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Obama unveils $500 million gun violence package (1 Viewer)

The ATF should be disbanded.

It's a strange thing to have around seeing as how all three are legal under most circumstances.
It should be noted that giving money to communities to help keep police officers on the payroll is meaningless. They will only be around until the money runs out and then they will be cut due to not having the money to keep them. Nothing more than a waste of money. This includes giving money to schools to hire security. In order to keep those people hired and doing their job they have to have constant revenue. Everyone with even a 1 brain cell knows that this money will not be constant.

Providing money to the CDC to find the causes of violent behavior is a good idea...but again you're going to run into money troubles.

The rest of Obama's proposal would not have stopped the Sandy Hook shooting. The guns that the mother had were bought legally and with a full back ground check. The kid stole them from her. Sure the mother might have been able to condemn him to some institute but if he had any brains he could have faked his way out. It wouldn't be the first time nor the last. Thats the problem with the system. You have to convince someone else that the person should be institutionalized and that is no easy thing to do if the person in question is intelligent.

As for requiring background checks for private gun sales? Good luck keeping that from being ruled unconstitutional in front of SCOTUS. Just as abortion was legalized due to privacy the requirment of a background check from private sellers is a violation of a persons privacy.
It's a strange thing to have around seeing as how all three are legal under most circumstances.

Government control, government databasing and watching and monitoring...that's all it is. Big Brother, he's here to protect us.
I love how its okay for him to use our children for a political agenda when the NRA mentions his they have crossed the line and are the cowardly ones. Ha!
To your first point, you're wrong. You can already privately sell your firearm through an FFL (as anyone who has sold online is fully aware of). This should be a federal law (and has broad support). As to your second point, addressing mental health in this country and talking openly about it does address what transpired at Sandy Hook. And finally your last point really highlights the truth in this debate (though not directly). Conservatives don't believe in any regulation on gun control. Feel free to vilify the President. But to suggest that he is merely capitalizing on an event and not following through with his true beliefs is very misguided.

The private sale prohibition is going to be one of the top priorities but I'd be surprised if it goes through. First off, the federal government has no power to regulate private commerce that does not cross state lines so on its face there would be a HUGE legal hurdle. Secondly, how would it possibly be enforced? If I sell you a gun and you're a criminal are you going to turn me in? If you get caught with a gun that I sold you and you commit a crime and that gun is traced back to me all I'm going to say is that you stole it.
I love how its okay for him to use our children for a political agenda when the NRA mentions his they have crossed the line and are the cowardly ones. Ha!

Most people think it's shady for either side so I'm not really sure where you get this idea.

The private sale prohibition is going to be one of the top priorities but I'd be surprised if it goes through. First off, the federal government has no power to regulate private commerce that does not cross state lines so on its face there would be a HUGE legal hurdle. Secondly, how would it possibly be enforced? If I sell you a gun and you're a criminal are you going to turn me in? If you get caught with a gun that I sold you and you commit a crime and that gun is traced back to me all I'm going to say is that you stole it.

Difficult to enforce doesn't mean we should leave it legal. I don't know about you, but I think it should be illegal to sell a gun privately to a person who can't legally purchase a gun.

I mean really. Does anybody think the 2nd amendment includes selling guns to violent criminals? Does anybody really oppose making it illegal for violent criminals to own guns?

If you think both of those things should be illegal, shouldn't there be at least some attempt to stop it from happening?
Their mission includes more than just literal diseases. It also includes injury and disability.

Yeah, it became yet another of those government agencies, created for a specific purpose, that later morphed into a frankenagency. Taking up responsibilities and control that were never asked for in it's creation.
Most people think it's shady for either side so I'm not really sure where you get this idea.

Difficult to enforce doesn't mean we should leave it legal. I don't know about you, but I think it should be illegal to sell a gun privately to a person who can't legally purchase a gun.

I mean really. Does anybody think the 2nd amendment includes selling guns to violent criminals? Does anybody really oppose making it illegal for violent criminals to own guns?

If you think both of those things should be illegal, shouldn't there be at least some attempt to stop it from happening?

Correct me if im wrong but the magnitude of which Obama has been using children compared to the mention of his by the NRA on this particular issue are on two entirely different levels. I didnt say it wasnt shady to use children in politics. I think all he is doing is further proving just how large of an "elitist hypocrite" we have running this country.
The private sale prohibition is going to be one of the top priorities but I'd be surprised if it goes through. First off, the federal government has no power to regulate private commerce that does not cross state lines so on its face there would be a HUGE legal hurdle. Secondly, how would it possibly be enforced? If I sell you a gun and you're a criminal are you going to turn me in? If you get caught with a gun that I sold you and you commit a crime and that gun is traced back to me all I'm going to say is that you stole it.

When you sell a vehicle you submit a form to the state. I don't see why firearms should be less regulated then vehicles. Failure to report a stolen firearm should also be a felony. There will always be criminals. The purpose of a law is not just deterrence. It also has acts a punishment to those who willfully break them. Again, it is not a prohibition against private sale. The FFL would only act as an intermediary between both parties (fyi, this is how I would sell mine already because I'm not going to risk accidentally selling to a criminal).
The private sale prohibition is going to be one of the top priorities but I'd be surprised if it goes through. First off, the federal government has no power to regulate private commerce that does not cross state lines so on its face there would be a HUGE legal hurdle. Secondly, how would it possibly be enforced? If I sell you a gun and you're a criminal are you going to turn me in? If you get caught with a gun that I sold you and you commit a crime and that gun is traced back to me all I'm going to say is that you stole it.

Weapons should not be sold privately if you want to sell a weapon or purchase a weapon it should be done through a licensed dealer, Enforcement should be easy if you own a weapon and it has been used in the commission of a crime and you have not reported it stolen you should have your gun ownership right revoked and be subjected to fines and jail time.
Regardless if you agree with Obama or not, it's pretty outrageous that CDC research into gun violence in America was being blocked. I for one am really pleased to see that the freeze was lifted. It's hard to get real information from all the politics and partisan posturing going on.
When you sell a vehicle you submit a form to the state. I don't see why firearms should be less regulated then vehicles. Failure to report a stolen firearm should also be a felony. There will always be criminals. The purpose of a law is not just deterrence. It also has acts a punishment to those who willfully break them. Again, it is not a prohibition against private sale. The FFL would only act as an intermediary between both parties (fyi, this is how I would sell mine already because I'm not going to risk accidentally selling to a criminal).

Vehicle registrations are for tax purposes and the tax is because public funds are used to provide the roads your car needs. Guns, like lawnmowers and refrigerators, are personal use products and any tax for their use should be unconstitutional because it would be an infringement on the right to keep and bear arms. I can't really think of a good reason to expand the commerce clause that much because once it's done for guns the floodgates will open and the federal government will regulate anything it can get it's hands on.
Weapons should not be sold privately if you want to sell a weapon or purchase a weapon it should be done through a licensed dealer, Enforcement should be easy if you own a weapon and it has been used in the commission of a crime and you have not reported it stolen you should have your gun ownership right revoked and be subjected to fines and jail time.

Why not?

If I want to sell my poker buddy a gun I should be able to do so just as if I wanted to sell him my old couch.
I'd like to know, how he defines armor piercing bullets.

That's easy....can they be used in scary looking black guns? If so then they are, by definition, armor piercing and/or exploding....and heat seeking.
Why not?

If I want to sell my poker buddy a gun I should be able to do so just as if I wanted to sell him my old couch.

You poker buddy will not use a couch to commit a crime with, you may have no idea of what your old buddy intends to use that weapon for, your old buddy may have a mental health problem that you are not aware of, every weapon should be registered to the owner who should have had a background check prior to purchasing a weapon
You poker buddy will not use a couch to commit a crime with, you may have no idea of what your old buddy intends to use that weapon for, your old buddy may have a mental health problem that you are not aware of, every weapon should be registered to the owner who should have had a background check prior to purchasing a weapon

So I should simply presume that everyone around me is a criminal? That's asinine.
Most people think it's shady for either side so I'm not really sure where you get this idea.

And yet the hypocrisy remains on Obama's part.

Difficult to enforce doesn't mean we should leave it legal. I don't know about you, but I think it should be illegal to sell a gun privately to a person who can't legally purchase a gun.

I mean really. Does anybody think the 2nd amendment includes selling guns to violent criminals? Does anybody really oppose making it illegal for violent criminals to own guns?

If you think both of those things should be illegal, shouldn't there be at least some attempt to stop it from happening?

Sorry but it is not my job to police people. If I wanted that job then I would have become a policeman.

Also I should point out that not allowing criminals to possess or buy a gun is not entirely about violent offenders. It also covers non-violent offenders who have a felony. I should also point out that if a violent offender is not trusted enough to buy a gun then they shouldn't be out on the streets to begin with. And lastly (for now) banning guns from violent offenders is idiotic because that violent offender obviously does not care about the law and will continue to be violent. And even if it were possible to keep guns out of their hands while out of the penal system there are lots of other ways in which a violent person can continue to be violent. How much do you want to bet that I could link to a site that tells you how to make pipe bombs?
You poker buddy will not use a couch to commit a crime with, you may have no idea of what your old buddy intends to use that weapon for, your old buddy may have a mental health problem that you are not aware of, every weapon should be registered to the owner who should have had a background check prior to purchasing a weapon

Registration is not going to stop gun violence. A person that has a registered gun in their name is just as capable of committing a crime with that gun as a criminal. Might be rare but it is still a possibility. A background check is not going to stop someone that has never been considered mentally unstable from buying a gun.
But .. but ... but .. its "for the children" !!!!


What a political whore Obama is. Only thing the scumbag is good at.
Registration is not going to stop gun violence. A person that has a registered gun in their name is just as capable of committing a crime with that gun as a criminal. Might be rare but it is still a possibility. A background check is not going to stop someone that has never been considered mentally unstable from buying a gun.

I can agree with that. On the flip side if a gun is found at the scene of a violent crime or maybe just laying in the street somewhere the police have a place to start looking for the owner or the criminal which ever the case may be.

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