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Non-black minorities (1 Viewer)


Mar 22, 2015
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There are no Hispanic riots in the US, Chinese people don't blame white Americans for systematic racism and bigotry, Indian families cannot boast higher involvement in criminal activities than average.
Why there is such a difference between blacks and any other minority in this country? All ethnic groups - even those with completely different background culture - integrate into US society much easier than African Americans. Why is that?

There are no Hispanic riots in the US, Chinese people don't blame white Americans for systematic racism and bigotry, Indian families cannot boast higher involvement in criminal activities than average.
Why there is such a difference between blacks and any other minority in this country? All ethnic groups - even those with completely different background culture - integrate into US society much easier than African Americans. Why is that?

Does that hold out to be true with them and other countries, or is it dependent on percentages?
There are no Hispanic riots in the US, Chinese people don't blame white Americans for systematic racism and bigotry, Indian families cannot boast higher involvement in criminal activities than average.
Why there is such a difference between blacks and any other minority in this country? All ethnic groups - even those with completely different background culture - integrate into US society much easier than African Americans. Why is that?


Actually, I had read a study that seemed to show that it is not the ethnic Blacks that have a problem in American Society, but those socialized in the USA. Those born in aAfrica do much better.
Actually, I had read a study that seemed to show that it is not the ethnic Blacks that have a problem in American Society, but those socialized in the USA. Those born in aAfrica do much better.

That is true, and there is some friction, many US blacks dont like African blacks.

I was shocked to see this the first time.
All ethnic groups - even those with completely different background culture - integrate into US society much easier than African Americans. Why is that?
Uh.....this is just a guess...but perhaps the dominant culture does not accept them fully..... because they have a different skin tone than the dominant culture? But then.....I have absolutely no knowledge of the African-American experience throughout the history of the US.
OK what about the country Fried white trash folks who rioted down in that cesspool Mississippi after Obama THANKFULLY kicked Romney's backside in 12??

Or those inbred rednecks who rioted in Kentucky after their team lost to Duke in the NCAA finals back in March??

It's not only Black's that riot, whites do it too, but I guess that's ok with whitey??
There are no Hispanic riots in the US, Chinese people don't blame white Americans for systematic racism and bigotry, Indian families cannot boast higher involvement in criminal activities than average.
Why there is such a difference between blacks and any other minority in this country? All ethnic groups - even those with completely different background culture - integrate into US society much easier than African Americans. Why is that?


Man, what alternate universe do you live in?

List of ethnic riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There are no Hispanic riots in the US, Chinese people don't blame white Americans for systematic racism and bigotry, Indian families cannot boast higher involvement in criminal activities than average.
Why there is such a difference between blacks and any other minority in this country? All ethnic groups - even those with completely different background culture - integrate into US society much easier than African Americans. Why is that?


African Americans were chattel slaves, and along with so many other grave injustices over hundreds of years, it's created a culture of distrust. What other group of people has been treated nearly as bad since America's inception?
There are no Hispanic riots in the US, Chinese people don't blame white Americans for systematic racism and bigotry, Indian families cannot boast higher involvement in criminal activities than average.
Why there is such a difference between blacks and any other minority in this country? All ethnic groups - even those with completely different background culture - integrate into US society much easier than African Americans. Why is that?


That chart is why I support limiting immigration.

Mass immigration has harmed Black America vastly.

Amnesty Harms Black Americans More Than Bad Cops or Profiling | VDARE.COM

Immigration: One

Lydia Brimelow Says Halfway There! But We Need Your Help To Defend An American America! | VDARE.COM

Immigration: The Light Dawns for American Blacks. | VDARE.COM

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