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Officer who shot Philando Castile found not guilty[W:456] (1 Viewer)

Army during my tour of Basra, stop and searches daily with a very real threat. Like I said he has a different view and I'm a couch QB at this point ( as you yanks say) but I just feel like he pulled the trigger very early on. Didn't really escalate enough for me to justify killing an innocent man
Well, he told him not grab it and then told him to get his hand off it.
Had he followed those orders he likely would not have been shot as those conditions would not have existed.
Except that is what happened.

Here is the longest thread on the subject back when it occurred.

Heres an irony in that thread you linked to...

"Appears to be a case where the officer responded out of fear, but no indication he responded out of racial hatred or bias. Should only make a difference in the sentencing.This one there isnt much of a question."

Likes Excon liked this post
Wat you do is sit with your hands on the steering wheel in plain sight. Ive been pulled over with my firearm on me 3 times. Its never really been an issue. I have been asked to step out of the vehicle and the cop has removed the weapon. Only one of the exchanges was ugly.

None of this deserves a death sentence and roadside execution. Those here arguing in defense of this execution are telling me that they think life is cheap, and that that person's life had little value. This officer should not be allowed to serve the public anymore.
... for use of baseless profiling (the officers stopped him because he had dark skin and a wide nose)
For ****s sake, no.
You forgot hair as well as sex.
He looked like the description of the one involved in the robbery.

As for the rest of what you said? Nonsense.
For ****s sake, no.
You forgot hair as well as sex.
He looked like the description of the one involved in the robbery.

As for the rest of what you said? Nonsense.

That's not the driver's fault - how the heck is he supposed to know what robbery happened where, some days ago? He was an innocent guy, going about his own business, not harming anyone. Looks like there was presumption of guilt before innocence, resulting in his execution. Why didn't the officer call for backup, if he felt he was dealing with a deadly felon? Why put yourself in over your head, and then have to take someone's life, as if their life is worthless?
If he wants it, he will get his job back.

I stand corrected. Researching a little more shows me that the officer might be not guilty. Mainly because of the inconsistencies in the girlfriends story and she does say the officer said don't move, and the guy then moved his hands up from his lap where his gun was. The officer had reason to believe he might have the gun in his hand. Cops are not obligated to wait until they are shot at first. When a cop says, don't move....don't move.

We[‘re] in the back seat of the police car. Sister call me, the police just shot my boyfriend for no apparent reason. My phone is about to die. They shot him. He shot him three times because he had a busted taillight. He asked him for license and registration. He told the man that it was in his wallet but he had a pistol on him because he is licensed to carry. And the officer told him don’t move and as he was putting his hands back up the officer shot him in his arm about four or five times.
The other responding officer didnt see anything occurring as a threat. Didnt even draw a weapon. Castille informed the officer he had a gun. 7 seconds later he was dead.

An Officer on the other side of the vehicle watching the passenger, would certainly have a different visual point.

"And he put his hand around something," Yanez was quoted as saying. He said Castile's hand took a C-shape, "like putting my hand up to the butt of the gun."
Yanez said he then lost view of Castile's hand.
"I know he had an object and it was dark," he said. "And he was pulling it out with his right hand. And as he was pulling it out, a million things started going through my head. And I thought I was gonna die."
Yanez said he thought Castile had the gun in his right hand and he had "no option" but to shoot, the complaint said.

The gun was in his front pocket. His wallet was in his back pocket. The officer never identified a weapon.
You should do better research.

He saw the gun.

Let me Google that for you.
castile officer saw gun

Or instead ...

Officer Jeronimo Yanez says he saw Philando Castile's hand on gun before fatally shooting him


The officer, who said that at one point he thought Castile may be a suspect in an armed robbery four days earlier, contended Friday that he opened fire after seeing the handle of Castile’s weapon.

“I told him not to reach for it,” a visibly agitated Yanez is heard saying on Reynolds’s video, as he continues to point his gun at the bleeding Castile.

Officer Jeronimo Yanez says he saw Philando Castile's hand on gun before fatally shooting him

Heres an irony in that thread you linked to...

"Appears to be a case where the officer responded out of fear, but no indication he responded out of racial hatred or bias. Should only make a difference in the sentencing.This one there isnt much of a question."

Likes Excon liked this post
1. Link to the actual post.
2. Care to asked what I liked about the post, or are you just going to absurdly assume?
Looks like the "there was a recent bank robbery" comment was a pretext to retro-actively justify the initial racial profiling and the shooting itself. The officer is a miserable scumbag. If the cop was really that worried about the Castillo being the robbery suspect then backup should have been requested. This is more disgusting than most times when cops find excuses to justify killing unarmed Blacks.
I don't see where the officer was justified in using deadly force when the driver had shown no aggression.
Reaching for your gun when you are told not to and then not taking =your hand off it after being told not to, is aggression.

If the officer was worried about his own safety, then why was he dealing with the situation alone? Why didn't he get backup first? The officer should have known not to put himself in a situation where he was in over his head and then having to resort to deadly force on a whim. Didn't he ask for the driver to reach for his ID? And so complying with the officer's instructions means you automatically need to be executed, because you were allegedly reaching for your gun?

This is another reason why I wouldn't want to become a gun owner - in case some trigger-happy cop decided to cap me because I unwittingly provoked his trigger reflex. I feel the officer showed poor judgment, and I feel the people here are wrongfully supporting the officer's actions without providing their justification. What some people here are relying upon, is that 'Dead Men Tell No Tales' - ie. they're conveniently taking the officer at his word, when there's no way he'd ever implicate himself.
Please. If you wish to discuss the case, actually bother to learn the evidence first, because what you address/ask can be answered by the actual evidence.
I don't see who's doing that here.

Some are referring to some alleged past drug history - that's not relevant here, and he was a licensed gun owner. The officer should really have called for backup, instead of executing the guy.
Reaching for your gun when you are told not to and then not taking =your hand off it after being told not to, is aggression.

Please. If you wish to discuss the case, actually bother to learn the evidence first, because what you address/ask can be answered by the actual evidence.

Question for you and this is not an attack. What in your eyes would have to happen for a police officer to be prosecuted in these cases or at least be fired? What is your line in the sand so to say?
Correction: in an earlier post I incorrectly identified the police force as the St. Andrews Police Force. That should have been St. Anthony's Police Force. My apologies for the error.

Question for you and this is not an attack. What in your eyes would have to happen for a police officer to be prosecuted in these cases or at least be fired? What is your line in the sand so to say?

I dislike irrelevant questions.

But because of your approach, I later PM you.
This is not justice. Police -- invested with the power to use deadly force -- should face high burden to justify use of that force. Shame.
This is not justice. Police -- invested with the power to use deadly force -- should face high burden to justify use of that force. Shame.

Agreed - anything less means that life is cheap - and it shouldn't be. Officer should have called for backup, if he felt it was a life-threatening situation. Then the driver would still be alive.
Some are referring to some alleged past drug history - that's not relevant here, and he was a licensed gun owner. The officer should really have called for backup, instead of executing the guy.

Bringing up Castile's personal drug history here is wrong, you're right. My bad.
An Officer on the other side of the vehicle watching the passenger, would certainly have a different visual point.

You should do better research.

He saw the gun.

Let me Google that for you.
castile officer saw gun

Or instead ...

Officer Jeronimo Yanez says he saw Philando Castile's hand on gun before fatally shooting him


The officer, who said that at one point he thought Castile may be a suspect in an armed robbery four days earlier, contended Friday that he opened fire after seeing the handle of Castile’s weapon.

“I told him not to reach for it,” a visibly agitated Yanez is heard saying on Reynolds’s video, as he continues to point his gun at the bleeding Castile.

Officer Jeronimo Yanez says he saw Philando Castile's hand on gun before fatally shooting him

1. Link to the actual post.
2. Care to asked what I liked about the post, or are you just going to absurdly assume?
What that proves is that the officers story has changed several times, each time painting his story in a better light, almost like, by design or something. His initial comment did NOT say that he saw a gun and in fact, if the weapon was still in the guys shorts, he couldnt have seen a weapon.

He overreacted. He overreacted and a citizen died because of his overreaction. We can give a ton of latitude based on the stress of the job, but that wont ever make his actions right.
Plenty of "cases" out there where they shoot unarmed black folk, even when they're running away. Everyone knows what this society is, some twisted folks are just ok with it.

A society where young black men, while 3% of the population, are responsible for nearly 50% of the murders, and we're not allowed to talk about it?
That's not the driver's fault - how the heck is he supposed to know what robbery happened where, some days ago?
That is a ridiculous reply that is irrelevant to the fact that is why he was pulled over.

He was an innocent guy, going about his own business, not harming anyone. Looks like there was presumption of guilt before innocence, resulting in his execution. Why didn't the officer call for backup, if he felt he was dealing with a deadly felon? Why put yourself in over your head, and then have to take someone's life, as if their life is worthless?
Oy vey!. All you have is nonsense.
Had you bothered to look into the evidence of this case you would have known there was another Officer present.

I stand corrected. Researching a little more shows me that the officer might be not guilty. Mainly because of the inconsistencies in the girlfriends story and she does say the officer said don't move, and the guy then moved his hands up from his lap where his gun was. The officer had reason to believe he might have the gun in his hand. Cops are not obligated to wait until they are shot at first. When a cop says, don't move....don't move.

We[‘re] in the back seat of the police car. Sister call me, the police just shot my boyfriend for no apparent reason. My phone is about to die. They shot him. He shot him three times because he had a busted taillight. He asked him for license and registration. He told the man that it was in his wallet but he had a pistol on him because he is licensed to carry. And the officer told him don’t move and as he was putting his hands back up the officer shot him in his arm about four or five times.
Yes, her story was inconsistent.

And her known lies were previously pointed out in one of the other threads.


Listen to the alleged police call yourself. There is no mention of hair, just the wide nose.

Officer Mistook Philando Castile for a Robbery Suspect, Tapes Show - NBC News
1. I never said that is what he described.
Though stating he did not get a good look at the passenger, he said "just looked like". "Looked like" would include noticeable characteristics,which of course includes sex and hair.

2. And what he also said is that the driver looked "more like" the the robbery suspect because of his wide set nose. So he looks like, and looks more like because of the nose.

There is nothing illegitimate or racial about the description of the nose.

This is not justice. Police -- invested with the power to use deadly force -- should face high burden to justify use of that force. Shame.
No, this was justice.
And they do face a high burden, the same high burden non-officers face. Reasonableness.

Looks like the "there was a recent bank robbery" comment was a pretext to retro-actively justify the initial racial profiling and the shooting itself. The officer is a miserable scumbag. If the cop was really that worried about the Castillo being the robbery suspect then backup should have been requested. This is more disgusting than most times when cops find excuses to justify killing unarmed Blacks.

Oh look, more delusional nonsense. Go figure.
What that proves is that the officers story has changed several times, each time painting his story in a better light, almost like, by design or something. His initial comment did NOT say that he saw a gun
iLOL No.
He is heard immediately saying he told him not to reach for it and also to get his hand off it.

... and in fact, if the weapon was still in the guys shorts, he couldnt have seen a weapon.
He saw the gun.
His gun which was carried out of the vehicle with his body.

Object as seen on his lap.
Nothing else resembling that object got carried out of the vehicle with him except for the gun, and no other evidence has been reported that would suggest it is anything else.


He overreacted. He overreacted and a citizen died because of his overreaction.
No. He acted appropriately.
No, this was justice.
And they do face a high burden, the same high burden non-officers face. Reasonableness.

Oh look, more delusional nonsense. Go figure.

No way a non-officer walks after an incident like this, nor should they. I feel terrible for the victim's family. This shooting was tragic.

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