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New group announcement! Come ye All Faiths! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Political Leaning
I would like to welcome y'all to this fine new group, All Faiths, started by Bobbi (BDBoop) recently. I noticed there was never a public announcement made to advertise it. Hoping for some good discussions. Come and join ye people of faith.

All Faiths - Debate Politics Forums

It sounds to me like it is the name of an Scottish Football Club! ;-)

Rob (reef)
Oh great, now I have "oh come all ye holy" stuck in my head.
I would like to welcome y'all to this fine new group, All Faiths, started by Bobbi (BDBoop) recently. I noticed there was never a public announcement made to advertise it. Hoping for some good discussions. Come and join ye people of faith.

All Faiths - Debate Politics Forums

It sounds to me like it is the name of an Scottish Football Club! ;-)

Rob (reef)

Just a note: when you join the group, you can also subscribe to it separately. This will cause the group to show up in your User Control Panel and mark when a new message is posted. To subscribe, go to the group page and look under the "Group Tools" button.
Can I join even if I don't belong to a specific religion?

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