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Obama calls Americans struggling to pay mortgages "deadbeats" (1 Viewer)

Obama: Struggling With Your Mortgage? "You're Just a Deadbeat" UPDATE: Video Added | Independent Journal Review

He just called the thousands of Americans struggling to make mortgage payments due partly to HIS failed economic policies ...deadbeats???

worst. president. ever.

That isn't what he said at all. He was comparing what Congress is doing to someone deciding not to pay their mortgage for a month or two.

If you're going to criticize the President's handling of this ongoing mess, at least be honest about it.
The false outrage. You can almost taste it.
Obama: Struggling With Your Mortgage? "You're Just a Deadbeat" UPDATE: Video Added | Independent Journal Review

He just called the thousands of Americans struggling to make mortgage payments due partly to HIS failed economic policies ...deadbeats???

worst. president. ever.

How ****ing delusional do you have to be to accept this characterization of what he said?
Don't you have any critical thinking skills of your own or do you just let other people do that for you? :lamo
That isn't what he said at all. He was comparing what Congress is doing to someone deciding not to pay their mortgage for a month or two.

If you're going to criticize the President's handling of this ongoing mess, at least be honest about it.

I agree. In fact, here is what Obama actually DID say....

I think that, if Obama had said if you decided to kill someone, that would make you a murderer, some of the yahoos here would claim that Obama was calling Americans murderers. LOL.

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