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One narcassistic, power hungry man, feeding on peoples fears/ predjudices can take down a nation (1 Viewer)

Sand Castle

DP Veteran
Jan 8, 2019
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
The article below written several years ago, displays how one narcassistic power hungry man can bring down a nation.

How Dictators Come To Power In A Democracy

Dictatorships are often unexpected. They have arisen among prosperous, educated and cultured people who seemed safe from a dictatorship – in Europe, Asia and South America.

Consider Germany, one of the most paradoxical and dramatic cases.

During the late 19th century, it was widely considered to have the best educational system in the world.

Why, then, did the highly educated Germans embrace a lunatic like Adolf Hitler? The short answer is that bad policies caused economic, military and political crises – chow time for tyrants. German circumstances changed for the worse, and when people become angry enough or desperate enough, sometimes they’ll support crazies who would never attract a crowd in normal circumstances.

Hitler’s main talent seemed to be as a speech maker, so he began giving speeches that appealed to Germans embittered and disillusioned by the outcome of the war. He denounced Jews, capitalists and other alleged villains, vowing to rebuild German greatness

How Dictators Come To Power In A Democracy

The above sound familiar. Trump, Hitler different men different times. Different issues, but both power hungry narcassists.

Although, each man driven by power, each with the ability to pray on peoples fears and prejudices.

Each make false promises.

Hitler completely destroyed his country. Trump is on his way.

Trump, has taken our nation from social economic stability to; millions unemployed, businesses closing, virus chaos and civil unrest.

Yes Covid entered the U.S. on it's own the way of any infectious disease, but what happened next from trump and his administration, was and will be talked about for years, as the worse crisis response in the history of the U.S.

What is trump's answer: Well Trump one upped Hitler, trump created the crisis and now he uses his unforced error crisis to fear monger, well fear monger about himself in his speeches.

Isn't it strange that trump's "MAGA" has caused civil unrest, covid chaos and economic freefall and trump want's 4 more of his MAGA

Trumps' "MAGA" I'm just not seeing it!

Let's not continue down the road of Hitlers Germany
The article below written several years ago, displays how one narcassistic power hungry man can bring down a nation.

How Dictators Come To Power In A Democracy

Dictatorships are often unexpected. They have arisen among prosperous, educated and cultured people who seemed safe from a dictatorship – in Europe, Asia and South America.

Consider Germany, one of the most paradoxical and dramatic cases.

During the late 19th century, it was widely considered to have the best educational system in the world.

Why, then, did the highly educated Germans embrace a lunatic like Adolf Hitler? The short answer is that bad policies caused economic, military and political crises – chow time for tyrants. German circumstances changed for the worse, and when people become angry enough or desperate enough, sometimes they’ll support crazies who would never attract a crowd in normal circumstances.

Hitler’s main talent seemed to be as a speech maker, so he began giving speeches that appealed to Germans embittered and disillusioned by the outcome of the war. He denounced Jews, capitalists and other alleged villains, vowing to rebuild German greatness

How Dictators Come To Power In A Democracy

The above sound familiar. Trump, Hitler different men different times. Different issues, but both power hungry narcassists.

Although, each man driven by power, each with the ability to pray on peoples fears and prejudices.

Each make false promises.

Hitler completely destroyed his country. Trump is on his way.

Trump, has taken our nation from social economic stability to; millions unemployed, businesses closing, virus chaos and civil unrest.

Yes Covid entered the U.S. on it's own the way of any infectious disease, but what happened next from trump and his administration, was and will be talked about for years, as the worse crisis response in the history of the U.S.

What is trump's answer: Well Trump one upped Hitler, trump created the crisis and now he uses his unforced error crisis to fear monger, well fear monger about himself in his speeches.

Isn't it strange that trump's "MAGA" has caused civil unrest, covid chaos and economic freefall and trump want's 4 more of his MAGA

Trumps' "MAGA" I'm just not seeing it!

Let's not continue down the road of Hitlers Germany

You know Hitler wasn't elected. Right?
The article below written several years ago, displays how one narcassistic power hungry man can bring down a nation.

How Dictators Come To Power In A Democracy

Dictatorships are often unexpected. They have arisen among prosperous, educated and cultured people who seemed safe from a dictatorship – in Europe, Asia and South America.

Consider Germany, one of the most paradoxical and dramatic cases.

During the late 19th century, it was widely considered to have the best educational system in the world.

Why, then, did the highly educated Germans embrace a lunatic like Adolf Hitler? The short answer is that bad policies caused economic, military and political crises – chow time for tyrants. German circumstances changed for the worse, and when people become angry enough or desperate enough, sometimes they’ll support crazies who would never attract a crowd in normal circumstances.

Hitler’s main talent seemed to be as a speech maker, so he began giving speeches that appealed to Germans embittered and disillusioned by the outcome of the war. He denounced Jews, capitalists and other alleged villains, vowing to rebuild German greatness

How Dictators Come To Power In A Democracy

The above sound familiar. Trump, Hitler different men different times. Different issues, but both power hungry narcassists.

Although, each man driven by power, each with the ability to pray on peoples fears and prejudices.

Each make false promises.

Hitler completely destroyed his country. Trump is on his way.

Trump, has taken our nation from social economic stability to; millions unemployed, businesses closing, virus chaos and civil unrest.

Yes Covid entered the U.S. on it's own the way of any infectious disease, but what happened next from trump and his administration, was and will be talked about for years, as the worse crisis response in the history of the U.S.

What is trump's answer: Well Trump one upped Hitler, trump created the crisis and now he uses his unforced error crisis to fear monger, well fear monger about himself in his speeches.

Isn't it strange that trump's "MAGA" has caused civil unrest, covid chaos and economic freefall and trump want's 4 more of his MAGA

Trumps' "MAGA" I'm just not seeing it!

Let's not continue down the road of Hitlers Germany

it is sad that a LOT of people can not see what is going on
it is said Trump read Hitler's book and if you have you could see the similarity
I hope it isn't too late for people to see what is going on
Have a nice night
The article below written several years ago, displays how one narcassistic power hungry man can bring down a nation.

How Dictators Come To Power In A Democracy

Dictatorships are often unexpected. They have arisen among prosperous, educated and cultured people who seemed safe from a dictatorship – in Europe, Asia and South America.

Consider Germany, one of the most paradoxical and dramatic cases.

During the late 19th century, it was widely considered to have the best educational system in the world.

Why, then, did the highly educated Germans embrace a lunatic like Adolf Hitler? The short answer is that bad policies caused economic, military and political crises – chow time for tyrants. German circumstances changed for the worse, and when people become angry enough or desperate enough, sometimes they’ll support crazies who would never attract a crowd in normal circumstances.

Hitler’s main talent seemed to be as a speech maker, so he began giving speeches that appealed to Germans embittered and disillusioned by the outcome of the war. He denounced Jews, capitalists and other alleged villains, vowing to rebuild German greatness

How Dictators Come To Power In A Democracy

The above sound familiar. Trump, Hitler different men different times. Different issues, but both power hungry narcassists.

Although, each man driven by power, each with the ability to pray on peoples fears and prejudices.

Each make false promises.

Hitler completely destroyed his country. Trump is on his way.

Trump, has taken our nation from social economic stability to; millions unemployed, businesses closing, virus chaos and civil unrest.

Yes Covid entered the U.S. on it's own the way of any infectious disease, but what happened next from trump and his administration, was and will be talked about for years, as the worse crisis response in the history of the U.S.

What is trump's answer: Well Trump one upped Hitler, trump created the crisis and now he uses his unforced error crisis to fear monger, well fear monger about himself in his speeches.

Isn't it strange that trump's "MAGA" has caused civil unrest, covid chaos and economic freefall and trump want's 4 more of his MAGA

Trumps' "MAGA" I'm just not seeing it!

Let's not continue down the road of Hitlers Germany
What utter nonsense and political Drivel. Free individualistic countries without authoritarian tendencies Will naturally struggle more with a pandenimic. And there are several coutries doing worse then us as far as death rates.

And chaos in the streets is entirely a function of liberal race baiting and false narratives and refusal to enforce the law.

Trump brought the lowest unemployment ever, including for blacks and the highest real income for blacks.

I grant trump is probably a power hungry narcissist, as the majority of politicians are. And he makes false promises as they all do, and he plays on fears just like the libs do on many issues. The rest is typical Partisan demonizing.
Trump supporters know it all, deep down.They know he's incompetent. They know he's stupid. They know he's greedy. They know he's corrupt as hell. They know he's a vicious asshole of a man. They know he's intentionally playing up racial tensions. They know this is open fascism. They know he's a criminal.

They know. They just can't say it. They can't admit to it. Doing so puts them on a path of confronting their own issues. They've hitched their worldview to this man, backing off on that would require admitting to being complicit with an awful, awful situation.

Trump is probably going to lose, and once that happens the process of rewriting their history will begin. Because then, Trump will have committed the worst sin of all for a conservative: losing. Losing is weakness, and there's nothing more a fascist or white supremacist hates more than weakness. First it will be excuses. Oh, they didn't LOVE Trump, they just voted for him to make sure we got conservative SCOTUS appointments or because they hated Clinton/Biden or whatever. Then they'll start saying they didn't vote for him, probably lie about voting third party. Eventually, they'll say they always hated that New York, Ivy League, elitist asshole and he was basically a Democrat all along remember how he was pals with so many Democrats?
You know Hitler wasn't elected. Right?

Naw, just a wimpy, pathetic, baby version of Mussolini, in a lovely Orange™ coat of paint, selling purdy red "made in Gynah" hats cuz, 'murica first, (....but if you can help me with a small donation, 'for the good of the country' ;) ). It's always a hoot to see hour your little thread-crap posting, chest, swells with pride over being that sad carnival barker's even more pathetic little mark, and then strut arund like you're #winning so hard.... :lamo :cool: :2rofll:
What utter nonsense and political Drivel. Free individualistic countries without authoritarian tendencies Will naturally struggle more with a pandenimic. And there are several coutries doing worse then us as far as death rates.

And chaos in the streets is entirely a function of liberal race baiting and false narratives and refusal to enforce the law.

Trump brought the lowest unemployment ever, including for blacks and the highest real income for blacks.

I grant trump is probably a power hungry narcissist, as the majority of politicians are. And he makes false promises as they all do, and he plays on fears just like the libs do on many issues. The rest is typical Partisan demonizing.

Are you living in the United States?

I am, and I'm seeing trump's "MAGA" reign as being one of the worst periods ever in this country
Trump supporters know it all, deep down.They know he's incompetent. They know he's stupid. They know he's greedy.They know he's corrupt as hell. They know he's a vicious asshole of a man. They know he's intentionally playing up racial tensions. They know this is open fascism. They know he's a criminal.

They know. They just can't say it. They can't admit to it. Doing so puts them on a path of confronting their own issues. They've hitched their worldview to this man, backing off on that would require admitting to being complicit with an awful, awful situation.

Trump is probably going to lose, and once that happens the process of rewriting their history will begin. Because then, Trump will have committed the worst sin of all for a conservative: losing. Losing is weakness, and there's nothing more a fascist or white supremacist hates more than weakness. First it will be excuses. Oh, they didn't LOVE Trump, they just voted for him to make sure we got conservative SCOTUS appointments or because they hated Clinton/Biden or whatever. Then they'll start saying they didn't vote for him, probably lie about voting third party. Eventually, they'll say they always hated that New York, Ivy League, elitist asshole and he was basically a Democrat all along remember how he was pals with so many Democrats?

But OBAMA!:shock:

That's what "justifies" it... :roll:
Trump supporters know it all, deep down.They know he's incompetent. They know he's stupid. They know he's greedy. They know he's corrupt as hell. They know he's a vicious asshole of a man. They know he's intentionally playing up racial tensions. They know this is open fascism. They know he's a criminal.

They know. They just can't say it. They can't admit to it. Doing so puts them on a path of confronting their own issues. They've hitched their worldview to this man, backing off on that would require admitting to being complicit with an awful, awful situation.

Trump is probably going to lose, and once that happens the process of rewriting their history will begin. Because then, Trump will have committed the worst sin of all for a conservative: losing. Losing is weakness, and there's nothing more a fascist or white supremacist hates more than weakness. First it will be excuses. Oh, they didn't LOVE Trump, they just voted for him to make sure we got conservative SCOTUS appointments or because they hated Clinton/Biden or whatever. Then they'll start saying they didn't vote for him, probably lie about voting third party. Eventually, they'll say they always hated that New York, Ivy League, elitist asshole and he was basically a Democrat all along remember how he was pals with so many Democrats?

And now trumpians and some Republicans are giving poor little donnie a pass on the utter chaos that has developed under his leadership? Leadership Nah!
Are you living in the United States?

I am, and I'm seeing trump's "MAGA" reign as being one of the worst periods ever in this country

Yea and I am seeing it as one of the best until virus hit.
Yea and I am seeing it as one of the best until virus hit.

Yep, donnie boy walked into a good thing in 2016 rode the coatails of a thriving nation. Old donnie pampered himself with nice relaxing days, maybe work an hour or so each day, did some golfing, partying at mar la go riding the wave, getting an orange glow on, riding the U.S. proporous wave.

Oh No! a real issue has hit trump's Presidency, what to do what to do? Should I give up golf, should I get off my ass, should I actually read briefing documents?

Should I call the crisis a hoax? Should I say it will magically disappear?

I know I'll appoint my buffooon of a son in law to combat the crisis, and then I'll go on T.V. and talk like an idiot. I'll attack Governors who follow my CDC guidelines.

So, come on now a monkey could have ran the Presidency in 2016 easy peezy.

When donnie was challenged, well look at the destruction. "MAGA" no! Trump doing what he does best? Yes, taking something given to him and ***** it up
Yea and I am seeing it as one of the best until virus hit.

It wasn't. The stock market is not the economy. Basic unemployment statistics don't tell you much of the story. It wasn't the greatest economy in a generation, it was the close to the worst.

Low unemployment doesn't mean squat to someone who has to work three jobs to keep a roof over their head. Housing, healthcare, and education costs have spiraled grotesquely out of control while wages for the lower quintiles have been stagnant for fifty years. More than half of households didn't have five hundred measly dollars for an unexpected expense. Suicide rates have been steadily increasing for decades, especially among young people. Maybe it's because their education became unaffordable so they had to take on extensive debt to pay for it, and the jobs that exist once they get out of school pay less and less every year.

So tell me, exactly how the **** was this one of the best periods ever?
Yep, donnie boy walked into a good thing in 2016 rode the coatails of a thriving nation. Old donnie pampered himself with nice relaxing days, maybe work an hour or so each day, did some golfing, partying at mar la go riding the wave, getting an orange glow on, riding the U.S. proporous wave.

Oh No! a real issue has hit trump's Presidency, what to do what to do? Should I give up golf, should I get off my ass, should I actually read briefing documents?

Should I call the crisis a hoax? Should I say it will magically disappear?

I know I'll appoint my buffooon of a son in law to combat the crisis, and then I'll go on T.V. and talk like an idiot. I'll attack Governors who follow my CDC guidelines.

So, come on now a monkey could have ran the Presidency in 2016 easy peezy.

When donnie was challenged, well look at the destruction. "MAGA" no! Trump doing what he does best? Yes, taking something given to him and ***** it up

Biased nonsense. Britain and several other countries did worse than the US. And this isn’t over, it might turn out that we are ahead of the curve, closer to heard immunity the others, and they keep getting waves until they pass us.

You hate trump obviously so you will spin this as bad as you can. Trump was doing things early on where most were poo pooing the virus, he did a travel ban that bought time, while others were saying no worries.
Liberty is dying at the hands of an extremist and deluded minority that screamed about liberty the loudest during the Obama era.

Frauds, scum, liars.

The lot of them.

Dictatorship is what they want to punish those they don’t like and every day that passes, seems like they’re gonna get their wish.
It takes the support of a lot of other people - a third of America in this case. People who have bad values, do not support democracy except as they define it as electing the people they want, people who are suckers easily conned.
Liberty is dying at the hands of an extremist and deluded minority that screamed about liberty the loudest during the Obama era.

Frauds, scum, liars.

The lot of them.

Dictatorship is what they want to punish those they don’t like and every day that passes, seems like they’re gonna get their wish.

No, I do not think these lawless rioters will get their wish. I am optimistic.
Lol, more of the daily opium for the "orange man bad" crowd.....do you feel better now, :2funny::moon:
The article below written several years ago, displays how one narcassistic power hungry man can bring down a nation.

How Dictators Come To Power In A Democracy

Dictatorships are often unexpected. They have arisen among prosperous, educated and cultured people who seemed safe from a dictatorship – in Europe, Asia and South America.

Consider Germany, one of the most paradoxical and dramatic cases.

During the late 19th century, it was widely considered to have the best educational system in the world.

Why, then, did the highly educated Germans embrace a lunatic like Adolf Hitler? The short answer is that bad policies caused economic, military and political crises – chow time for tyrants. German circumstances changed for the worse, and when people become angry enough or desperate enough, sometimes they’ll support crazies who would never attract a crowd in normal circumstances.

Hitler’s main talent seemed to be as a speech maker, so he began giving speeches that appealed to Germans embittered and disillusioned by the outcome of the war. He denounced Jews, capitalists and other alleged villains, vowing to rebuild German greatness

How Dictators Come To Power In A Democracy

The above sound familiar. Trump, Hitler different men different times. Different issues, but both power hungry narcassists.

Although, each man driven by power, each with the ability to pray on peoples fears and prejudices.

Each make false promises.

Hitler completely destroyed his country. Trump is on his way.

Trump, has taken our nation from social economic stability to; millions unemployed, businesses closing, virus chaos and civil unrest.

Yes Covid entered the U.S. on it's own the way of any infectious disease, but what happened next from trump and his administration, was and will be talked about for years, as the worse crisis response in the history of the U.S.

What is trump's answer: Well Trump one upped Hitler, trump created the crisis and now he uses his unforced error crisis to fear monger, well fear monger about himself in his speeches.

Isn't it strange that trump's "MAGA" has caused civil unrest, covid chaos and economic freefall and trump want's 4 more of his MAGA

Trumps' "MAGA" I'm just not seeing it!

Let's not continue down the road of Hitlers Germany

Trump won't live long enough to finish a second term let alone a dictatorship. The rich and powerful will keep us equally divided with their media so they can keep a puppet from one of the 2 parties they own in the White House. Trump was never supposed to win. Hillary was their chosen puppet and we were all supposed to cheer the first woman president like we did with Obama. Trump is a strong leader but the rich and powerful will use their media to neutralize him. That is unless what he does benefits them.
The article below written several years ago, displays how one narcassistic power hungry man can bring down a nation.

How Dictators Come To Power In A Democracy

Dictatorships are often unexpected. They have arisen among prosperous, educated and cultured people who seemed safe from a dictatorship – in Europe, Asia and South America.

Consider Germany, one of the most paradoxical and dramatic cases.

During the late 19th century, it was widely considered to have the best educational system in the world.

Why, then, did the highly educated Germans embrace a lunatic like Adolf Hitler? The short answer is that bad policies caused economic, military and political crises – chow time for tyrants. German circumstances changed for the worse, and when people become angry enough or desperate enough, sometimes they’ll support crazies who would never attract a crowd in normal circumstances.

Hitler’s main talent seemed to be as a speech maker, so he began giving speeches that appealed to Germans embittered and disillusioned by the outcome of the war. He denounced Jews, capitalists and other alleged villains, vowing to rebuild German greatness

How Dictators Come To Power In A Democracy

The above sound familiar. Trump, Hitler different men different times. Different issues, but both power hungry narcassists.

Although, each man driven by power, each with the ability to pray on peoples fears and prejudices.

Each make false promises.

Hitler completely destroyed his country. Trump is on his way.

Trump, has taken our nation from social economic stability to; millions unemployed, businesses closing, virus chaos and civil unrest.

Yes Covid entered the U.S. on it's own the way of any infectious disease, but what happened next from trump and his administration, was and will be talked about for years, as the worse crisis response in the history of the U.S.

What is trump's answer: Well Trump one upped Hitler, trump created the crisis and now he uses his unforced error crisis to fear monger, well fear monger about himself in his speeches.

Isn't it strange that trump's "MAGA" has caused civil unrest, covid chaos and economic freefall and trump want's 4 more of his MAGA

Trumps' "MAGA" I'm just not seeing it!

Let's not continue down the road of Hitlers Germany
Sadly, you have no real facts as premises for your laughable jump to erroneous conclusions .. and, though there is Nazism alive in America today, you have it completely backwards.

Soon, I will post a new thread that makes it crystal clear the horror happening in America today .. .. that will begin an end to it.
Sadly, you have no real facts as premises for your laughable jump to erroneous conclusions .. and, though there is Nazism alive in America today, you have it completely backwards.

Soon, I will post a new thread that makes it crystal clear the horror happening in America today .. .. that will begin an end to it.


Oh please great savior, bestow upon us all the wisdom only you possess!
Trump supporters know it all, deep down.They know he's incompetent. They know he's stupid. They know he's greedy. They know he's corrupt as hell. They know he's a vicious asshole of a man. They know he's intentionally playing up racial tensions. They know this is open fascism. They know he's a criminal.

They know. They just can't say it. They can't admit to it. Doing so puts them on a path of confronting their own issues. They've hitched their worldview to this man, backing off on that would require admitting to being complicit with an awful, awful situation.

Trump is probably going to lose, and once that happens the process of rewriting their history will begin. Because then, Trump will have committed the worst sin of all for a conservative: losing. Losing is weakness, and there's nothing more a fascist or white supremacist hates more than weakness. First it will be excuses. Oh, they didn't LOVE Trump, they just voted for him to make sure we got conservative SCOTUS appointments or because they hated Clinton/Biden or whatever. Then they'll start saying they didn't vote for him, probably lie about voting third party. Eventually, they'll say they always hated that New York, Ivy League, elitist asshole and he was basically a Democrat all along remember how he was pals with so many Democrats?
Yes, yes, yes, we know how the image of Trump is a lightning rod for all the frenzied left wing hate .. .. just as the image of "the dirty Jew" was the lightning rod for the Nazis' frenzied hate in Germany in the late 1930s and early 1940s. :shock:

It is truly ironic that a thread designed to accuse, albeit falsely, President Trump of being another Hitler will end up containing responses that truly begin the process of accurately painting the picture the other way around. :cool:
Yea and I am seeing it as one of the best until virus hit.
Those who don't suffer from the mass hysteria that's currently infected much of the left see it that way as well.
Yep, donnie boy walked into a good thing in 2016 rode the coatails of a thriving nation. Old donnie pampered himself with nice relaxing days, maybe work an hour or so each day, did some golfing, partying at mar la go riding the wave, getting an orange glow on, riding the U.S. proporous wave.

Oh No! a real issue has hit trump's Presidency, what to do what to do? Should I give up golf, should I get off my ass, should I actually read briefing documents?

Should I call the crisis a hoax? Should I say it will magically disappear?

I know I'll appoint my buffooon of a son in law to combat the crisis, and then I'll go on T.V. and talk like an idiot. I'll attack Governors who follow my CDC guidelines.

So, come on now a monkey could have ran the Presidency in 2016 easy peezy.

When donnie was challenged, well look at the destruction. "MAGA" no! Trump doing what he does best? Yes, taking something given to him and ***** it up
Yes, the image of President Trump is such a lightning rod of hate for you, isn't it.

I wonder why ... .
Yes, yes, yes, we know how the image of Trump is a lightning rod for all the frenzied left wing hate .. .. just as the image of "the dirty Jew" was the lightning rod for the Nazis' frenzied hate in Germany in the late 1930s and early 1940s. :shock:

It is truly ironic that a thread designed to accuse, albeit falsely, President Trump of being another Hitler will end up containing responses that truly begin the process of accurately painting the picture the other way around. :cool:

Oh thank god you're here to save the nation
Liberty is dying at the hands of an extremist and deluded minority that screamed about liberty the loudest during the Obama era.

Frauds, scum, liars.

The lot of them.

Dictatorship is what they want to punish those they don’t like and every day that passes, seems like they’re gonna get their wish.
I know you're wanting to refer to Trump and those who voted for him.

But at first blush I would have sworn that you were talking about the people of that organization created in 2013 when Obama was President: Black Lives Matter (BLM). :shock:

I mean, Freudianly speaking, what you wrote here fits them perfectly. :cool:

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