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Palin dismisses Geithner warnings about debt ceiling (1 Viewer)

Rcart... here is a simple comparison. If you are maxed out on your credit cards, have a mortgage and car payments, and are spending more than you earn, see what happens when you walk into a bank and ask to increase your credit limits and loan amounts. Which one will cause you to leave the bank faster, the security escort, or the humiliation of being laughed out of the bank?

And Sarah Palin is hardly the only politician who believes raising the debt ceiling is a bad idea. You're just trying to get in another quick Sarah Palin bash.
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Palin dismisses Geithner warnings about debt ceiling - Yahoo! News

What the hell is wrong with this chick !!!!! Every economist will tell that the debt ceiling deadline shouldn't be f*** with. Is this who the tea party wants to be president????

If you just keep raising the debt ceiling Obama will not stop spending. It would take months to become a problem

The bigger question is what is wrong with Obama and democrats that continue to spend spend spend?
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Rcart... here is a simple comparison. If you are maxed out on your credit cards, have a mortgage and car payments, and are spending more than you earn, see what happens when you walk into a bank and ask to increase your credit limits and loan amounts. Which one will cause you to leave the bank faster, the security escort, or the humiliation of being laughed out of the bank?
you left out the comparison of being able to print the world's dominant currency
oops. then its not the same

And Sarah Palin is hardly the only politician who believes raising the debt ceiling is a bad idea. You're just trying to get in another quick Sarah Palin bash.
on that debt ceiling topic, this was an interesting observation by an informed washington insider:
The investigative journalist who helped uncover the Watergate scandal said Thursday that the fight over raising the federal debt limited was a contrived debate, manufactured “particularly by Republicans.”
Bernstein: Fight over debt limit a ‘fake, manufactured controversy’*|*Raw Replay
who cares what Palin thinks, she not an economist. Even Austrian economist don't want the US to default.
What's wrong with her?

In a sentence -- Her ambition far exceeds her intellect.

Sounds more like Obama, to me. :lamo

How's that Hope-n-Change working for yuz? :lamo
WTF is wrong with this picture? We have to pick sides between two people who have the collective IQ of a toilet seat and between them have zero experience working in the real world? How about you or I have more brains than either one of them? Geithner certainly has no idea what he is doing OR a more likely scenario, he knew damn well what he was doing when he schtupped America to fatten Goldman's ass. Geithner should be in jail. Period. No argument.

Palin, please people. Can we get beyond the urban myth of Palin's somehow unproven brilliance that came from, well no one knows, and has been tested by, well Palin's intelligence is, as I said, an urban myth.

So why in the name of all things holy should any suffering bastard believe in either one of those shysters?
If you just keep raising the debt ceiling Obama will not stop spending. It would take months to become a problem

The bigger question is what is wrong with Obama and democrats that continue to spend spend spend?

Missing the point again as always I see?

It's not about discretionary spending, it's about paying the debts we're already committed to. If the debt ceiling isn't raised, the government can't pay their bonds back. US Government bonds are pretty much viewed as the absolute safest investment the world over. If they go South, what do you think happens to the economy? If you think it's bad now, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Even talking about the possibility of the debt ceiling not being raised is why stocks have been taking a dive recently. It's why the economic news has been unpleasant of late. As usual, Palin is utterly clueless.
Missing the point again as always I see?

It's not about discretionary spending, it's about paying the debts we're already committed to. If the debt ceiling isn't raised, the government can't pay their bonds back. US Government bonds are pretty much viewed as the absolute safest investment the world over. If they go South, what do you think happens to the economy? If you think it's bad now, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Even talking about the possibility of the debt ceiling not being raised is why stocks have been taking a dive recently. It's why the economic news has been unpleasant of late. As usual, Palin is utterly clueless.
Since you're so ****ing smart, why don't you run for President?
Since you're so ****ing smart, why don't you run for President?

So what does happen to the economy when government bonds collapse? These bonds are owned by someone, usually an investor. Think that when their investments evaporate they'll be hiring people?

Want to see what happens to a country when you can't trust them to repay their debt? Greece and Zimbabwe are nice this time of year.
What the hell is wrong with this chick !!!!! Every economist will tell that the debt ceiling deadline shouldn't be f*** with.
Really? Every economist? LOL.
I read the article and she has a great point. Tax cheat Tim has said the sky is falling before. Besides, if we don't raise the debt ceiling the alternative to default is to cut government spending. And that sounds pretty darned good to me.
who cares what Palin thinks, she not an economist. Even Austrian economist don't want the US to default.
Do you think there is a relationship between not enabling this one term president Obama to continue to spend money we do not have and a default on our interest payments? We collect more than two trillion dollars. We spend nearly four. The one term president Obama and the Reid/Pelosi monster just might be done.
Missing the point again as always I see?

It's not about discretionary spending, it's about paying the debts we're already committed to. If the debt ceiling isn't raised, the government can't pay their bonds back. US Government bonds are pretty much viewed as the absolute safest investment the world over. If they go South, what do you think happens to the economy? If you think it's bad now, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Even talking about the possibility of the debt ceiling not being raised is why stocks have been taking a dive recently. It's why the economic news has been unpleasant of late. As usual, Palin is utterly clueless.

If you keep raising it the spending will not stop. Obama needs to be shown no more money no more spending
It's not about discretionary spending, it's about paying the debts we're already committed to. If the debt ceiling isn't raised, the government can't pay their bonds back.
Why not? The government will wrest more than two trillion dollars from the productive people in our society. Is the interest more than two trillion dollars?

US Government bonds are pretty much viewed as the absolute safest investment the world over. If they go South, what do you think happens to the economy? If you think it's bad now, you ain't seen nothing yet.
The government is unsound. Therefore the promise to pay is unsound.

. . .It's why the economic news has been unpleasant of late. As usual, Palin is utterly clueless.
Do you think the one term president Obama's childish policies might have some small role in this?

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