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Not that anyone would care for a newbie (1 Viewer)


Sep 1, 2005
Reaction score
Monrovia, CA
Political Leaning
Well, in the off chance that you want to greet me, here's a bit about myself.
I'm Buddhist
I'm fifteen (No, i'm not rebeling against main-stream religion)
I am a master Green belt (just below brown) at Red Dragon Karate
I am a Star scout, about to be Life
I like to assemble and paint figurines. It's tough, so let's see you He-men do it!
I might Want to be a gamne designer (not because it sounds cool, i know they get low pay.)
I might want to become a Buddhist monk. Don't worry, I plan on not bringing up Buddhism on any thread outside of the religion thread unless it is a foundation of a political opinion, such as abortion.
I collect swords. They're better than collecting old soda cans!
I'm a moderate kinda guy. I take conservative views on thing, and liberal views on things. As Chris Rock said, "Crime, I'm conservative. Prostitution, I'm liberal!"
so, that's it.

Hey and welcome :2wave:

Buddhist: non violence

karate, swords: violent

What's going on? A karate chopping Buddhist monk? Don't here about many of those...;)
I know. It would kick so much ass. But, seriously, I like swords for thier symbolism. When you hol;d one, you feel empowered. Karate. . . Well, my mom made me.:3oops:
Wow, excellent intro. Welcome to Debate Politics!

It really is awesome when young adults are active and also interested in discussion of many of the topics that will affect them in the very near future.
Glad you're here. Thanks for coming.
I hope you find it to your liking.
Welcome Dear Boy!

You seem to be mature then a couple of 15 Year Olds we've had in the past. To me Buddhism is not a religion, instead it's a philosophy and a damned good one at that!

So you're more like a Shaolin Temple monk? Sweet
Welcome to Debate Politics, Argonath!:2wave:

I hope you don't mind that we will be confiscating your swords so we can use them for evil...:lol:
You being a buddhist at your age unless your parents had anything to do with that means that you have a very open mind. Thats awesome. Some of my musical heroes were buddhists actually. I'm not a buddhist cause I give in to desire all the time lmao. Anyways, wecome to the forums.
Kelzie said:
Hey and welcome :2wave:

Buddhist: non violence

karate, swords: violent

What's going on? A karate chopping Buddhist monk? Don't here about many of those...;)

Don't you ever watch Kung Fu?

Welcome Ag

I'm a sleep in Sunday baptist

I once took a course in world religions and its very interesting to notice the very close similarities between buddhism, hinduism, confuscism, and daoism
infact the life stories of Buddha, Confuscious and Dao, are so similar that some now think that they were the same person.
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The church my scout troop hold thier meeting at is a babtist church, babtist. . . bigins, with a b. . . B is the first letter in "bomb". . . Which can only mean one thing. . . The BSA and the Babtist church are in league to bomb every major city in the world! HA! Can't hide forever, can you !?!?
FinnMacCool said:
I'm not a buddhist cause I give in to desire all the time lmao. Anyways, wecome to the forums.

Well, that's why it takes many lifes to become controling of your wants. Monks beg because it humbles them into enjoying what meager things they have, such as thier robes and shoes. after all, Buddha wan't Enlightened in a day!
On second thougt I may have mistook one or more of those with Jainism I can't keep them straight now they're all to similar and after all it was like 4 semesters ago though and my memories f'd. Religion was never my strong point.
Argonath said:
The church my scout troop hold thier meeting at is a babtist church, babtist. . . bigins, with a b. . . B is the first letter in "bomb". . . Which can only mean one thing. . . The BSA and the Babtist church are in league to bomb every major city in the world! HA! Can't hide forever, can you !?!?

I'm not really baptist I was raised Catholic but am currently agnostic.
Argonath said:
oyur avatar is funny. "Insert more beer" :rofl

Thanks...It used to be Mr.Hanky from South Park....

They just made me a Moderator of this forum, so I thought I should show more decorum and not have an avatar that was a waving piece of poo...:2wave:
cnredd said:
Thanks...It used to be Mr.Hanky from South Park....

They just made me a Moderator of this forum, so I thought I should show more decorum and not have an avatar that was a waving piece of poo...:2wave:

So you decided to go with the beer-drinking video game huh? I wise choice if I may say. :lol:
Kelzie said:
So you decided to go with the beer-drinking video game huh? I wise choice if I may say. :lol:

An "upgrade" nonetheless...:cool:
FinnMacCool said:
Our moderators are all ultra conservative right wing whackos so be very careful what you say around here. . .

*note, just to see what happens

Gays! Abortions! Down with the Pope! Bush is a turd! UR UH DUMAS!

okay. just went on a tangent there. Bush is average, at the least, and "ur uh dumas" is just stupid.
FinnMacCool said:
Our moderators are all ultra conservative right wing whackos so be very careful what you say around here. . .

Ouch. That really hurts me. I'm certainly not right wing...I'll give you the wacko though (watch out for cnredd...the boy's loco :screwy )

ath]*note, just to see what happens

Gays! Abortions! Down with the Pope! Bush is a turd! UR UH DUMAS!

okay. just went on a tangent there. Bush is average, at the least, and "ur uh dumas" is just stupid.[/QUOTE]

Mod Gavel

No warning do not pass go, go directly to ban!

Hay that was a pretty good impersonation,

Oh s**t that was probably a bannable offense huh, oh s**t I said s**t, g*d damn it I did it again, f**k . . . aww screw it.
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Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Mod Gavel]

No warning do not pass go, go directly to ban!

Hay that was a pretty good impersonation,

Oh s**t that was probably a bannable offense huh, oh s**t I said s**t, g*d damn it I did it again, f**k . . . aww screw it.

Well, geez maybe if you had gotten it right I would have banned you.

[mod gavel]

Vegans rock.

[/mod gavel]

You gotta have the red. Reminds people of blood and death...:mrgreen:

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