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Optimisism v. Pessimism (1 Viewer)


Dec 21, 2004
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I feel that one of my best qualities is that I am very optimistic about everything. Even when situations are not looking good, I happen to be calm and possitive about everything. I guess you could call me "possitive pwo". Anyways, I know that there are some people at this site that are kind of pessimists, but that is not always a bad thing. Being pessimistic kind of gives a person the ability to be street smart and non naiive.

So, I would like to hear from everyone what is your philosophy:
Glass half full....
Glass half empty....
and why is that a good thing.
I am more of the "glass has half of whatever" type person.
It's not empty or full. It really depends on the situation.

For posters that have gone to extrema measures - I try to be "half full" and give the benefit of the doubt at any given corner. Just because I do not agree with their point it doesn't make them "wrong". On a personal take, I am defiantly "half full".

On the other hand, our society is going downhill, and in a hurry. Judges creating laws from the bench, politicians creating false claims (however you wish to define), feminism in America, and lack of parental control are hurting us. Society and our political system is defiantly half empty.

:rofl can I be agnostic when it comes to optimism/pessimism?
Well I am both. If you always think negative, you will never dissapoint yourself. You wont be shocked if you dont get what you want.

If you are always happy and positive, you dont stress and your just a great person to hang around. People want to hang out with a happy person. Right?

I think everyone has two sides...

That is just my opinion...but if I had to judge myself...I guess I would put my self as a negative person....I dont always thing too positive which I need to work on. Haha....
Like most people, I am a little of both - depending on the situation. Overall, definitely "half full" though.
Pessimism is way too depressing, and there is so much to be optimistic about. Democracy in the Middle East, Israel and Palistine relationship improvement, the wonderful men and women in our Services, a Country I love, family and friends. We live in a great, historical time in history. Live is too short to be pessimistic about anything.
feminism in America,

How is feminism hurting society? I haven't heard of many extreme feminist movements recently.

Also, i'm a glass half full man....usually.
The glass is neither half full, or half empty.

The glass is actually twice as big as it needs to be.
bellisaurius said:
The glass is neither half full, or half empty.

The glass is actually twice as big as it needs to be.

:applaud I love it!

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