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Obama spokesman says president believes Michael Jackson was a musical icon (1 Viewer)


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Sep 13, 2007
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Obama spokesman says president believes Michael Jackson was a musical icon

Obama spokesman says president believes Michael Jackson was a musical icon .

WASHINGTON (AP) - Obama spokesman says president believes Michael Jackson was a musical icon .

I hope this meets bn guidelines if not I apologize.

However, as one perdicted, Obama has come out with a statement on the pedophilic freak.

Note he still has not come out with any firm words other than "concern" and "appalled" for the massacre in Iran, or the struggle for freedom of the Iranian people.

I for one am no longer shocked at this administration and its lack or direction or its lack of American "pride" for a lack of a better word. Feckless, weak, and priorities all askew.
Desperate for criticism much? :sinking::sinking::sinking:
Somehow giving Iran an excuse to blame America for its troubles does not seem like a good idea. It's easy to forget that nobody in Iran really likes America. Having the US overtly support one political group over the other in Iran is probably comparable to a political group having the support of the Ku Klux Klan over here.
Actually it appears he has made a statement.

Obama: US, Germany condemn Iranian behavior

"We see it and we condemn it," Obama said.

"Their bravery in the face of brutality is a testament to their enduring pursuit of justice," Obama said.

"The violence perpetrated against them is outrageous. In spite of the government's efforts to keep the world from bearing witness to that violence, we see it and we condemn it," he said.

This is a good start
So your complaint is that President Obama has said the right thing in both cases?
So you leave your kids with an accused pedophile. I'll execute better judgement then. :2wave:
There's a difference between taking steps of caution near an accused pedophile and simply declaring a person as a pedophile without him being convicted.
I'm sure you wouldn't want to be taken as guilty by the public were you to be accused of a crime.
There's a difference between taking steps of caution near an accused pedophile and simply declaring a person as a pedophile without him being convicted.
I'm sure you wouldn't want to be taken as guilty by the public were you to be accused of a crime.

:lol: I am unconcerned with how MJ would feel me calling him a pedophile...

But I find this odd given the accusations that were made against the troops by certain liberals.... What do you think about murtha's comments about the Haditha marines. I don't recall you standing up for the Marines.
:lol: I am unconcerned with how MJ would feel me calling him a pedophile...
I'm glad you could understand my point. /sarcasm
But I find this odd given the accusations that were made against the troops by certain liberals.... What do you think about murtha's comments about the Haditha marines. I don't recall you standing up for the Marines.
I wasn't there. :shock:

Don't try to drag me into the Liberal/Conservative thing, I couldn't give a damn about ridiculous American political conflicts.
I'm glad you could understand my point. /sarcasm
I wasn't there. :shock:

If it looks like a duck.....

Don't try to drag me into the Liberal/Conservative thing, I couldn't give a damn about ridiculous American political conflicts.

Regardless, I don't recall your commentary on a senators accusations calling US Marines "murderers"......

Can I get it now?
If it looks like a duck.....

Regardless, I don't recall your commentary on a senators accusations calling US Marines "murderers"......

Can I get it now?

Under your rational....if they were accused....then they must be.

Why do you believe the US Marines are Murderers just because they were accused?
Under your rational....if they were accused....then they must be.

Why do you believe the US Marines are Murderers just because they were accused?

Difference is I am defending Marines, you are defending a pedophile.

You go girl. :lamo
hey Rev....pssst....don't look now ....but your hypocrisy is showing.

Hey disney....psst.... don't look now, but your defending a pedophile.

Oh and do I really need to dig up all the accusations you make daily about right wingers? I'd hate to continue to make you look foolish. :2wave:
Difference is I am defending Marines, you are defending a pedophile.

You go girl. :lamo
You cannot apply the innocent term for one accused group and the guilty term for another accused person.

It should be "Difference is I am defending murderers, you are defending a pedophile"

Or "Difference is I am defending Marines, you are defending Michael Jackson.
Hey disney....psst.... don't look now, but your defending a pedophile.

Oh and do I really need to dig up all the accusations you make daily about right wingers? I'd hate to continue to make you look foolish. :2wave:

Hey Rev....psst.....if you were paying attention you would see that I made no statement defending anyone.....just one warning you that your hypocrisy is showing.
Difference is I am defending Marines, you are defending a pedophile.

You go girl. :lamo

It should not matter if you are miliaty or civilian the rules of justice,evidence, and fair treatment apply.

I also beleive that the accusation against the Marines were for a specific incident for a specific group of fMarines.
Wow. It again, amazes me that this whole thing turns into a debate about partisanship and marines!

The President simply commented on a tragic occurence in the US. MJ represented the US around the world as part of our culture and we should be proud of that and I am happy the president took notice to it.

He was the king of Pop. Japan loves him. China loves him. Most of Asia loves him, no matter how much they hate us. Have a little respect Rev, wether he was a pedophile or not, he was a smal, but important piece of US history.
Regardless of the accusations against Michael Jackson, and that's all they ever were (he was in fact acquitted on all counts in the only time he ever went to trial), he was in fact a music icon. This is an undeniable truth.
I hope this meets bn guidelines if not I apologize.

However, as one perdicted, Obama has come out with a statement on the pedophilic freak.

Note he still has not come out with any firm words other than "concern" and "appalled" for the massacre in Iran, or the struggle for freedom of the Iranian people.

I for one am no longer shocked at this administration and its lack or direction or its lack of American "pride" for a lack of a better word. Feckless, weak, and priorities all askew.

He was a musical icon. His personal life was a mess, no doubt, but that doesn't change the fact that his music back in the day kicked ass. Off The Wall is still one of my favorite albums.
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