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Police-involved shooting in Wisconsin prompts violent protest: report (1 Viewer)


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Dec 9, 2009
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Houston, TX
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Police-involved shooting in Wisconsin prompts violent protest: report | Fox News

A police officer-involved shooting on Sunday of a Black man who was shot in the back set off violent protests in the lakefront city of Kenosha,Wis., that have lasted into the early hours Monday.

Many details of the shooting were not immediately clear, but the following unrest prompted the city to issue a curfew until 7 a.m. on Monday and police asked businesses to consider staying closed “due to numerous arm robberies and shots fired calls.”
Gov. Tony Evers, a Democrat, issued a statement late Sunday and said Jacob Blake was shot in broad daylight.

Add Kenosha to the Democratic Cities having violent protests as one more time we have liberals mayors watching their cities destroyed by rioting. Add this to the Democratic Cities of


Why is it liberal cities continue to have rioting, looting, destruction of personal property and no law and order. This is a crisis of city management. Lot of liberal state and cities seeing a surge in violence and yet the left ignores this reality and refuses to condemn it

House Dems vote against resolution condemns violence and rioting

Police-involved shooting in Wisconsin prompts violent protest: report | Fox News

Add Kenosha to the Democratic Cities having violent protests as one more time we have liberals mayors watching their cities destroyed by rioting. Add this to the Democratic Cities of


Why is it liberal cities continue to have rioting, looting, destruction of personal property and no law and order. This is a crisis of city management. Lot of liberal state and cities seeing a surge in violence and yet the left ignores this reality and refuses to condemn it

[/FONT]House Dems vote against resolution condemns violence and rioting


The democrats and their leftist allies are like spoiled children throwing a tantrum because they didn't get their way. Specifically, back in 2016.

Well...it sounds like this wasn't just some "spontaneous violent riot", but one caused by the police shooting someone in the back.

So step 1 may be that cops stop shooting people in the back.
Well...it sounds like this wasn't just some "spontaneous violent riot", but one caused by the police shooting someone in the back.

So step 1 may be that cops stop shooting people in the back.

The dude might have been reaching for a gun. Maybe he should have just complied with the police? Beats getting shot. Wouldn't you say?
The dude might have been reaching for a gun. Maybe he should have just complied with the police? Beats getting shot. Wouldn't you say?

The dude might have been doing all sorts of things. State probably shouldn't be able to just execute people on the streets for things they "might have done".
The dude might have been doing all sorts of things. State probably shouldn't be able to just execute people on the streets for things they "might have done".

People can't just ignore police instructions during an investigation, either.

Ignoring the cops, then reaching in his car like he did was ****ing stupid. Anyone with a brain knows better.
They shot him in the back. His three kids were in the car.

You get three guesses how those kids will think about cops growing up.

People can't just ignore police instructions during an investigation, either.

Ignoring the cops, then reaching in his car like he did was ****ing stupid. Anyone with a brain knows better.

It's remarkable how many infractions a black person can commit that always end up in "getting shot."

Your post is why "Black Lives Matter" is a thing.
Police-involved shooting in Wisconsin prompts violent protest: report | Fox News

Add Kenosha to the Democratic Cities having violent protests as one more time we have liberals mayors watching their cities destroyed by rioting. Add this to the Democratic Cities of


Why is it liberal cities continue to have rioting, looting, destruction of personal property and no law and order. This is a crisis of city management. Lot of liberal state and cities seeing a surge in violence and yet the left ignores this reality and refuses to condemn it

[/FONT]House Dems vote against resolution condemns violence and rioting


Have you guys tried not shooting unarmed people in the back?
People can't just ignore police instructions during an investigation, either.

Ignoring the cops, then reaching in his car like he did was ****ing stupid. Anyone with a brain knows better.

They committed murder. And hopefully they’re prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and go to jail for life, living in gen pop.
Police-involved shooting in Wisconsin prompts violent protest: report | Fox News

Add Kenosha to the Democratic Cities having violent protests as one more time we have liberals mayors watching their cities destroyed by rioting. Add this to the Democratic Cities of


Why is it liberal cities continue to have rioting, looting, destruction of personal property and no law and order. This is a crisis of city management. Lot of liberal state and cities seeing a surge in violence and yet the left ignores this reality and refuses to condemn it

[/FONT]House Dems vote against resolution condemns violence and rioting


Trump voters: “See all this carnage and mayham happening RIGHT NOW IN CITIES ACROSS AMERICA?!! Well that’s what’s totally gonna happen if Biden gets elected! But MORE OF IT!”
They shot him in the back. His three kids were in the car.

You get three guesses how those kids will think about cops growing up.

It's remarkable how many infractions a black person can commit that always end up in "getting shot."

Your post is why "Black Lives Matter" is a thing.

Correct me if i'm wrong but he wasn't even under arrest right or involved with the incident? I read he stopped to help break it up.
Correct me if i'm wrong but he wasn't even under arrest right or involved with the incident? I read he stopped to help break it up.

But he did that while being publicly black, so they had to shoot him 7 times in the back.
Well...it sounds like this wasn't just some "spontaneous violent riot", but one caused by the police shooting someone in the back.

So step 1 may be that cops stop shooting people in the back.

Actually, step one should be for moronic libs to wait for more information before jumping to conclusions. You realize it entirely possible to be justifiably shot in the back, right?
Police-involved shooting in Wisconsin prompts violent protest: report | Fox News

Add Kenosha to the Democratic Cities having violent protests as one more time we have liberals mayors watching their cities destroyed by rioting. Add this to the Democratic Cities of


Why is it liberal cities continue to have rioting, looting, destruction of personal property and no law and order. This is a crisis of city management. Lot of liberal state and cities seeing a surge in violence and yet the left ignores this reality and refuses to condemn it

[/FONT]House Dems vote against resolution condemns violence and rioting


The violent protests in America will only stop when police stop using black Americans for target practice and stop killing them with modern day lynchings. Simple as that!

"Blake was helping to deescalate a domestic incident when police drew their weapons and tasered him. As he was walking away to check on his children, police fired their weapons several times into his back at point blank range. Blake’s three sons were only a few feet away and witnessed police shoot their father," the statement said.

"We all watched the horrific video of Jacob Blake being shot in the back several times by Kenosha police. Even worse, his three sons witnessed their father collapse after being riddled with bullets. Their irresponsible, reckless, and inhumane actions nearly cost the life of a man who was simply trying to do the right thing by intervening in a domestic incident. It’s a miracle he’s still alive," Crump said.

Raysean White, 22, who filmed the video, told NBC News that the incident first caught his attention when he heard a group of women arguing across the street from his apartment.

"Then the guy that got shot showed up," White said. "He pulled up in his truck, got out his truck, seen him walk up. His son was running towards him. He was picking up his son. He told his son to get in the grey truck, we about to go."

Video shows police in Kenosha, Wisconsin, shooting Black man in back
Trump voters: “See all this carnage and mayham happening RIGHT NOW IN CITIES ACROSS AMERICA?!! Well that’s what’s totally gonna happen if Biden gets elected! But MORE OF IT!”

Right, those cities listed are definitely Trump cities, ROFLMAO. Why is it the left is so angry and for those of you who are now concerned about the supposed Trump deficits are you willing to have federal dollars used to rebuild those cities ravaged by rioting? Having Biden in office benefits you how?
Actually, step one should be for moronic libs to wait for more information before jumping to conclusions. You realize it entirely possible to be justifiably shot in the back, right?

You do realize that we're in middle of racial turmoil over police shootings and violence, and that additional police violence is likely not to help things out. Apparently the man's 3 kids were in the car.

Can't just be running around thinking that it's 1990 when it's 2020. We'll see what information comes out, but this isn't spontaneous rioting, as the OP would have us believe, it was a response to yet another police shooting in an environment where there has been sustained protests against police shootings.
The violent protests in America will only stop when police stop using black Americans for target practice and stop killing them with modern day lynchings. Simple as that!

Video shows police in Kenosha, Wisconsin, shooting Black man in back

Florida sheriff says he'll deputize lawful gun owners if deputies can't handle all the protesters - YouTube

It is always someone else's fault isn't it especially the police, Trump, and never the responsibility of the mayor or the governor!
Maybe the kids in the car learned a valuable lesson.Act like a criminal and you will be treated like one.
Police-involved shooting in Wisconsin prompts violent protest: report | Fox News

Add Kenosha to the Democratic Cities having violent protests as one more time we have liberals mayors watching their cities destroyed by rioting. Add this to the Democratic Cities of


Why is it liberal cities continue to have rioting, looting, destruction of personal property and no law and order. This is a crisis of city management. Lot of liberal state and cities seeing a surge in violence and yet the left ignores this reality and refuses to condemn it

[/FONT]House Dems vote against resolution condemns violence and rioting


Trumps America.
Remember when the protests were as peaceful as a protest could possibly be, black guys taking a knee and bowing their heads, what Trumps reaction was? Well, he maybe shoulda done it different then. This is what you get.
Police-involved shooting in Wisconsin prompts violent protest: report | Fox News

Add Kenosha to the Democratic Cities having violent protests as one more time we have liberals mayors watching their cities destroyed by rioting. Add this to the Democratic Cities of


Why is it liberal cities continue to have rioting, looting, destruction of personal property and no law and order. This is a crisis of city management. Lot of liberal state and cities seeing a surge in violence and yet the left ignores this reality and refuses to condemn it

[/FONT]House Dems vote against resolution condemns violence and rioting


I'm calling it a good shoot. He could have been going for a gun in the car. Ignoring police commands to boot

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