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Oil excutives on capital Hill (1 Viewer)

kmhowe72 said:

Oil excutive spark fire works when they meet with the senate today.:spin:

Well, it's good that these folks are being held accountable, but to what degree?

I heard earlier that Senator Cantwell tried to get the oil execs to testify under oath the the Republicans refused to allow it. What is the deal with that? I would imagine if they make baseball players testify under oath, I would hope they'd treat oil execs with the same seriousness. I don't get it.
Well the reason they are not under oath is because they are Georges buddies.
ShullsM said:
Well, it's good that these folks are being held accountable, but to what degree?

I heard earlier that Senator Cantwell tried to get the oil execs to testify under oath the the Republicans refused to allow it. What is the deal with that? I would imagine if they make baseball players testify under oath, I would hope they'd treat oil execs with the same seriousness. I don't get it.
Perhaps they are in bed with them or afraid of them? The oil companies could definitely sink the political careers of their opposition. Bush has surrounded himself with people linked to big oil?
ShullsM said:
Well, it's good that these folks are being held accountable, but to what degree?

I heard earlier that Senator Cantwell tried to get the oil execs to testify under oath the the Republicans refused to allow it. What is the deal with that? I would imagine if they make baseball players testify under oath, I would hope they'd treat oil execs with the same seriousness. I don't get it.

The reason they weren't put under oath is because the republicans have been paid off by the oil companies through the oil lobby. So, that is the reason why these republicans stopped these execs from being put under oath. Putting these oil execs under oath would mean that the oil execs would have to tell the truth or face criminal charges. But if the oil execs were to be forced to tell the truth, then the true nature of their crookedness would be revealed. If the oil execs have nothing to hide, then they should have no problems with being put under oath. But because they refused, that means they have something criminal to hide.

Another problem I have, is that Congress wants to pass this "windfall tax." This is a BS tax in my view because the government gets way too much money in taxes already as it is and their is no legitimate justification for Congress to have a "windfall tax." I bet they would probably just want to line their pockets. The government already imposes illigetimate, excessive taxation as it is. The need for smaller government is in order.
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