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Picture from Auschwitz show Nazis did not kill Jews (1 Viewer)

how do you know who killed the Wagner guy? i will wait for some facts to come out.
How will you get facts out of Russia?

Put your money on Putin.

Who is trying to rewrite history?

This is a sickness.
"Holocaust"...LOL, every continent lost MILLIONS of people during WWII. The soviets lost 30 million or so. And you never hear them whining about the "holocaust".

Theres a lesson there imo. :unsure:
The Russian Govt. has never cared how many Russians die. The will likely lose 500,000 in the foolish war in Ukraine and they don't bat an eye. Less mouths to feed = more money for the oligarchs.
I will bring anyone i like into it when you have the brass balls to say i am insulting them,how do you know who killed the Wagner guy? i will wait for some facts to come out.
I couldnt care less who merc’d the guy. Nothing of value was lost.
Stories about Nazi atrocities overblown? Surely most of them played no role in murdering Jews. And here at a supposed "death camp" they are having a good time. Seems shaky.

This picture doesn't prove anything.

Please tell me you post this as a joke.
The Russian Govt. has never cared how many Russians die. The will likely lose 500,000 in the foolish war in Ukraine and they don't bat an eye. Less mouths to feed = more money for the oligarchs.
Once again you confuse Russia with the criminal Kiev Regime, they have sent thousands of kids and old men into the meat grinder to die for Nato and loco Joe Biden, they were ranting yesterday about a raid on Crimea, well they put a flag on a derelict building fired some shots in the air then were chased away by a Russian tourist with a rifle LOL!! lesson is don't try and ruin a Russians holiday he has worked hard for all year. :ROFLMAO:
This doesn't mean anything, honestly.

History is replete with folks using tactics, weapons, equipment and other technologies against their enemies or for their own uses outside of war.

Sorry, you don't have a "gotcha" moment here.
Wasn't a gotcha moment, I just can't stomach all the affection for rolling death traps made in Wolfsburg, plus it's evidence that fascist cars are as awful as communist cars, only I guess they are more romanticized by people who can't drive worth a damn. 😆

The Wansee Cinference says otherwise

As does Himmlers own words at the Posen meeting.

The OP needs to learn some REAL history, not BS from some historical revisionist hell bent on portraying the Nazis anything other than what they were.
The OP needs to learn some REAL history, not BS from some historical revisionist hell bent on portraying the Nazis anything other than what they were.
The OP was writing satire.

It was just after Tucker came out with his videos of people standing around on J6... to prove that the insurrection wasn't violent.
The OP was writing satire.

It was just after Tucker came out with his videos of people standing around on J6... to prove that the insurrection wasn't violent.
It was violent

Capital Police beaten, tazed, and crushed.

For 180 minutes the US Chief Law Enforcement Officer watched from the WH and did nothing

Defend that Righties

It was violent

Capital Police beaten, tazed, and crushed.

For 180 minutes the US Chief Law Enforcement Officer watched from the WH and did nothing

Defend that Righties

Yeah, but Tucker seems to think that Ted Bundy was not violent. After all, there are photos of him just standing there and smiling sometimes.

(We're ridiculing Tucker's view of the world.)
Yeah, but Tucker seems to think that Ted Bundy was not violent. After all, there are photos of him just standing there and smiling sometimes.

(We're ridiculing Tucker's view of the world.)
It's not the party I voted for in 84.

Reagan, Goldwater, and Dole would roll in their graves
This picture doesn't prove anything.

Please tell me you post this as a joke.

This thread is in response to the argument that the 1/6 insurrection was peaceful because photos showed some peacefulness.
It's not the party I voted for in 84.

Reagan, Goldwater, and Dole would roll in their graves
Yeah, I used to vote Republican sometimes.

Never again. Not until they cleanse themselves and apologize to the nation.
Yeah, I used to vote Republican sometimes.

Never again. Not until they cleanse themselves and apologize to the nation.
The GOP candidate who spoke the truth in Wednesday's debate got jeered, Christie.

The only candidate I would THINK of voting for.

The base is brainwashed, it a cult.
Right. Let's into a friendly discussion over whether the Nazis actually led a conspiracy to kill millions of Jews (along with others) during the first half of the 1940s. Can't think of a better way to waste one's time.
Yeah, lets not care that millions of people died a horrible death.
This thread is in response to the argument that the 1/6 insurrection was peaceful because photos showed some peacefulness.
Not a hill to die on. You can make a point without using the death of millions. Not cool, not cool at all.
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Yeah, lets not care that millions of people died a horrible death.
And what does 'caring' about 6 million Jews and other exterminated by the Nazis really get you?
We'll be in Dachau for the second time at the end of September.
The Holocaust is of historical significance and a reminder that dictators who have total control will find ways to eliminate their opposition, like Putin does now.

Should I care about anything else?
And what does 'caring' about 6 million Jews and other exterminated by the Nazis really get you?
We'll be in Dachau for the second time at the end of September.
The Holocaust is of historical significance and a reminder that dictators who have total control will find ways to eliminate their opposition, like Putin does now.

Should I care about anything else?
Learning from history is good. Letting a tyrant gain more power is not.

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