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Obama's Approval Rating Drops to Lowest Ever, According to Gallup (2 Viewers)

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Those numbers are a separate issue. Obama's plan was to save or create 3 million jobs. Just because we lost 2½ million since Obama's stimulus instead of 6 million doesn't mean his stimulus was a failure ... it was never designed to save or create 8+ million jobs, which is what we need to get the unemployment rate back down to where it was when Clinton was president.

You continue to buy what Obama tells you when there is no proof of any of that happening. You really don't understand how the economy works nor does "your" President who doesn't have a clue how to manage anything and apparently neither do you. You don't reduce unemployment by causing a decrease in the labor force nor do you mirco manage a private sector economy with massive govt. intervention. Obama is an empty suit and the results show it.
You continue to buy what Obama tells you when there is no proof of any of that happening. You really don't understand how the economy works nor does "your" President who doesn't have a clue how to manage anything and apparently neither do you. You don't reduce unemployment by causing a decrease in the labor force nor do you mirco manage a private sector economy with massive govt. intervention. Obama is an empty suit and the results show it.

You keep claiming that Obama's stimulus didn't save or create any jobs and you have no proof to support your claim. But in fact there is a ton of proof, direct and indirect, that the stimulus saved and created millions of jobs.
You keep claiming that Obama's stimulus didn't save or create any jobs and you have no proof to support your claim. But in fact there is a ton of proof, direct and indirect, that the stimulus saved and created millions of jobs.

I posted the numbers, that is proof. All you have is rhetoric. Show me any credible source that counts saved jobs. BLS shows a 3 million job losses and BLS is credible data.
I posted the numbers, that is proof. All you have is rhetoric. Show me any credible source that counts saved jobs. BLS shows a 3 million job losses and BLS is credible data.

Your numbers don't prove anything vis-a-vis the stimulus. All you can show is that 3 million jobs were lost. You can't show that, without the stimulus, five, or six, or eight or ten million jobs wouldn't have been lost.
His goal was to save or create 3 million jobs. You said the results of his stimulus saved or created that plus an additional half million jobs.

How is that not a success?

If he was really ambitious he should say he saved 9 million jobs.

It's not as though he's ever taken an anti-exaggeration position.
Your numbers don't prove anything vis-a-vis the stimulus. All you can show is that 3 million jobs were lost. You can't show that, without the stimulus, five, or six, or eight or ten million jobs wouldn't have been lost.

If I can show a net job loss today of 3 million jobs where were the jobs created? You believe that more jobs would be lost but cannot prove it so why do you buy the Obama lies.
If he was really ambitious he should say he saved 9 million jobs.

It's not as though he's ever taken an anti-exaggeration position.

Great point, although look at the people who bought the saved jobs claim. He problem knew it was stretching it with the 3.5 million job numbers.
If I can show a net job loss today of 3 million jobs where were the jobs created? You believe that more jobs would be lost but cannot prove it so why do you buy the Obama lies.

No, neither one of us can prove our cases. We just have to rely on the experts and common sense. The experts and common sense tell us that when you pump close to a trillion dollars into the economy, it stimulates the economy, thus saving and creating jobs. There are also many specific examples of jobs that were saved and created, if you would bother to visit the stimulus website which lists all of the various projects that were financed. Recovery.gov - Tracking the Money

For example, the State of Texas reported receiving over $11.5 billion which saved or created over 45,000 jobs. And of course that's just direct jobs. There is a multiplier effect to any stimulus.
No, neither one of us can prove our cases. We just have to rely on the experts and common sense. The experts and common sense tell us that when you pump close to a trillion dollars into the economy, it stimulates the economy, thus saving and creating jobs. There are also many specific examples of jobs that were saved and created, if you would bother to visit the stimulus website which lists all of the various projects that were financed. Recovery.gov - Tracking the Money

For example, the State of Texas reported receiving over $11.5 billion which saved or created over 45,000 jobs. And of course that's just direct jobs. There is a multiplier effect to any stimulus.

This is what you want to believe and nothing is going to change your mind. The Bureau of Labor Statistics is responsible for reporting employment and unemployment. I have posted the data from that site and given you the link. BLS nor any other service counts saved jobs and Obama knows that but that doesn't stop those that want to believe him to believe everything he says. The numbers are quite telling. We have 3 million fewer people employed today than when Obama took office, that is a bls fact. We have more unemployed today than when Obama took office, that is a bls fact. We have a declining labor force today vs. when Obama took office, that is another bls fact.

Now you can counter with the argument that things could have been worse but that is pure opinion and speculation. Deal with facts and not speculation because when you don't you lose credibility
This is what you want to believe and nothing is going to change your mind. The Bureau of Labor Statistics is responsible for reporting employment and unemployment. I have posted the data from that site and given you the link. BLS nor any other service counts saved jobs and Obama knows that but that doesn't stop those that want to believe him to believe everything he says. The numbers are quite telling. We have 3 million fewer people employed today than when Obama took office, that is a bls fact. We have more unemployed today than when Obama took office, that is a bls fact. We have a declining labor force today vs. when Obama took office, that is another bls fact.

Now you can counter with the argument that things could have been worse but that is pure opinion and speculation. Deal with facts and not speculation because when you don't you lose credibility

BLS does not report saved jobs. Where is that link?
Now you can counter with the argument that things could have been worse but that is pure opinion and speculation. Deal with facts and not speculation because when you don't you lose credibility

Aren't you to some extent speculating a Republican would be better?
Aren't you to some extent speculating a Republican would be better?

Of course he is. His entire argument is that Obama is responsible for the lousy economy, but he can't list a single thing Republicans would have done that wouldn't make the situation worse.
Aren't you to some extent speculating a Republican would be better?

Anyone pro growth and pro private enterprise is better than what we have today. Neither Perry or Romney created the problem we have today and both have success stories to tout. We have 2 1/2 years of Obamanomics and the results speak for themselves.
Of course he is. His entire argument is that Obama is responsible for the lousy economy, but he can't list a single thing Republicans would have done that wouldn't make the situation worse.

Obviously you have never run anything in your life. No leader blames everyone else but never takes responsibility. Obama is no leader
Obviously you have never run anything in your life. No leader blames everyone else but never takes responsibility. Obama is no leader

Obviously you have never run anything in your life. No leader intentionally distorts reality to take responsibility for things that are beyond his control. Republicans have no alternative to Obama that passes the laugh test.
Anyone pro growth and pro private enterprise is better than what we have today. Neither Perry or Romney created the problem we have today and both have success stories to tout. We have 2 1/2 years of Obamanomics and the results speak for themselves.

hey look above yourself....See that... That is the point I was making going way over your head.
There's no "saved jobs" category there. Where is the direct link to the supposed saved jobs statistics?

There is no such link, I don't subscribe to the saved job theory. Obama is the one who claimed he saved or created 3.5 million jobs, ask him. That is what he gave to the CBO
Obviously you have never run anything in your life. No leader intentionally distorts reality to take responsibility for things that are beyond his control. Republicans have no alternative to Obama that passes the laugh test.

I don't think anyone that voted for Obama should be talking about the laugh test. This empty suit had an empty resume and has generated results that show that resume to be accurate. Sorry, but the laugh is on those that voted for him, the rest of the country isn't laughing.
There is no such link, I don't subscribe to the saved job theory. Obama is the one who claimed he saved or created 3.5 million jobs, ask him. That is what he gave to the CBO

That's right, BLS does not post those numbers, so BLS does not tell the whole story. Anyone who isn't par-blind with partisanship knows that jobs were saved. Billions of dollars went to states that used the money to fill budget gaps that otherwise would have been filled by laying off employees. Billions more went to construction projects that allowed construction firms to hire and/or keep staff that they otherwise would have laid off. You would have to stick a knife in your head and liquify the logic center of your brain to believe that no jobs were saved or created.
That's right, BLS does not post those numbers, so BLS does not tell the whole story. Anyone who isn't par-blind with partisanship knows that jobs were saved. Billions of dollars went to states that used the money to fill budget gaps that otherwise would have been filled by laying off employees. Billions more went to construction projects that allowed construction firms to hire and/or keep staff that they otherwise would have laid off. You would have to stick a knife in your head and liquify the logic center of your brain to believe that no jobs were saved or created.

Then give me any credible source that quantifies job saved? States weren't even given the opportunity to save their own jobs. That is nothing more than liberal bull**** and what you want to believe.
I didn't hit anyone driving home today so obviously I stopped a lot of accidents from happening.
That's right, BLS does not post those numbers, so BLS does not tell the whole story. Anyone who isn't par-blind with partisanship knows that jobs were saved. Billions of dollars went to states that used the money to fill budget gaps that otherwise would have been filled by laying off employees. Billions more went to construction projects that allowed construction firms to hire and/or keep staff that they otherwise would have laid off. You would have to stick a knife in your head and liquify the logic center of your brain to believe that no jobs were saved or created.

How many jobs were created and how many jobs were saved? Provide specifics? Why only 3.5 million, why not 5 million or wipe out the entire job losses over the past 10years?
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