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New (to me) Daily Drive (1 Viewer)

That is sharp!
Is that one of the last GTOs? At 350 hp they were no slough for their era, but were too little too late for Pontiac.
joko104;bt4774 said:
Is that one of the last GTOs? At 350 hp they were no slough for their era, but were too little too late for Pontiac.

GTO is a good guess, but it's a 4-door, so it's a G8.

Since it's GT, it has a 6.0L L-76 V8, all Aluminum.
361 bhp (269 kW) and 385 lb⋅ft (522 N⋅m)

The thing is a beast at almost 2 tons (
3,946 lb (1,790 kg)), but with the torque and the gearing, it's a jack rabbit, and sails up to 90 MPH before you know it.
Redress;bt4773 said:
That is sharp!

Yes. Yes it is. It looks 'right'.

I remember when GM announced that they were going to put this GM-Holden on sale, I saw it on GM's internal web site. A black one in 3/4 profile, and right at that moment, just knew I had to get one. Then house, then kids, and the second house, ever got around to it, until now.

Shopped the web really hard for 2 years just collecting information as what mileage, options, and age were running at. The base modules were easy around $5K, but the GT's were between $15-20, for a 100K miles, 10 year old car if you can believe it.

I got lucky. This one was less and 100K miles, and I got it for $13.

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