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Obama voters - Your opinions, please... (1 Viewer)

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Mar 25, 2010
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On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being no confidence and 10 being super confident, how do you feel about Obama winning the election in a few weeks?
I'm fairly confident, 7 out of 10.
I'm "MORE" fairly confident, 8 out of 10.
I'm going to go with a 6 or 7.
Well, I didn't vote for Obama but I would prefer him to Romney. I am with zstep18 in that I would go with a 6 or 7. I would make a small money bet that Obama will win but not a big bet.
I just read the answers and I had also voted 7. I would say between a 6 or 7 yet I believe it is a close race and anything could happen..
I think it is a toss up so checked 5
On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being no confidence and 10 being super confident, how do you feel about Obama winning the election in a few weeks?
I am fairly confident that Obama will take the general election. there is a chance Romney will pull it off at the last second like the 2000 campaign with the big money being spent and his ability to stretch the truth convincingly.
I give Obama a 60% chance of winning
A 7....6 is to close to the election being a wash and 8 is too confident. 7 is perfect....since I'm confident he's going to win but I wouldn't bet my house on it.
On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being no confidence and 10 being super confident, how do you feel about Obama winning the election in a few weeks?

10 and this is the reason why: *
I think that there are more people who are going to make up their minds after the next debate. If Obama does well, Romney is toast, if not then it will be somewhat close.
I wish I could vote 6.5
Ok, two weeks before the election

RCP and Nate Silver's blog show a popular vote dead heat for the most part

Nate Silver and Intrade give Obama about a 65% chance of winning.

So far, my original post of 6.5 seems to be holding.
It's going to be close. I should have voted 5, but I'm an optimist so I voted 6! :)
Everyone still feel the same way?
On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being no confidence and 10 being super confident, how do you feel about Obama winning the election in a few weeks?

I really can't get a good handle on this election....I felt the same way when Reagan beat Carter in 1980..........I think it will be a close election if Obama wins and a landslide by Romney if he wins.
A 5.

Maybe on 11:59 PM Nov 5th, I might change my mind.

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