embrace it. Love it. It's all yours.

Not mine. I'm Canadian. It's your country.
You guys inherited the best country in the world and you've squandered your inheritance. You lot will be known in the history books as The Worst Generation. And all of you, all you can do is turn slow circles pointing at each other and protesting your own helplessness.
Trumps America.
Those are Americans protesting and rioting and looting, you know. Americans. Fellow countrymen. Your country is so divided now there might be no saving it with another four years of Trump.
I don't care if you're four years old or a hundred and four, America was a better country the day you were born than it is today. And more Trump would only make it worse.
Maybe it was better for you. For many of us it wasn't that long ago that angry Democrats were doing a lot of segregating, terrorizing and hanging. Americans. Fellow countrymen.
Maybe it was better for you. For many of us it wasn't that long ago that angry Democrats were doing a lot of segregating, terrorizing and hanging. Americans. Fellow countrymen.

Oh, shut it.

You know damn well those were conservatives. Your ideology was garbage then, and it's still garbage now. The liberals will be forced to yet again drag your sorry asses into the 21st century.
Oh, shut it.

You know damn well those were conservatives.
Nah. Conservatism started later. A reaction to FDR's overreach. Democrats loved FDR. It didn't matter what part of the country they lived in.
Nah. Conservatism started later. A reaction to FDR's overreach. Democrats loved FDR. It didn't matter what part of the country they lived in.

lol, whatever you have to tell yourself.
pot meet kettle?
Here's a timely question... what was the first year Democrats allowed black people to attend the Democratic National Convention?
Here's a timely question... what was the first year Democrats allowed black people to attend the Democratic National Convention?

I have a better one.

What year did the conservatives abandon the Dems to full embrace the party of Lincoln?
I have a better one.

What year did the conservatives abandon the Dems to full embrace the party of Lincoln?
How did I know you would dodge my question? :lamo
Sixty unanswered 911 calls in Portland. Defund the police. Biden’s America. Own it.
Biden isnt in charge. He currently holds no public office. Trump does and he's failing.

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