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New Thing, The Faked hate Crime (1 Viewer)


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Feb 12, 2013
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First there were the black school girls in Albany. Now we have some Gay Youtuber. What do they have in common? Faking hate crimes.

YouTube Star Faked Own Assault, Hate Crime | Variety

“The authorities should have been there to help and protect me, but instead they treated me like a second-class citizen,” he captioned a photo of himself bandaged in a hospital bed. “I’ve never felt so terrified to be a gay man in the public eye.”

...The 26-year-old “was then observed injuring himself with the handle and receiver to a payphone” alone inside his jail cell at the West Hollywood Station. He was taken to the hospital for treatment, sheriff’s officials said in a statement, and eventually released on $20,000 bail.
Is this a new trend?
Why fake hate crimes? My theory is that it's because hoaxers know that there are authorities out there sympathetic to victims of hate crimes. In other words, the existence of hate crime hoaxes proves that society does not approve of hate crimes, and the hoaxers know it.
Why fake hate crimes? My theory is that it's because hoaxers know that there are authorities out there sympathetic to victims of hate crimes. In other words, the existence of hate crime hoaxes proves that society does not approve of hate crimes, and the hoaxers know it.

I think they just want attention.
Why fake hate crimes? My theory is that it's because hoaxers know that there are authorities out there sympathetic to victims of hate crimes. In other words, the existence of hate crime hoaxes proves that society does not approve of hate crimes, and the hoaxers know it.

So it's a bad thing society doesn't approve of hate crimes? :confused:
So it's a bad thing society doesn't approve of hate crimes? :confused:

No, it's a good thing. It's a good thing about our society that folks like #BlackLivesMatter don't want to acknowledge.
I'd say a few people out of 320,000,000 is a pretty low standard for a "trend".

I'll have to remember that the next time one of you guys bring up banning guns.
I'll have to remember that the next time one of you guys bring up banning guns.

Who's "you guys"?

You're a centrist, remember. You don't have a team.

Or do you?

Who's "you guys"?

You're a centrist, remember. You don't have a team.

Or do you?


"You guys" would be liberals and conservatives, depending on context. As a centrist, I am an equal opportunity "you guys" guy.
I'd say a few people out of 320,000,000 is a pretty low standard for a "trend".

It's becoming quite trendy to report racial discrimination, sexual assault, and hate crimes when none of the above actually occurred.

There was even a Harvard professor who was busted for lying about her arrest, where she made up all kinds of allegations about racial profiling, and even said the white male officer rubbed her in a sexual manner with his hands, while frisking her.

So the local police department released the dash cam video that showed nothing she said was remotely true. The white male cop never touched her, she was arrested for having too many outstanding tickets, and spent about 1 hour in custody. This professor makes $200,000 a year to teach African American studies, so she's used to people believing her b.s.!

no faking hate crimes is nothing new, thts just silly

just like faking assault, theft, robbery, rape etc etc is nothing new
So it's a bad thing society doesn't approve of hate crimes? :confused:

You speak for "society"?

The backlash has already begun against the PC hive mentality.

And the lies and the conjuring of alternate realities.

Alinsky is dead. Trump killed him. Ha ha. :)
I'd say a few people out of 320,000,000 is a pretty low standard for a "trend".

Well too bad liberals don't feel the same about guns . :roll:
First there were the black school girls in Albany. Now we have some Gay Youtuber. What do they have in common? Faking hate crimes.

YouTube Star Faked Own Assault, Hate Crime | Variety

Is this a new trend?

No. All crimes, including all violent crimes, have always had a small amount of false reporting. Somewhere in the order of 1 to 2 percent.

In a country of 320 million people, it will not be hard to find examples, even though it is pretty rare. And it is a crime to false report, might I add. Some penalties can be quite heavy, depending what you did.

This is the same sort of thing people have been doing for years to try to prove most women just lie about reporting rape. They find cases of it happening, and extrapolate it to everyone. In reality, the false claiming rate for rape is similar to the false claiming rate for any other violent crime, and the rate has been pretty stable for as long as we've been tracking it, which is several decades.

Finding cases of it happening in a country of 320 million people does not indicate that it is common, or that its commonality is rising. It isn't. There are just a lot of people in the country.
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Liberals use fake hate crimes to push their agendas. They have been doing it for 30 years or more.
You speak for "society"?

The backlash has already begun against the PC hive mentality.

And the lies and the conjuring of alternate realities.

Alinsky is dead. Trump killed him. Ha ha. :)

I can think of at least one alternate reality that y'all seem to have no interest in killing.
Well too bad liberals don't feel the same about guns . :roll:

Is there supposed to be a point in there beyond "I don't like liberals"?
There is no such thing as racism, except on the left. Fake hate crimes is proof. - RWNM
Is there supposed to be a point in there beyond "I don't like liberals"?

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