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Pakistani Taliban Shoots 14 Year Old Activist (1 Viewer)

I have not said that and in fact I doubt you have ever been far from your parents basement, much less in Afghanistan.

:lamo I love it.

It's easy for you to sit there and talk about the need for us sacrifice more soldiers in afghanistan when you've never even flirted with the reality of war. You should probably listen to the soldiers who have actually been there. The overwhelming majority of afghanistan veterans do not believe that we are keeping america safer or even winning the war. http://edition.cnn.com/2011/10/05/us/war-attitudes/index.html
IYes, of course. You didn't get the point.

I don't get it either, apparently. What wars have the Europenas been engaged in in the M.E. since the British left once Israel has been created?

I know that we have been involved as the direct backer of Israel. We back Turkey. We profited as Iran and Iraq engaged in war. We had a constant military presence in Saudi Arabia since '91. We attacked Iraq in '91. We kept a military no fly zone there for over a decade. We invaded Afghanistan in '03. We invaded Iraq in '05? We bombed Sudan.

What exactry did the Europeans do?

I have not said that and in fact I doubt you have ever been far from your parents basement, much less in Afghanistan.

I am not sure how well they check but it says he was in the US Army. I am pretty sure that you have to give the mods some evidence of this.

How does it work Rabid?
I think that this girl has more courage than most people in the world. I think the phrase "Stand up for what's right even if you stand alone" is something that most people would like to go by, but while other people are arguing politics and taking for granted things that we have handed to us, she lived the phrase. She stood up to one of the larger terrorist organizations in the world for the right to go to school when we have kids dropping out in flocks. So, I do believe that this girl will go on my list of heroes and deserves respect from everyone. That is all.
Osama Bin Laden does not dictate US foreign policy, and that he had a violent problem with it is not evidence that the policy was wrong.

Very well said indeed
I know--you said the Taliban cheated .

Next time maybe the US military should provide the Taliban with a rules and regulations book that establishes what it's allowed to do to win ?! :lol:

FYI, the US has already compromised Pakistan's sovereignty several times with its drone strikes there, and is still doing it.

That might help a little. But it appears the CINC has decided against it (as opposed to Pakistan not allowing it). . .

Obama: No Ground Troops Needed In Pakistan - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

There's no way to verify how many Taliban fighters were killed because Taliban fighters look the same as any other Pashtun civilian and hence also have the same DNA lineage. And as if it isn't already obvious, they also don't wear uniforms clearly identifying themselves as Taliban.

The fact that the US government claims that 75K fighters were killed is nonsense, since it's theoretically impossible to count.

It's more likely the case that the 75k figure includes non-Taliban Afghans who just happened to be around the area where US airstrikes took place and where no one leaked the actual details of the airstrike (Bradley Manning-style) for us to actually verify whether the US government was telling the truth.

That's the only thing that can be theoretically verified.

Good posting.

The airstrikes the U.S. has been doing since 9/11 have done untold damage to civillians in Af-Pak many which were done with airforce jets and bombers, also many depleted uranium shells.

You are correct, there is no way to tell who is a regular Pashtun and who is a Taliban. Obomber is not a leader, the war machine appears to run on auto-pilot. It is too easy for these smiling corporatists, for these flag waving politicians, :ind: and politically expedient for them to use drones and bombings, "surgical strikes"which are anything but, as their smiles hide an eerie reality, the cold and ruthless disdain for human beings right to live.
The CFR warmongers in the Democrat Leadership Council - Hillary, Biden and the like unquestioningly obey the dictates of Carlyle and Haliburton, and function thru the State Dept. and its other NGO facilities, as servants to the war machine, G.E., Lockheed-Martin, and Dynacorp., to carry out the bidding of industrialists, using "terrorism" as a cover for imperialist ambition, and the expansion of capital for multinational bankers.

The official tally of civillian Afghan dead is 30,000 by a Pentagon who admits, "we don't do body counts."

I personally think it is more like 500,000 to 1 million dead there, do to the amount of bombings there which are not at all limited to "smart weapons" which often don't work as advertised.

Sources in the MSM like the LA Times, continually lie and discuss the tight legality observed by the U.S. quietly flying in drones and leaving, but this is all part of the BIG LIE and we do indeed have troops on the the ground there. Together with all the other war operations going on, we know that after 10 years, the Pentagon is doing the worst of the damage.

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I can't understand how people don't realize how the rest of the world thinks they are raging morons when they behead their women and shoot their little girls because they don't subjugate so well. Then at the same time they are beheading their women and shooting their little girls they somehow decide to claim moral high-ground over the rest of the world that thinks they are just packs of retarded cavemen.

Makes no sense at all.
I don't get it either, apparently. What wars have the Europenas been engaged in in the M.E. since the British left once Israel has been created?

The poster said "You have to look at the reason terrorism exists in the first place, and why it is directed towards us. Their animosity towards us almost entirely stems from our decades of imperialism in the middle east, and our constant waging of war there".
Actually there have been far more wars in Europe ove a greater period, as well as far more deadly, then there has been in thr Middle east. Yet these people, despite their violent history, are now getting along quite well.

Rabid says that the past is to blame which is why the west will continue to be attacked, the excuses and rationalizations are in place. Those rationalizations don't hold true anywhere else in the world where countries have gone to war. Usually the next generation is able to get back to a form of normalization, though Rapid doesn't appear to buy into that idea.

What exactry did the Europeans do?

They got over their history.

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