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Picture from Auschwitz show Nazis did not kill Jews (1 Viewer)

Well, we could scientifically prove it one way or another, but no one is allowed to do that.
You were posting away here as if you had normal views. No one remembered you. You are a Nazi. Your views had been shared in previous threads. I know Nazism when I encounter it.
Well, we could scientifically prove it one way or another, but no one is allowed to do that.
See the links I posted to the Yad Vashem site. Here, I'll help you. Here is the first one again:

People have been allowed to prove all their claims about the Holocaust. Go to the museum in Israel.
It is shaky because the liars lied and now their lies are coming back to haunt them and they're suffering from extreme angst.

The thing about "Holocaust" is it means different things to different people, so I always ask for them define it in no uncertain terms and the not-so-odd thing is none of them ever do. They simply runaway and avoid, deflect, or flounce.

Two decades later I learn that 4 Million could not have died at Auschwitz, because there were never more than 4 Million there during its existence, and now the number is "officially" 1 Million something.

The idea that Auschwitz was a death camp is preposterous
. Read about Anne Frank. Her and her father hiding out in the Netherlands are caught and put on a train to Auschwitz. When the train arrives, a typhus plague is sweeping the camp so to save Anne Frank's life she's put on a train to Bergen-Belsen.

And her father? He sustained a foot injury (either a laceration or puncture wound) and is not sent to the camp, instead he's put in hospital and given penicillin to stop the infection from killing him. even though penicillin is in short supply and desperately needed by German civilians and soldiers, not to mention Allied POWs entitled to medical treatment under treaties.

Anne Frank died a while after arriving at Bergen-Belsen when a typhus plague swept through the camp but her father survived Auschwitz.

Ramped up Allied bombing destroyed sewers, storm-water run-off systems, waste water treatment plants, and water treatment plants and that's what allowed cholera, dysentery, and typhus to run rampant.

Cremation is the only way to kill typhus. When Cincinnati had a typhus plague in the 19-teens, they'd stack the dead like cord-wood in the streets, douse the bodies with diesel and burn them. That's how it has to be done otherwise typhus gets into the ground water or up on the surface and gets airborne.

Gassing people and cremating them is just the hysterical rantings of frightened Judenpolizei, the race-traitor Jewish police lording over their brothers and sisters for better living conditions. The war's over and now they're outcast and cut-off from everything they know unless they can come up with a really good excuse to deflect.
In the post above I have highlighted some of the outrageous lies just posted in this thread by@Mircea. I just hope that there are enough educated people on DP to know how truly outrageous his lies are, how stupendous they are. They are not even within the realm of acceptability by anyone who would hold himself out as a legitimate scholar.

Mircea starts out by saying that people who described the Holocaust "lied and now their lies are coming back to haunt them". The victims lied? The Jews lied about being murdered and are now being shamed by the Nazis for lying? I think not. I think only in Nazi circles, to which Mircea must belong.

If the Germans only burned bodies killed by typhus and stacked like cords of wood at Auschwitz why were there gas chambers there? Why were there crematoria? Why was there ZyklonB? (In one thread Mircea claimed it wasn't used used, but it was.)* The idea that a Jewish prisoner, Otto Frank was given anttibiotics needed by German soldiers is a fairy tale made only for young children to believe.

It is all sickening Nazi propaganda.

*Use of Zyklon B:
It is shaky because the liars lied and now their lies are coming back to haunt them and they're suffering from extreme angst.

The thing about "Holocaust" is it means different things to different people, so I always ask for them define it in no uncertain terms and the not-so-odd thing is none of them ever do. They simply runaway and avoid, deflect, or flounce.

Did the Germans round up Jews and put them in camps? Absolutely they did.

Did the Germans round up Jews and murder them? Absolutely they did. The best book you can ever read on the subject is Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101.

Reserve Police Battalion 101 was made up of police officers from the city-State of Hamburg and surrounding area, and like all reserve police battalions, these were men too old to be drafted but still young enough to serve. These reserve police battalions were sent to the Eastern Pale or Eastern Territory (whichever you prefer) in Poland and parts of Belarus. They went from village-to-village rounding up Jews and shooting them.

We know that because there were eye-witnesses, Poles, who either saw the mass shootings (now you know why certain acts of violence in the US are labeled as "mass shootings") or buried the bodies under German orders, and then the survivors of these police battalions also admitted it, and then we have the reports filed by the company commanders and battalion commanders detailing the number of Jews murdered in those villages, and with break-downs of the number of men, women, and children.

So, it did happen. But the real story is why those men who had wives and children did those things and if you don't believe it could never happen again, you're wrong, because it certainly could.

When I was in high school, we were forced to accept without question that 6 Million Jews died and 4 Million were at Auschwitz and 2 Million in the East at Sobibor, Treblinka, and Chelmno.

Two decades later I learn that 4 Million could not have died at Auschwitz, because there were never more than 4 Million there during its existence, and now the number is "officially" 1 Million something.

The idea that Auschwitz was a death camp is preposterous. Read about Anne Frank. Her and her father hiding out in the Netherlands are caught and put on a train to Auschwitz. When the train arrives, a typhus plague is sweeping the camp so to save Anne Frank's life she's put on a train to Bergen-Belsen.

And her father? He sustained a foot injury (either a laceration or puncture wound) and is not sent to the camp, instead he's put in hospital and given penicillin to stop the infection from killing him. even though penicillin is in short supply and desperately needed by German civilians and soldiers, not to mention Allied POWs entitled to medical treatment under treaties.

Anne Frank died a while after arriving at Bergen-Belsen when a typhus plague swept through the camp but her father survived Auschwitz.

Ramped up Allied bombing destroyed sewers, storm-water run-off systems, waste water treatment plants, and water treatment plants and that's what allowed cholera, dysentery, and typhus to run rampant.

Cremation is the only way to kill typhus. When Cincinnati had a typhus plague in the 19-teens, they'd stack the dead like cord-wood in the streets, douse the bodies with diesel and burn them. That's how it has to be done otherwise typhus gets into the ground water or up on the surface and gets airborne.

Gassing people and cremating them is just the hysterical rantings of frightened Judenpolizei, the race-traitor Jewish police lording over their brothers and sisters for better living conditions. The war's over and now they're outcast and cut-off from everything they know unless they can come up with a really good excuse to deflect.
Well, I did NAZI this coming.
In the post above I have highlighted some of the outrageous lies just posted in this thread by@Mircea. I just hope that there are enough educated people on DP to know how truly outrageous his lies are, how stupendous they are. They are not even within the realm of acceptability by anyone who would hold himself out as a legitimate scholar.

Mircea starts out by saying that people who described the Holocaust "lied and now their lies are coming back to haunt them". The victims lied? The Jews lied about being murdered and are now being shamed by the Nazis for lying? I think not. I think only in Nazi circles, to which Mircea must belong.

If the Germans only burned bodies killed by typhus and stacked like cords of wood at Auschwitz why were there gas chambers there? Why were there crematoria? Why was there ZyklonB? (In one thread Mircea claimed it wasn't used used, but it was.)* The idea that a Jewish prisoner, Otto Frank was given anttibiotics needed by German soldiers is a fairy tale made only for young children to believe.

It is all sickening Nazi propaganda.

*Use of Zyklon B:
I love you, @NewfieMom .
I won't say "thank you", @Hamish Howl. I will just say that I already knew you were a smart man and not afraid to speak up about anything. It did not surprise me that you were not a stupid dolt about Nazi atrocities during World War II or that you were unafraid to post about the topic. I guess I am saying that I have liked and respected you for a long time now.
in germany he would be no winner, but breaking the law
I am glad that Germany instituted the laws against the support of Nazism amongst its citizenry which it did after World War II. There is no need for free speech by Nazis who want to commit violence against minorities and take over the State.
I am glad that Germany instituted the laws against the support of Nazism amongst its citizenry which it did after World War II. There is no need for free speech by Nazis who want to commit violence against minorities and take over the State.

Hate speech and publicly denying documented genocide should be crimes.
It is shaky because the liars lied and now their lies are coming back to haunt them and they're suffering from extreme angst.

The thing about "Holocaust" is it means different things to different people, so I always ask for them define it in no uncertain terms and the not-so-odd thing is none of them ever do. They simply runaway and avoid, deflect, or flounce.

Did the Germans round up Jews and put them in camps? Absolutely they did.

Did the Germans round up Jews and murder them? Absolutely they did. The best book you can ever read on the subject is Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101.

Reserve Police Battalion 101 was made up of police officers from the city-State of Hamburg and surrounding area, and like all reserve police battalions, these were men too old to be drafted but still young enough to serve. These reserve police battalions were sent to the Eastern Pale or Eastern Territory (whichever you prefer) in Poland and parts of Belarus. They went from village-to-village rounding up Jews and shooting them.

We know that because there were eye-witnesses, Poles, who either saw the mass shootings (now you know why certain acts of violence in the US are labeled as "mass shootings") or buried the bodies under German orders, and then the survivors of these police battalions also admitted it, and then we have the reports filed by the company commanders and battalion commanders detailing the number of Jews murdered in those villages, and with break-downs of the number of men, women, and children.

So, it did happen. But the real story is why those men who had wives and children did those things and if you don't believe it could never happen again, you're wrong, because it certainly could.

When I was in high school, we were forced to accept without question that 6 Million Jews died and 4 Million were at Auschwitz and 2 Million in the East at Sobibor, Treblinka, and Chelmno.

Two decades later I learn that 4 Million could not have died at Auschwitz, because there were never more than 4 Million there during its existence, and now the number is "officially" 1 Million something.

The idea that Auschwitz was a death camp is preposterous. Read about Anne Frank. Her and her father hiding out in the Netherlands are caught and put on a train to Auschwitz. When the train arrives, a typhus plague is sweeping the camp so to save Anne Frank's life she's put on a train to Bergen-Belsen.

And her father? He sustained a foot injury (either a laceration or puncture wound) and is not sent to the camp, instead he's put in hospital and given penicillin to stop the infection from killing him. even though penicillin is in short supply and desperately needed by German civilians and soldiers, not to mention Allied POWs entitled to medical treatment under treaties.

Anne Frank died a while after arriving at Bergen-Belsen when a typhus plague swept through the camp but her father survived Auschwitz.

Ramped up Allied bombing destroyed sewers, storm-water run-off systems, waste water treatment plants, and water treatment plants and that's what allowed cholera, dysentery, and typhus to run rampant.

Cremation is the only way to kill typhus. When Cincinnati had a typhus plague in the 19-teens, they'd stack the dead like cord-wood in the streets, douse the bodies with diesel and burn them. That's how it has to be done otherwise typhus gets into the ground water or up on the surface and gets airborne.

Gassing people and cremating them is just the hysterical rantings of frightened Judenpolizei, the race-traitor Jewish police lording over their brothers and sisters for better living conditions. The war's over and now they're outcast and cut-off from everything they know unless they can come up with a really good excuse to deflect.

Oh wow, another outright Holocaust denier.

Trying to blame the Allies for the death toll at Auschwitz and other death camps is ludicrous especially because we have literal tons of German documents extensively detailing the mass murder campaign.
Devorah Dwork is a respected historian. Children With A Star, another book she wrote, is critically acclaimed. This book about Auschwitz is considered to have shed light on the entire history of the place the camp was located as well as how it was constructed.

This well know photo is of SS guards not Jewish prisoners. How can you not know this?
This entire thread is disgusting. I do understand why we are relitigating what has been extensively proven and with eyewitnesses; that the Nazis attempted to exterminate an entire people. The Nazis and other Jew-haters made a mistake: to quote one judge, "the operative principle (is) that one who swats at the hornet had best kill it." In re Kidwell, 158 B.R. 203, 213 (Bankr. E.D. Cal. 1993). The Nazis aimed for a "final solution" to the "Jewish problem" where the Jews would exist only as museum exhibits. Most of the world was OK with that providing that the Jew-hunting did not extend to the conquest of certain other countries. The Nazis went way too far, and illustrated the "hornet" principle.
You were posting away here as if you had normal views. No one remembered you. You are a Nazi. Your views had been shared in previous threads. I know Nazism when I encounter it.
No, you don't, but thanks for proving my point.
Okay, then show us the data.

Feel free to read the numerous books on the subject. There were literally tons of documents used in the prosecution of the Nazis responsible for the genocide.


There were confessions aplenty. Many were still proud of their atrocities.

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