One must approach this logically. In 2002, the Taliban controlled Afghanistan and annual Opium production was 272 tons that year. The Taliban discouraged Opium production. The USA has been in charge/control since 2003 and Opium production has increased to 11,000 tons per year or 40 times as much Opium is now produced under USA tutelage. Heroin is made from Opium. The USA says the Taliban is the Opium dealing agent, but the USA has been in charge since 2003, ergo someone is lying. Now the CIA controls many of the forces in Afghanistan and the CIA has a Congressionally documented history of dealing drugs to create autonomous, self funding operations. This was revealed during Iran Contra hearings with Oliver North's testimony. Perhaps the truth could be that the Opium economy would be threatened if the USA pulls out. After all, it has been our occupation of Afghanistan that is coincident with the booming Opium trade. While this trade was developing, the USA/AMA (American Medical Association) OKs the use of Opiates for pain killer therapy. This had always been discouraged in the past because of the addictive nature of Opiates. Perhaps Big Pharma at the CORPORATE level has rented enough politicians to expand its' business in this manner. Perhaps if we remove our troops the Taliban will get Opium production back to the 272 ton per year level and that could hurt Big CORPORATE, or not? There are many natural resources in Afghanistan and if you don't control the ground, you won't get the Natural Resources. You understand, I'm sure, like our Oil under that Iraqi and Libyan and Syrian sand. Don't forget the pipelines while you have the old cerebellum in high gear. This couldn't be more Imperialism and resource acquisition for USA Big Corporate, or could it?