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North Korea openly threatens EMP attack for the first time, changing the game (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 28, 2016
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Very Conservative
But a statement from the rogue regime took things to a whole new level. The North said it had tested an H-bomb that was “a multi-functional thermonuclear nuke with great destructive power which can be detonated at high altitudes for super-powerful EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack according to strategic goals.”

This is the first time it has publicly mentioned its interest and ability in an EMP attack, a devastating weapon that could have catastrophic consequences for North America, the West and their closer neighbours.

An EMP attack, as I detail in my new book Pulse Attack, is a nuclear detonation that occurs in the atmosphere and creates a waveform that can take down the electrical grid below.

In the worst case scenario, this wouldn’t just shut off the power for minutes or hours, but weeks or even months, due to serious damage to transformer stations and other integral elements of our power infrastructure.

North Korea openly threatens EMP attack for the first time, changing the game |

When a person points a gun at you and threatens to shoot you, would you be justified to shoot him if you had the opportunity to do so?

And an EMP doesn’t even have to be particularly well aimed. 65,000 feet well spaced over the USA would put us back to the 1880’s lifestyle without 1880’s infrastructure. The Amish wouldn’t notice too much, but the rest of us would have a very, very bad problem.
You wrote a book?
But a statement from the rogue regime took things to a whole new level. The North said it had tested an H-bomb that was “a multi-functional thermonuclear nuke with great destructive power which can be detonated at high altitudes for super-powerful EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack according to strategic goals.”

This is the first time it has publicly mentioned its interest and ability in an EMP attack, a devastating weapon that could have catastrophic consequences for North America, the West and their closer neighbours.

An EMP attack, as I detail in my new book Pulse Attack, is a nuclear detonation that occurs in the atmosphere and creates a waveform that can take down the electrical grid below.

In the worst case scenario, this wouldn’t just shut off the power for minutes or hours, but weeks or even months, due to serious damage to transformer stations and other integral elements of our power infrastructure.

North Korea openly threatens EMP attack for the first time, changing the game |

When a person points a gun at you and threatens to shoot you, would you be justified to shoot him if you had the opportunity to do so?

I don't think the United States would ever rain down hellfire on NK without the okay from Russia and China. And they may be getting close. But if I recall what THINK about EMP technology, it isn't about human casualties. Perhaps we should show him how it's done... ?

In any case, too many presidents have let this happen. It's a horrible mess. I only wish I knew what it was that they wanted... How long are we willing to be threatened before we are compelled to act
Means + Credible threat = act of war.
I don't think the United States would ever rain down hellfire on NK without the okay from Russia and China. And they may be getting close. But if I recall what THINK about EMP technology, it isn't about human casualties. Perhaps we should show him how it's done... ?

In any case, too many presidents have let this happen. It's a horrible mess. I only wish I knew what it was that they wanted... How long are we willing to be threatened before we are compelled to act

Unfortunately NK will have to fire the first shot, there are millions of lives at stake attacking NK.

The good part is Kim is not suicide or part of a corrupted religion so he loves his lifestyle. Unless we threaten that he won't attack.
When is Bill Clinton going to be arrested for giving China nuke and MIRV technology for campaign cash?

If one American ever dies at the hands of NK or China, you can lay it directly on Bill Clinton. Of course Hillary didn't know.
You're wanting to potentially end millions of lives over a threat?

The Pig’s launch of ICBMs over Japan and setting off a H-bomb is a shot across the bow. This shot across the bow is not a warning shot. It is an act of war.

So i can come to your house and shoot my .45 over your head? Its just a threat, right?
The Pig’s launch of ICBMs over Japan and setting off a H-bomb is a shot across the bow. This shot across the bow is not a warning shot. It is an act of war.

So i can come to your house and shoot my .45 over your head? Its just a threat, right?

So when the US tested H bombs was that a shot across the bow of the world hat deserved the us being attacked?
When a person points a gun at you and threatens to shoot you, would you be justified to shoot him if you had the opportunity to do so?

Yes, you would. Kim has said and done enough already to justify removal from this Earth.
The Pig’s launch of ICBMs over Japan and setting off a H-bomb is a shot across the bow. This shot across the bow is not a warning shot. It is an act of war.

So i can come to your house and shoot my .45 over your head? Its just a threat, right?

If you shot a .45 over my head, would I be warranted to carpet bomb your neighbourhood? Why do you believe millions in NK, SK, Japan and other neighbouring nations deserve to die? Would you have the same attitude if NK parked nuclear-armed submarines of the US coast?
NK's current regime's viability in the future world is based directly on how long China is willing to put up with their antics and the cost that China has to pay to enable its idiocy.
Means + Credible threat = act of war.

In which case we have committed an act of war against most nations on earth. Well done, you have moved past alternate facts, and moved into post alternative logic.
So when the US tested H bombs was that a shot across the bow of the world hat deserved the us being attacked?

At the time was the US firing missile over or towards any country and stating it was reviewing plans to strike targets in said country to create “enveloping fire"
NK's current regime's viability in the future world is based directly on how long China is willing to put up with their antics and the cost that China has to pay to enable its idiocy.

China doesn't control NK as much as we'd like. And now that NK is a plausible nuclear threat, their influence is waning.
So when the US tested H bombs was that a shot across the bow of the world hat deserved the us being attacked?

You people are the same type of people in 1939 that didn’t take Hitler seriously, either
The Pig’s launch of ICBMs over Japan and setting off a H-bomb is a shot across the bow. This shot across the bow is not a warning shot. It is an act of war.

So i can come to your house and shoot my .45 over your head? Its just a threat, right?

Don't use regular firearm analogies with nuclear weapons. They have almost altogether different rules.
You people are the same type of people in 1939 that didn’t take Hitler seriously, either

Historical analogies are likewise problematic in this regard. While Hitler defined a generation and altered the way many thought about foreign affairs since, the analogies were stretched beyond recognition at best; at worst almost entirely inapplicable to the current situation, especially with nuclear weapons.
China doesn't control NK as much as we'd like. And now that NK is a plausible nuclear threat, their influence is waning.

Lessening, but still incredibly substantial. Even if we were to accept the idea that North Korea's system is much more domestically produced than we originally anticipated, they are the big dog of the neighborhood. At the extreme end, if the U.S. were to engage in a preventative strike, this is currently unacceptable to Chinese dictates and they would act accordingly. This would give Americans pause, because the Chinese have a nuclear arsenal that would not make an exchange with China survivable. However, because the Chinese government gave sanction by way of neutrality to the argument of a U.S. retaliatory strike against North Korea, that also signified a brief decrease to the tensions less than a month ago. It meant that China was willing to use its influence by not getting involved. North Korea could not, therefore, attack Guam first with any hope that China would cloud an American response. Any stance from the Chinese government, therefore, will be a major part of the calculation for anyone involved.
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If you shot a .45 over my head, would I be warranted to carpet bomb your neighbourhood? Why do you believe millions in NK, SK, Japan and other neighbouring nations deserve to die? Would you have the same attitude if NK parked nuclear-armed submarines of the US coast?

He's kind of got a point, Spud.

I dread the idea of military action in Korea. Totally dread it. Bad Things will happen.

But what is it going to take to appease Lil' Kim? Now that he thinks he's got a Big Stick?

If we just leave him alone? Doubt it. He wants stuff. Foreign aid for his starving people, so he can keep spending all his nation's money on weapons. What will he demand next? Full US withdrawal from the Pennensula? Do that and odds are we're handing SK and all its people and wealth over to Kim, then Kim is really Japan's next-door neighbor.

EMP is a very serious threat. I've spent a lot of time in electrical utilities, seen EMP analysis... it could be really ugly. No power most places for weeks or months... could take years to get it all back. The cascade effects could be huge. Tens of millions could die as the distribution system breaks down. Full economic recovery could take a generation.

I hope some good brains are trying to find a solution that doesn't involve war... but Kim is really pushing the envelope here, and there's no guarantee appeasement wouldn't end up being even worse over the long haul.

I've been hearing NK saber-rattling for decades, but this **** is getting a little too real for comfort lately.
He's kind of got a point, Spud.

I dread the idea of military action in Korea. Totally dread it. Bad Things will happen.

But what is it going to take to appease Lil' Kim? Now that he thinks he's got a Big Stick?

If we just leave him alone? Doubt it. He wants stuff. Foreign aid for his starving people, so he can keep spending all his nation's money on weapons. What will he demand next? Full US withdrawal from the Pennensula? Do that and odds are we're handing SK and all its people and wealth over to Kim, then Kim is really Japan's next-door neighbor.

EMP is a very serious threat. I've spent a lot of time in electrical utilities, seen EMP analysis... it could be really ugly. No power most places for weeks or months... could take years to get it all back. The cascade effects could be huge. Tens of millions could die as the distribution system breaks down. Full economic recovery could take a generation.

I hope some good brains are trying to find a solution that doesn't involve war... but Kim is really pushing the envelope here, and there's no guarantee appeasement wouldn't end up being even worse over the long haul.

I've been hearing NK saber-rattling for decades, but this **** is getting a little too real for comfort lately.

That's a potential, but it's also one of a few different outcomes. We could also presume that Kim values regime safety over the state religion his family created to control the masses. Territorial expansion, while nice, is what his family has done without for 3 generations.
You people are the same type of people in 1939 that didn’t take Hitler seriously, either

I feel like I have to keep reminds hawks that in any war scenario Seoul is hit by long range artillery. NK doesn't even need nukes to do that.

NK only wants nukes to defend itself from invasion. They have no plans to invade their neighbors. We're better off just leaving them alone until some NK general has the balls to shoot Kim and take over.
You people are the same type of people in 1939 that didn’t take Hitler seriously, either

And you are the same type of people that allowed hitler to gain power in the first place. You let fear dictate your actions.
I feel like I have to keep reminds hawks that in any war scenario Seoul is hit by long range artillery. NK doesn't even need nukes to do that.

NK only wants nukes to defend itself from invasion. They have no plans to invade their neighbors. We're better off just leaving them alone until some NK general has the balls to shoot Kim and take over.

Leaving them alone? No. Probably need a revitalization of hard-nosed Cold War deterrence theory, and if they place nice, we can act like Nixon and Carter in return.
An EMP over the center of the United States would definitely be catastrophic; but it would have no effect on nuclear assets deployed around the world, such as nuclear missile subs.

If we know this, its fair to believe that NK's military leadership knows this as well....it would not leave the United States without teeth or a means or retaliation; I would hope that NK's have considered that as well.

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