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Papa John's CEO: Obamacare likely to raise costs, employee's hours being cut [W:387] (1 Viewer)

Re: Papa John's CEO: Obamacare likely to raise costs, employee's hours being cut [W:3

Then you would have no problem with spending limits on political campaigns;at state level and national?

Obama has a problem with that, or have you forgotten?

Barack Obama rejected public funding for the fall presidential campaign yesterday, a dramatic blow to 1970s good-government reform that has been overwhelmed by an explosion of private money.

In a shift, Obama rejects public funding - The Boston Globe
Re: Papa John's CEO: Obamacare likely to raise costs, employee's hours being cut [W:3

Then you would have no problem with spending limits on political campaigns;at state level and national?

"It's a trap!"

I see points in both limited and unlimited. My problem? Government is always going to be run by the highest bidder. Both sides trying to "claim the moral high ground" is silly. Both Republican and Democrat are slimy and dirty people covered in dirty cash. I don't trust government.
Re: Papa John's CEO: Obamacare likely to raise costs, employee's hours being cut [W:3

Obama has a problem with that, or have you forgotten?

Where in the post that you quoted was Obamas name mentioned?
Re: Papa John's CEO: Obamacare likely to raise costs, employee's hours being cut [W:3

"It's a trap!"

I see points in both limited and unlimited. My problem? Government is always going to be run by the highest bidder. Both sides trying to "claim the moral high ground" is silly. Both Republican and Democrat are slimy and dirty people covered in dirty cash. I don't trust government.

What you say is true.both sides,/whomever decides to run, would face the same restrictions.Even self funded runs for political office.GET the damn money out of campaigns.:(
Re: Papa John's CEO: Obamacare likely to raise costs, employee's hours being cut [W:3

About the time the sun expands into a red giant and obliterated the planet.
Actually they would still just say that it only appears larger, and it's just a natural coarse of climate change when the temperature reached 100 degrees on the north pole, and that it's the democrats fault.
Re: Papa John's CEO: Obamacare likely to raise costs, employee's hours being cut [W:3

What you say is true.both sides,/whomever decides to run, would face the same restrictions.Even self funded runs for political office.GET the damn money out of campaigns.:(

You do understand that will never happen? It has always happened and always will be a part of politics. Money makes the world go round.
Re: Papa John's CEO: Obamacare likely to raise costs, employee's hours being cut [W:3

You do understand that will never happen? It has always happened and always will be a part of politics. Money makes the world go round.

You're probably right but i also have a week old powerball ticket in the waste basket four feet from my monitor.Wanna buy it?:mrgreen:
Re: Papa John's CEO: Obamacare likely to raise costs, employee's hours being cut [W:3

I just don't want you to go all "It's the corporations meyannn (dirty hippy accent)" on us. Your post was talking about politicians making money off of big buisness. I want you to keep in mind that money is made by ALL parties...and that Unions and Special Interest groups provide a huge flow of cash to politicians as well. Not just those "evil corporations."

Never called a corporation evil, though I would say I don't see them putting the good of people over the bottom line.

and while unions do contribute, have you even heard j, or TD, or any of the. Usual suspects ever complain about the problem with corporate money? Just union money. The worker is a moocher. The corporation?
Re: Papa John's CEO: Obamacare likely to raise costs, employee's hours being cut [W:3

Never called a corporation evil, though I would say I don't see them putting the good of people over the bottom line.

and while unions do contribute, have you even heard j, or TD, or any of the. Usual suspects ever complain about the problem with corporate money? Just union money. The worker is a moocher. The corporation?

Business' are not in business for the good of the people, they are in business to make money. Granted there are some dirty underhanded companies out there...they need to be gone...thats where YOUR pocket book comes into play, not government regulation.

Lately it is the Unions that are the highest contributors to campaigns...
Top All-Time Donors, 1989-2012 | OpenSecrets - Top All-Time Donors, 1989-2012

1. ActBlue*
2. American Fedn of State, County & Municipal Employees
4. National Education Assn
5. Service Employees International Union
8. Carpenters & Joiners Union
10. American Federation of Teachers
11. United Auto Workers
12. Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
13. Laborers Union
14. Communications Workers of America
15. Teamsters Union
16. United Food & Commercial Workers Union

12 of the top 16 campaign donors from 1989 to 2012 are unions. Unions are pouring more money into elections than private companies or corporations. 1 is classified as a PAC.

* ActBlue has only been around since 2004 - 8 years after this list started, but are the highest campaign bundler of the past 23 years...they are classified as a PAC, but they are a Democrat only contributor. ActBlue: Summary | OpenSecrets
Re: Papa John's CEO: Obamacare likely to raise costs, employee's hours being cut [W:3

Never called a corporation evil, though I would say I don't see them putting the good of people over the bottom line.

and while unions do contribute, have you even heard j, or TD, or any of the. Usual suspects ever complain about the problem with corporate money? Just union money. The worker is a moocher. The corporation?

The WORKER isn't the moocher Boo. The MOOCHER is the crappy worker that is protected by the unions. Sadly I have seen this several times. Crappy workers all for unions because they don't get protected because of the quality of their shoddy work. I have seen this in Teachers' Union here in my area (we have TERRIBLE educators who can barely pronounce letters of the alphabet) and then mail carriers. My own aunt was a union rep and she was an ATTROCIOUS worker. No work ethic moocher. Of course she screams for unions because she has 0 work ethic and 0 marketable skills without a union.

Don't mistake all that as "anti-union" talk. They served a purpose, but they need to shape up. Cut your crap workers and watch the money fall from the sky.
Re: Papa John's CEO: Obamacare likely to raise costs, employee's hours being cut [W:3

Where in the post that you quoted was Obamas name mentioned?

Are you serious? Was Obama in charge of his campaign?
Re: Papa John's CEO: Obamacare likely to raise costs, employee's hours being cut [W:3

Never called a corporation evil, though I would say I don't see them putting the good of people over the bottom line.

and while unions do contribute, have you even heard j, or TD, or any of the. Usual suspects ever complain about the problem with corporate money? Just union money. The worker is a moocher. The corporation?

Why you would use your response to another poster to by name attack me in such a dishonest way is beyond belief. However, since you have opened that door, and attributed things to me that I don't think you can back up, I implore you post for us any of my quotes where I call "the Worker, a moocher", or where I have said that "corporate money is not a problem, but union money is".... In fact, the only time where I even would come close in my opinion would be when someone like you wants to endlessly bash Conservative Corporations for donating to republicans, but then ignore totally the union's involvement in donating to demo candidates. So, I think you need to show us where I said any of the things you so dishonestly say here, or retract it and apologize.
Re: Papa John's CEO: Obamacare likely to raise costs, employee's hours being cut [W:3

Are you serious? Was Obama in charge of his campaign?

Lets set this up so...just maybe you can get a handle on it.

In post#424. I quoted stonwalls post, which was ...“


I just don't want you to go all "It's the corporations meyannn (dirty hippy accent)" on us. Your post was talking about politicians making money off of big buisness. I want you to keep in mind that money is made by ALL parties...and that Unions and Special Interest groups provide a huge flow of cash to politicians as well. Not just those "evil corporations." “ ..

in post #425. I quoted stonwalls post, with this post...

”Then you would have no problem with spending limits on political campaigns;at state level and national? “

to which you quoted the above in post #426, with …


”Obama has a problem with that, or have you forgotten?”

now you come back in a dialogue, which stonwall and I were discussing spending limits, in a presidential campaignthat has spent $2 billion so far,with this statement in post post# 436.


“Are you serious? Was Obama in charge of his campaign? “

Now that you have the post lined up,tell me how any of your post makes any sense.is it some lameass,primal desire to answer a post? to...i guess-post padding?WHO KNOWS? let me know, i wont bother to answer any of your post.I,ll just let you go on your post padden merry way . Have a good day.:peace
Re: Papa John's CEO: Obamacare likely to raise costs, employee's hours being cut [W:3

Lets set this up so...just maybe you can get a handle on it.

Hold on right there, just stop with the over the top arrogance. I am aware what the discussion was, and is. You made the proposition that finance reform in elections is needed to stem the amounts of money from special interests controlling the elections. I am not totally opposed to that line of thinking if it were to address both sides of the isle equally.

But, we have tried different methods of campaign finance, remember the tax form box check for a dollar? That didn't work. Then we had McCain Feingold which proved to be a limit on speech....And I pointed out that although you wanted to talk a big game of campaign finance, you want to come at it seemingly from a position where you are not aware, or genuinely dishonest about your own candidates end run around finance laws in '08 to gain the office in the first place....So, in short it was kind of a "splinter in my eye, while ignoring the tree in your own" kind of thing. So save your Alinsky style ad hom's and debate like an honest broker, or I have no time for you.
Re: Papa John's CEO: Obamacare likely to raise costs, employee's hours being cut [W:3

Hold on right there, just stop with the over the top arrogance. I am aware what the discussion was, and is. You made the proposition that finance reform in elections is needed to stem the amounts of money from special interests controlling the elections. I am not totally opposed to that line of thinking if it were to address both sides of the isle equally.

But, we have tried different methods of campaign finance, remember the tax form box check for a dollar? That didn't work. Then we had McCain Feingold which proved to be a limit on speech....And I pointed out that although you wanted to talk a big game of campaign finance, you want to come at it seemingly from a position where you are not aware, or genuinely dishonest about your own candidates end run around finance laws in '08 to gain the office in the first place....So, in short it was kind of a "splinter in my eye, while ignoring the tree in your own" kind of thing. So save your Alinsky style ad hom's and debate like an honest broker, or I have no time for you.

Where in the above dialog do come up with this scenario ?

"you want to come at it seemingly from a position where you are not aware,

or genuinely dishonest about your own candidates end run around finance laws in '08 to gain the office in the first place....So, in short it was kind of a "splinter in my eye, while ignoring the tree in your own" kind of thing.

It sounds to me that your trying to derail for some lameass reason.:2wave:
Re: Papa John's CEO: Obamacare likely to raise costs, employee's hours being cut [W:3

Where in the above dialog do come up with this scenario ?

"you want to come at it seemingly from a position where you are not aware,

or genuinely dishonest about your own candidates end run around finance laws in '08 to gain the office in the first place....So, in short it was kind of a "splinter in my eye, while ignoring the tree in your own" kind of thing.

It sounds to me that your trying to derail for some lameass reason.:2wave:

to use a probable hero of yours Barney Frank responding to a constituent that was attempting to hold his feet to the fire in a town hall, "arguing with you sir, is like arguing with a dining room table, I have no interest in doing it."
Re: Papa John's CEO: Obamacare likely to raise costs, employee's hours being cut [W:3

Did I miss the post where the CEO has backed away from his 14 cent or under 30 hours panty bundle? Seems John now says the quotes were out of context and he will continue honoring the laws of this nation. He won't be cutting hours and will provide Obamacare.

So too that Florida Denny's franchise owner, Metz, will not cut hours or add a surcharge. His Chain's CEO publicly expressed his disappointment in the surcharge/hours pout by Metz.

Amazing what stopping to breathe will do for you... :peace
Re: Papa John's CEO: Obamacare likely to raise costs, employee's hours being cut [W:3

The WORKER isn't the moocher Boo. The MOOCHER is the crappy worker that is protected by the unions. Sadly I have seen this several times. Crappy workers all for unions because they don't get protected because of the quality of their shoddy work. I have seen this in Teachers' Union here in my area (we have TERRIBLE educators who can barely pronounce letters of the alphabet) and then mail carriers. My own aunt was a union rep and she was an ATTROCIOUS worker. No work ethic moocher. Of course she screams for unions because she has 0 work ethic and 0 marketable skills without a union.

Don't mistake all that as "anti-union" talk. They served a purpose, but they need to shape up. Cut your crap workers and watch the money fall from the sky.

Most of those in unions work, like all other workers. And like laws protect the innocent, so too do unions. A crappy worker mst certainly can be fired. But you have prove they really are crappy workers, and not just a supervisor with an bad attitude.
Last edited:
Re: Papa John's CEO: Obamacare likely to raise costs, employee's hours being cut [W:3

Obama's Vagina Monologues and idiots who fear Creationists trumped Common Sense.

1992: It's the economy Stupid.
2012: What's an economy? 8% Unemployment... Koooool.... Hey! Where's my free sheet man? Where's Para-sita-claus?

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Next time elect a leader who
can implement the system.

:lamoOh this is good. Papa johns not giving raises. As if 10 cents is considered a raise. :lamo A laughable thread at best.
Re: Papa John's CEO: Obamacare likely to raise costs, employee's hours being cut [W:3

to use a probable hero of yours Barney Frank responding to a constituent that was attempting to hold his feet to the fire in a town hall, "arguing with you sir, is like arguing with a dining room table, I have no interest in doing it."

When you like a quote from other sites, you might wish to do a bit of the Google before posting, particularly when the bit you like is nonsense

Re: Papa John's CEO: Obamacare likely to raise costs, employee's hours being cut [W:3

When you like a quote from other sites, you might wish to do a bit of the Google before posting, particularly when the bit you like is nonsense

I was giving j-mac a graceful exit from his fail bucket and here you revive the thread.:(
Re: Papa John's CEO: Obamacare likely to raise costs, employee's hours being cut [W:3

When you like a quote from other sites, you might wish to do a bit of the Google before posting, particularly when the bit you like is nonsense

Barney was kinder than I would be to such absolute nonsense.
Re: Papa John's CEO: Obamacare likely to raise costs, employee's hours being cut [W:3

Im late on this but according to CNN the cost increase per pizza would have been 15 cents. Thats a real deall breaker for a guy with a private lake and golf course. Hes just playing the game cause hes a sore looser.

WAHHH I didn't get my way. I'll show you boy.

That all depends on how much he's making per pizza.

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