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New type of life identified by grad student (1 Viewer)

I knew that wasn't hair.
Thanks for posting this.

Damn, isn't that interesting? And like so many great scientific discovers, found by pure serendipitous chance.

And yeah, these guys do look pretty darn 'biology' geeky!

Thanks for posting this.

Damn, isn't that interesting? And like so many great scientific discovers, found by pure serendipitous chance.

And yeah, these guys do look pretty darn 'biology' geeky!


Well, like most science, it was a bit of chance, and a huge amount of hard work.
A pretty impressive discovery...

Looks like they’ve discovered a new kingdom - they found an organism that’s neither plant, animal, or fungi.

It’s a new thing.

Rare microbes lead scientists to discover new branch on the tree of life

Humans have not yet discovered all the different types of life forms that descended from original life forms God created on earth. The depth of design and the intricacy of the trillions of working parts in every creature is amazing.
I’m pretty sure Protista refers only to unicellular organisms.

But it’s been a while since I studied it...
No, you are right, but this seems to be unicellular as well.

Flagella, the main focus of this article, are mostly a cellular form of movement. I'm not sure if small handful of cells animals have them. The article, and others, didnt specify but I'm guessing these are unicellular as well. The images certainly look unicellular.
Maybe theye are too different genetically?
From what I can tell, protista is a mishmash of all unicellular organisms that are eukaryotes. I don't think algea and diatoms are very genetically similar to amoebas and other hunters.

According the the wiki on protista, some definitions of protists even includes some multicellular creatures like kelp and slime molds.

I googled "hemimastigotes protista" but saw no articles differentiating or grouping them.... maybe too new.
Well, like most science, it was a bit of chance, and a huge amount of hard work.

They are really hard at it. Bacon. Lots and lots of bacon! Is that where they found the new life form?

It looks like something that came out of the roller on my Roomba.

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