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Political Correctness-Word Fascism (1 Viewer)

Aug 13, 2005
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Political Leaning
Political Correctness is a tool that has been successfuly used by the real powers that govern this world to impose an alien and unnatural Weltanschauung,multiculturalism upon an unwilling audience.
The first step to controlling an individual or a mass of people is to control their speach and he who controls the speach of another will eventually succeed in controlling that persons thoughts and predilections.
This is one of the key messages of Orwell`s "1984".
Aryan Imperium said:
Political Correctness is a tool that has been successfuly used by the real powers that govern this world to impose an alien and unnatural Weltanschauung,multiculturalism upon an unwilling audience.
The first step to controlling an individual or a mass of people is to control their speach and he who controls the speach of another will eventually succeed in controlling that persons thoughts and predilections.
This is one of the key messages of Orwell`s "1984".

teacher here, I'm game, until you blow it.

Weltanschauung? Was heis das. Ich hatte zwansig yaren kein Duetche gesprocht. Can you clear that up for me a little mein Fuhrer? World what? Doom? Come on you Bundesburgeren, help old teacher out here. Say what you think bro. It's just a forum. Vent. Or are you just trolling for recruits? Little FYI for you dude. I already ran what your looking for off. Have your ducks in a row when you land on this, my, and others, teachers all, all with massive brains, site. Was tun sie hier? Warum sagt du das sheist? Ich kenne sie. Sorry folks, that's some bad German. But it gets the point across. Fahren sie Herr Aryan Imperium, yestz(?). Mach schnell. Bitte?

Hey Gordontravels? Can you deal with this guy better than me? Maybe if you typed some nice colored words at him, then you'll run him off.

Oh look, here he comes now...

Yes it's me, Gordontravels, you sir, do not display the intelligence needed to keep on topic with this thread. Pay no attention to that friggin asshol*e teacher

Hey what the...?

He's just a malcontent dickhaed that has no class. Now I, Gordontravels, of the tiny brain, would be willing to listen to your most wise words, please go on.

Okay dickhead, let's just assume I'm jumping the gun and think your just a garden variety Nazi. You got to get by me now. There are plenty of way smart folks here, cnredd not being one of them, that can hold their own. But you see, sir, you now have to prove to me me you're not a friggin Nazi. Who's on line, find all posts, and my personal favorite, copy and paste, oh look, it's your turn. Lights are on you bro. Don't fuc*k it up. Pssst. Word to the wise. Fancy rhetoric won't cut the mustard. They see through my bullshit now, you don't stand a chance.

Bets, place you're bets here.

I'm giving 2 to 1 we don't see the master race here again.

Bets, place your bets........
You see folks, I've a niche to fill. And I do it well. Sieg Heil. Warum sind wir hier ich weis nicht. Allese der tag immer arbeitan. Wen der der mann heis Bush sind tott, den alles der kinder kahn schlaffen. Translated: teacher is way smart and good looking and his farts smell like roses. Amen.
teacher said:
There are plenty of way smart folks here, cnredd not being one of them, that can hold their own.

teacher said:
teacher here, I'm game, until you blow it.

Weltanschauung? Was heis das. Ich hatte zwansig yaren kein Duetche gesprocht. Can you clear that up for me a little mein Fuhrer? World what? Doom? Come on you Bundesburgeren, help old teacher out here. Say what you think bro. It's just a forum. Vent. Or are you just trolling for recruits? Little FYI for you dude. I already ran what your looking for off. Have your ducks in a row when you land on this, my, and others, teachers all, all with massive brains, site. Was tun sie hier? Warum sagt du das sheist? Ich kenne sie. Sorry folks, that's some bad German. But it gets the point across. Fahren sie Herr Aryan Imperium, yestz(?). Mach schnell. Bitte?

Hey Gordontravels? Can you deal with this guy better than me? Maybe if you typed some nice colored words at him, then you'll run him off.

Oh look, here he comes now...

Yes it's me, Gordontravels, you sir, do not display the intelligence needed to keep on topic with this thread. Pay no attention to that friggin asshol*e teacher

Hey what the...?

He's just a malcontent dickhaed that has no class. Now I, Gordontravels, of the tiny brain, would be willing to listen to your most wise words, please go on.

Okay dickhead, let's just assume I'm jumping the gun and think your just a garden variety Nazi. You got to get by me now. There are plenty of way smart folks here, cnredd not being one of them, that can hold their own. But you see, sir, you now have to prove to me me you're not a friggin Nazi. Who's on line, find all posts, and my personal favorite, copy and paste, oh look, it's your turn. Lights are on you bro. Don't fuc*k it up. Pssst. Word to the wise. Fancy rhetoric won't cut the mustard. They see through my bullshit now, you don't stand a chance.

Bets, place you're bets here.

I'm giving 2 to 1 we don't see the master race here again.

Bets, place your bets........

Perhaps if you wrote in English or half decent German the good people of this forum may gain a glimmer of insight into what you are struggling to say.
He's saying that he believes you may well be a nazi. A white supremist. From some of the language in your posts, I'd tend to agree. So, in the words of teacher, of the massive brain,
teacher said:
you now have to prove to me me you're not a friggin Nazi.

Pretty plain english isn't it? Go for it.
Aryan Imperium said:
Political Correctness is a tool that has been successfuly used by the real powers that govern this world to impose an alien and unnatural Weltanschauung,multiculturalism upon an unwilling audience.

Who, exactly has thrust this alien concept upon us? If it's alien, it must have come from outside. So where did it come from?

And who's to say who is an unwilling audience? I'm not unwilling. I think multiculturalism is a great thing. Regardless of what I think of political correctness (I agree the term is a load of hogwash. It has been taken too far. However, the idea behind it [not being assholes towards each other] is well recieved by me), you won't swing me on your multiculturalism argument. Anyone else unwilling to "recieve" this multiculturalism?

EDIT: Sorry for the double-post by the way.
Aryan Imperium said:
Perhaps if you wrote in English or half decent German the good people of this forum may gain a glimmer of insight into what you are struggling to say.

Been twenty years, but, I'm thinking my German is EXACTLY half(1/2) decent. Read, half. Lived there a while Adolf. They understood me just fine. Even the honeys. Notice you impugn my diction, not my point. Again. The asker of a unanswered question is the winner of the debate.

Warum sagt du das?

Seems you struggle not so much to verstehen as you do to run away like a little frau.
I think I would like to participate in this forum, but I don't have a clue what teacher is talking about. I am sure his German is just fine, but mine is a step under non-existent.

BTW, political correctness is not "The Man" trying to get you to give up your ignorance about multiculturalism, it is just trying to get you to respect fellow citizens. As our world changes, terminology must change also. It is no longer respectable to call a black person, "colored" or "negroe". It use to be used without a problem, but the world changed and it is no longer acceptable. This is the goal, respect.
HTColeman said:
I think I would like to participate in this forum, but I don't have a clue what teacher is talking about. I am sure his German is just fine, but mine is a step under non-existent.

BTW, political correctness is not "The Man" trying to get you to give up your ignorance about multiculturalism, it is just trying to get you to respect fellow citizens. As our world changes, terminology must change also. It is no longer respectable to call a black person, "colored" or "negroe". It use to be used without a problem, but the world changed and it is no longer acceptable. This is the goal, respect.

And are there instances where you believe its gone too far?

Retarded=Mentally Challenged

Geaorge Carlin reference to "soft language"...

That language that takes the life out of life. And it is a function of time. It does keep getting worse. I’ll give you another example. Sometime during my life. Sometime during my life, toilet paper became bathroom tissue. I wasn’t notified of this. No one asked me if I agreed with it. It just happened.

Toilet paper became bathroom tissue. Sneakers became running shoes. False teeth became dental appliances. Medicine became medication. Information became directory assistance. The dump became the landfill. Car crashes became automobile accidents. Partly cloudy bacame partly sunny. Motels became motor lodges. House trailers became mobile homes. Used cars became previously owned transportation. Room service became guest-room dining. And constipation became occasional irregularity.

When I was a little kid, if I got sick they wanted me to go to the hospital and see a doctor. Now they want me to go to a health maintenance organization…or a wellness center to consult a healthcare delivery professional. Poor people used to live in slums. Now the economically disadvantaged occupy substandard housing in the inner cities.


Read the beginning on "shell shock"; it was too long to include here...
HTColeman said:
I think I would like to participate in this forum, but I don't have a clue what teacher is talking about. I am sure his German is just fine, but mine is a step under non-existent.

BTW, political correctness is not "The Man" trying to get you to give up your ignorance about multiculturalism, it is just trying to get you to respect fellow citizens. As our world changes, terminology must change also. It is no longer respectable to call a black person, "colored" or "negroe". It use to be used without a problem, but the world changed and it is no longer acceptable. This is the goal, respect.

A little off topic but I love how black people are offended when a white person uses the n-word yet they use it all the time. Thats words not "accepted," but those who would be offended by it use it anyway. Political correctness has had a backwards affect on our society, as I see it. People despise political correctivity, so they go to lengths to purposely not be politically correct. Its just annoying.
KevinWan said:
A little off topic but I love how black people are offended when a white person uses the n-word yet they use it all the time. Thats words not "accepted," but those who would be offended by it use it anyway. Political correctness has had a backwards affect on our society, as I see it. People despise political correctivity, so they go to lengths to purposely not be politically correct. Its just annoying.

Don't be stupid. It's the same as when you grin when friends affectionately call you a dumb bastard, but you'd get angry if someone said it in a nasty way.

Personally, I love it when people whinge about political correctness, then have a hissy fit when people make jokes about Jesus, or the like. Oh, so it's fine to complain until you're the one getting insulted or offended.
What is in a word?
It is kinda hard to say
Some say "fag"
others say "gay"

Political correctness is a little hard to keep up with, although I do try not to offend. For example, the other day I was holding a door open for a woman, until I realized that the woman was kind of butch.

I reasoned that a butch woman was probably a lesbian\NOW type and would be offended by me holding the door open.

So I let it close it and it shut right before she got to the door. She gave me a glare. You just can't make some people happy.
ncallaway said:
He's saying that he believes you may well be a nazi. A white supremist. From some of the language in your posts, I'd tend to agree. So, in the words of teacher, of the massive brain,

Pretty plain english isn't it? Go for it.

I am a National Socialist.One glance at my user name should have given you all at least a tiny clue.
Yes National Socialist and proud of the fact!
wonder cow said:
What is in a word?
It is kinda hard to say
Some say "fag"
others say "gay"

Political correctness is a little hard to keep up with, although I do try not to offend. For example, the other day I was holding a door open for a woman, until I realized that the woman was kind of butch.

I reasoned that a butch woman was probably a lesbian\NOW type and would be offended by me holding the door open.

So I let it close it and it shut right before she got to the door. She gave me a glare. You just can't make some people happy.


That's downright rude. Shame on you. I've never known of or seen anyone tell someone off for doing the polite thing and hold a door open for them. Politeness isn't a matter of gender - women hold doors for men too, you know. Can you honestly say that being told off for that has ever happened to you? If it actually has, why is one rare, narky git enough to put you off treating everyone with sensible decency? I get rude customers during almost every shift at work, but I'm not so self-indulgent as to treat the rest disrespectfully because of it.

Secondly, assuming she's a lesbian because she's "kind of butch" - and therefore doesn't deserve to be treated with manners is bloody nasty. Kindly grow up and get over yourself.
Who, exactly has thrust this alien concept upon us? If it's alien, it must have come from outside. So where did it come from?

Multiculturalism has for millenia been the ultimate undoing of all Aryan civilisations.It often begins with the introduction of slavery which eventually results in pressures by the growing subjugated race for "equal rights".
With the granting of "equal rights" race-mixing and then miscegenation occurs.This has brought us to our current perilous situation.
No-one asked the various northern European nations if they were in favour of 1,000s and eventually 1,000,000s of aliens invading their countries.For 50 years this process has continued and never once was our consent given or even our opinions asked for-thanks to your precious "democracy".
Ultimately multiculturalism has been fostered and encouraged by the jew.History demonstrates this quite amply.

And who's to say who is an unwilling audience? I'm not unwilling. I think multiculturalism is a great thing.

You and people like you may be quite content to fornicate away your racial purity but remember one thing.Neither your decendants nor your ancestors will thank you.

Regardless of what I think of political correctness (I agree the term is a load of hogwash. It has been taken too far. However, the idea behind it [not being assholes towards each other] is well recieved by me), you won't swing me on your multiculturalism argument. Anyone else unwilling to "recieve" this multiculturalism?

EDIT: Sorry for the double-post by the way.[/QUOTE]

I repeat my initial argument.If you wish to dominate and control another human being the first step is to control their speach.I find it significant that certain language which was acceptable 20-30 years ago is now viewed as anathema by certain quarters.Society has changed:people are now afraid to say what they think and even to think their own thoughts.The race-mixing multicultural brain washers have done their jobs well.
I repeat my initial argument.If you wish to dominate and control another human being the first step is to control their speach.I find it significant that certain language which was acceptable 20-30 years ago is now viewed as anathema by certain quarters.Society has changed:people are now afraid to say what they think and even to think their own thoughts.The race-mixing multicultural brain washers have done their jobs well.

whether you like it or not, multiculturalism is inevitable. Don't you think multiculturalism occured during the fall of the Roman empire? During the invasion of turks? During the Hun/Mongol invasions of Eastern Europe/Russia? It happens all the time and will always happen. Now with a globalized world it is impossible to stop the share of ideas and culture.

Do you have any salt? Take one grain and read my post again, please.

Also, in regard to holding the door open, some ultra-feminist consider it condescending.
on multiculturalism

(cow scratching his head, wondering why he is bothering to make this futile post)

All modern cultures are a product of multiculturalism in the past.

It happens due to many different reasons including military conquest, trade, and migration.

I am not an expert on European history, but I wager that the various tribes of Ancient Europe did not consider themselves to be the same people. (They certainly don't today.)
wonder cow said:

Do you have any salt? Take one grain and read my post again, please.

Also, in regard to holding the door open, some ultra-feminist consider it condescending.

That didn't even make sense.
irony ( P ) Pronunciation Key (r-n, r-)
n. pl. i·ro·nies

(1) The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning.
(2) An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning.
(3) A literary style employing such contrasts for humorous or rhetorical effect. See Synonyms at wit1.

Take with a grain of salt:

Main Entry: grain of salt
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: skepticism, reservation
The point of humour is that it's actually funny. You're a rude bastard - get over it.
get over it
Get over what??????????????????????
I don't recall calling you any names.
As a matter of fact, I don't recall addressing you at all.
subtle ( P ) Pronunciation Key (stl)
(1) So slight as to be difficult to detect or describe; elusive: a subtle smile.
(2) Difficult to understand; abstruse: an argument whose subtle point was lost on her opponent.

But if you are that boring of a person that you can only understand straight forward dialogue, then allow me to translate my original post:

"Political correctness sometimes goes overboard. I think it is ok to open a door for a woman because it is just being polite. Although, some with extreme views consider it condescending. However, I do agree that we should not make assumptions about people based on their appearance or sex and we should try to be respectful to one another."

So, I hope that makes you happy. You liberal hippie militant feminist tree-hugging bra burning.... Oh, yea.... I mean, I hope that clears things up.
(Don't make me come in there.)
The conspiracy runs far too deep.

We are told we live in a "democracy" yet what have we, as people, as a race as aryans decided. The people of Western and Northern Europe were never asked whether or not multi-culturalism was acceptable. We have votes on EU consitutions but not on whether we want other races to be moved into our countries.

Is this democracy?

Liberals spout the same old rhetoric about us "living together" being "compassionate" and experiencing "other cultures." I say quite plainly, I don't wan to live together with other races, it destroys societies, I have no reason to be compassionate to anyone other than my race (empirical fact) and the experiences of "other cultures" has been one of destruction to the fabric in society and an implosion of my race. Look around you.

Political correctness is used as a tool of the liberals and jews to make working aryan people stupid and malicious by saying how they feel. If you speak to people on the streets, they do not want intergration, they want happiness, strength and unity among their people. Yet, when we say that we are called racists and are victimised. Why? Because it serves the agenda of those in control.

Does the history of National Socialism scare you? Maybe it does, but so what. The aryan race has the natural right to achieve what it wants to achieve and if we have to apologise for what we want, think or say then it proves beyond a doubt how hypocritical the liberals and jews are...or, how they use these concepts to control us?

Never trust a jew. Give them your finger and they will take your hand.
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