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Once Again: Unelected Idiot Judges Making the Law(s) Up (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 8, 2017
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Libertarian - Right
Why do we elect Congress and the President, when we have the 9th Circus Court of IDIOTS to decide what's best for all of us?

Sick of the Unelected Assholes blocking the enforcement of the LAW at our border.
Thought this would be about Reed O'Connor in Texas.
Why do we elect Congress and the President, when we have the 9th Circus Court of IDIOTS to decide what's best for all of us?

Sick of the Unelected Assholes blocking the enforcement of the LAW at our border.

Simply because elected Judges are subject to political pressure if they want to be elected and then re-elected to office.

They have to campaign and that takes money...and money allows influence peddling like any other elected office.

Lifetime appointees are not subject to this.

Meanwhile, any such Judge can be impeached if the Congress determines they are unfit for office.

IMO the problem is not the lifetime appointments, it is the politicization of the selection process, where Party interests are at play.
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Why do we elect Congress and the President, when we have the 9th Circus Court of IDIOTS to decide what's best for all of us?

Sick of the Unelected Assholes blocking the enforcement of the LAW at our border.

Well I'm sick of repubs cheating to gain power to enact their will which is not the will of the people. They're not just assholes they are evil and Trump is the leader of the pack.

Secretary of Tillis Tillerson McMaster Kelly Etcetera all have left and the country is descending in chaos and Trump is shutting down the government because Ann Coulter whined.

Republicans are mind-bogglingly stupid and they are dangerous by backing the worst president in history Donald Trump.

God bless those judges who protect the American public and the will of the people from repubs.
Why do we elect Congress and the President, when we have the 9th Circus Court of IDIOTS to decide what's best for all of us?

Sick of the Unelected Assholes blocking the enforcement of the LAW at our border.
Would you be more specific with your whine?
Simply because elected Judges are subject to political pressure if they want to be elected and then re-elected to office.

They have to campaign and that takes money...and money allows influence peddling like any other elected office.

Lifetime appointees are not subject to this.

Meanwhile, any such Judge can be impeached if the Congress determines they are unfit for office.

IMO the problem is not the lifetime appointments, it is the politicization of the selection process, where Party interests are at play.

I totally agree. Contrary to what Chief Justice Roberts says, we do have Trump Justices, Obama justices, Bush II justices, Bill Clinton justices etc. They're selected for their political views with the hope their political views determines on how they interpret the Constitution.
Well I'm sick of repubs cheating to gain power to enact their will which is not the will of the people. They're not just assholes they are evil and Trump is the leader of the pack.

Secretary of Tillis Tillerson McMaster Kelly Etcetera all have left and the country is descending in chaos and Trump is shutting down the government because Ann Coulter whined.

Republicans are mind-bogglingly stupid and they are dangerous by backing the worst president in history Donald Trump.

God bless those judges who protect the American public and the will of the people from repubs.

Such drama.
I totally agree. Contrary to what Chief Justice Roberts says, we do have Trump Justices, Obama justices, Bush II justices, Bill Clinton justices etc. They're selected for their political views with the hope their political views determines on how they interpret the Constitution.

Not only the Constitution but any law that they feel should be applied using their own (personal?) interpretation rather than the interpretation of the executives charged with actually enforcing (or following?) it. If the wording of a law is subject to widely variable interpretations then the problem is with the law itself, not in the difference (from that of a single judge) of its interpretation by others. In such cases, the law itself should be ruled unconstitutional as being over-broad or too vague - not simply re-interpreted to fit that single judge's wishes.

What does it mean when a law is "void for vagueness" or "overbroad"? - Rottenstein Law Group LLP
Why do we elect Congress and the President, when we have the 9th Circus Court of IDIOTS to decide what's best for all of us?

Sick of the Unelected Assholes blocking the enforcement of the LAW at our border.

So, you got real mad when that Texas judge tried to overturn Obamacare, did you?
Why do we elect Congress and the President, when we have the 9th Circus Court of IDIOTS to decide what's best for all of us?

Sick of the Unelected Assholes blocking the enforcement of the LAW at our border.

The 9th court cannot legislate from the bench and Trump cannot legislate from the oval office. If Trump doesn't like existing US asylum law he can try to get laws changed. Good luck on appeal. The SCOTUS also cannot legislate from the bench. I am naïve enough to believe that most judges will look at existing law first and Congress intent when they wrote the law. I will be as interested as anyone to see how a higher court interprets it. Judge Emmett Sullivan from the DC circuit also smacked down Trumps Asylum ban which has been appealed.
Simply because elected Judges are subject to political pressure if they want to be elected and then re-elected to office.

They have to campaign and that takes money...and money allows influence peddling like any other elected office.

Lifetime appointees are not subject to this.

Meanwhile, any such Judge can be impeached if the Congress determines they are unfit for office.

IMO the problem is not the lifetime appointments, it is the politicization of the selection process, where Party interests are at play.


There is a reason why the Ninth Circus is so frequently overturned, and this bullcrap is a good example.

Meanwhile the LAWS ARE NOT BEING ENFORCED, and the taxpayers are FOOTING THE BILL...again.
The 9th court cannot legislate from the bench and Trump cannot legislate from the oval office. If Trump doesn't like existing US asylum law he can try to get laws changed. Good luck on appeal. The SCOTUS also cannot legislate from the bench. I am naïve enough to believe that most judges will look at existing law first and Congress intent when they wrote the law. I will be as interested as anyone to see how a higher court interprets it. Judge Emmett Sullivan from the DC circuit also smacked down Trumps Asylum ban which has been appealed.

Executive orders ARE LEGAL, as is ENFORCING THE EXISTING LAW(s).

So, you got real mad when that Texas judge tried to overturn Obamacare, did you?

Nope. I got real mad when Roberts lied through his teeth to save it.
Well I'm sick of repubs cheating to gain power to enact their will which is not the will of the people. They're not just assholes they are evil and Trump is the leader of the pack.

Secretary of Tillis Tillerson McMaster Kelly Etcetera all have left and the country is descending in chaos and Trump is shutting down the government because Ann Coulter whined.

Republicans are mind-bogglingly stupid and they are dangerous by backing the worst president in history Donald Trump.

God bless those judges who protect the American public and the will of the people from repubs.

GETTING ELECTED is not "cheating to gain power".

This is more SOON to BE OVERTURED BULL**** from the NINTH CIRCUS Court, which SHOULD BE DISSOLVED....
The 9th court cannot legislate from the bench and Trump cannot legislate from the oval office. If Trump doesn't like existing US asylum law he can try to get laws changed. Good luck on appeal. The SCOTUS also cannot legislate from the bench. I am naïve enough to believe that most judges will look at existing law first and Congress intent when they wrote the law. I will be as interested as anyone to see how a higher court interprets it. Judge Emmett Sullivan from the DC circuit also smacked down Trumps Asylum ban which has been appealed.

The judge just changed the existing asylum law from his bench by adding "domestic violence and gang activities" as legitimate grounds for asylum.

Existing grounds for asylum as defined by our laws: race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group

Judges do legislate from the bench.
The judge just changed the existing asylum law from his bench by adding "domestic violence and gang activities" as legitimate grounds for asylum.

Existing grounds for asylum as defined by our laws: race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group

Judges do legislate from the bench.

Judge Sullivan simply said there is no legal basis for banning domestic violence and gang activities. Since you went to the trouble to go look at the grounds for asylum you also saw that much of it is open to interpretation. If there is a law that is not clearly defined a judge can interpret it. Executive order if it is up held has the force of law and Congress can make laws. No one else can make laws. Judge Sullivan's ruling was appealed.
Judge Sullivan simply said there is no legal basis for banning domestic violence and gang activities. Since you went to the trouble to go look at the grounds for asylum you also saw that much of it is open to interpretation. If there is a law that is not clearly defined a judge can interpret it. Executive order if it is up held has the force of law and Congress can make laws. No one else can make laws. Judge Sullivan's ruling was appealed.

Of course not ... because every country in this world includes domestic violence as a reason for a valid asylum application. /s

Jeff Sessions: "The asylum statute does not provide redress for all misfortune," Sessions wrote. "The mere fact that a country may have problems effectively policing certain crimes — such as domestic violence or gang violence — or that certain populations are more likely to be victims of crime cannot itself establish an asylum claim."

How stupid of me to think that judge Sullivan had an ounce of common sense.
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Of course not ... because every country in this world includes domestic violence as a reason for a valid asylum application. /s

Jeff Sessions: "The asylum statute does not provide redress for all misfortune," Sessions wrote. "The mere fact that a country may have problems effectively policing certain crimes — such as domestic violence or gang violence — or that certain populations are more likely to be victims of crime cannot itself establish an asylum claim."

How stupid of me to think that judge Sullivan had an ounce of common sense.

Jeff Sessions might have got swelled up with power but he can not make law or interpret existing law for the nation as a final arbiter for the nation. That will be left for higher arbiters.
GETTING ELECTED is not "cheating to gain power".

This is more SOON to BE OVERTURED BULL**** from the NINTH CIRCUS Court, which SHOULD BE DISSOLVED....

Massive voter suppression techniques and purging Millions from the voter registration rolls via Interstate cross-check is cheating.

There is a reason why the Ninth Circus is so frequently overturned, and this bullcrap is a good example.
Please don't lie, factchecking is so easy these days:


Meanwhile the LAWS ARE NOT BEING ENFORCED, and the taxpayers are FOOTING THE BILL...again.

Not all laws are enforced, and that has always been true. You shout as if these were something significant.

Taxpayers are footing lots of things I don't particularly like, either, but that is the nature of taxes. Taxes will never please everyone all of the time, and just because one tax is spent on something you don't like, well I got bad news for you, the same is true for everyone else, so welcome to the ubiquitous club. Now then...

Judges do more than just play umpire in a courtroom. Sometimes laws are vague, and there is a dispute over what the law means.

On the latter, all we have are judges to tell us what it says, when that is the case.

IF we don't like it, we take it to a higher court. If we don't like what the higher court says, we take it to the supreme court.

They, and only they, have the right to tell us what it says and/or the constitutionality of something, or allow a lower court's ruling stand if they choose not to take it up.

If not the courts, then who?

See, it's when they rule in ways you do not like, that the righties and guys like you shout " Judiciary is not the legislature". "that judge is being an 'activist' judge". see, and activist just is merely one you don't like. I could say the same about any judge you like and I don't like.

And do judges make law? YES! It's called case law. Not all laws that could be written are written, and rulings are needed on such cases, and they are called "case law". That is a judge made law, so don't give me any bull that the judiciary do not make laws. And Yes, case law can be overruled by legislation, but without it, it's upheld as law, in most instances.
Please don't lie, factchecking is so easy these days:


Not all laws are enforced, and that has always been true. You shout as if these were something significant.

Taxpayers are footing lots of things I don't particularly like, either, but that is the nature of taxes. Taxes will never please everyone all of the time, and just because one tax is spent on something you don't like, well I got bad news for you, the same is true for everyone else, so welcome to the ubiquitous club. Now then...

Judges do more than just play umpire in a courtroom. Sometimes laws are vague, and there is a dispute over what the law means.

On the latter, all we have are judges to tell us what it says, when that is the case.

IF we don't like it, we take it to a higher court. If we don't like what the higher court says, we take it to the supreme court.

They, and only they, have the right to tell us what it says and/or the constitutionality of something, or allow a lower court's ruling stand if they choose not to take it up.

If not the courts, then who?

See, it's when they rule in ways you do not like, that the righties and guys like you shout " Judiciary is not the legislature". "that judge is being an 'activist' judge". see, and activist just is merely one you don't like. I could say the same about any judge you like and I don't like.

And do judges make law? YES! It's called case law. Not all laws that could be written are written, and rulings are needed on such cases, and they are called "case law". That is a judge made law, so don't give me any bull that the judiciary do not make laws. And Yes, case law can be overruled by legislation, but without it, it's upheld as law, in most instances.

Reading Comp troubles? Citing that "ALL LAWS ARE NOT ENFORCED" makes my pointing our that our immigration laws are not being enforced , a "lie", how exactly?

The ASININE Ninth Circus Judge is BLOCKING THE ENFORCEMENT of our IMMIGRATION LAWS, exactly as I said.

Take a LOGIC/LINEAR THOUGHT COURSE....it might help.

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