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New rims for my F-150 (1 Viewer)


New member
Jan 14, 2019
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I am planning to buy a new set of rims for my white 2011 Ford F-150 SVT Raptor. What do you guys think of this American Racing AR883 Maveric Rims? Should I go for it?

I am planning to buy a new set of rims for my white 2011 Ford F-150 SVT Raptor. What do you guys think of this American Racing AR883 Maveric Rims? Should I go for it?


IIRC, the 2011 F-150 no longer used 5 lug 4.5" BCD wheels - I think that stopped in 1998.
I have a pickup truck, just another brand. I changed the wheels in December, it was also difficult for me to choose, now there are a lot of different options. My friends have mostly passenger cars, so I couldn't ask for their advice. I found the portal truckpowerup about pickup trucks, there are many reviews about accessories for cars. Perhaps you will find useful information for you. The article about chains for winter rides helped me a lot. This was my first winter season on a pickup truck. I like these rims, but I wouldn't put such on my car. By the way, you can find a cheaper option.
For good priced rims and tires that will fit your vehicle I like the Tirerack. There website will show rims that will fit your vehicle
Check out Ebay. You could save a pile of $$.
Don't forget the tire.

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