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Nebraska lawmaker apologizes for debunked litter box claim (1 Viewer)

Part Two:

As a Conservative Republican person I believe in rational well calculated spending on security at (for) our borders. People who know me know I am a hard liner on illegal immigration. I see some promising moves being implemented by President Obama’s direction within ICE and the CBP. Refurbishing existing structures at the border, reinitiated under President Bush, that is good. Determining what will work best in regards physical security for our borders is far from a “one size fits all” as in all of our miles of borders with both Canada and Mexico.

As a Conservative Republican person I believe in a strong military but not an excessive military. I am afraid we are going to outsmart ourselves with the ever-increasing dependency on “smart weaponry.” I feel the voluntary military personnel we ask so much of deserve better pay, top-flight medical care for active duty personnel, and for those no longer in service but who have attained veteran status.

As a Conservative Republican person I oppose needless preemptive protracted wars. I would add, that nations who wish our military to remain within their borders, pay us for the protection they are receiving from us being there. If that sounds mercenary, well so be it.

As a Conservative Republican person I believe in the repeal or rollback of the proven harmful excesses of the Patriot Act.

As a Conservative Republican person I believe in the removal of the Federal Government from its pernicious ongoing interference in our health care.

As a Conservative Republican person I believe in campaign finance reform that reflects the fact that, no, corporations are not people. Followed by campaign finance reforms that reflect the preamble to the Constitution, "We the people". End lobbyist influence, end corporate money in campaigns, have it be individual people who finance campaigns with individual contributions with a set limit where any amount above that set limit must be recorded and made publicly available for review. I would not set any top limits on how much any individual person could give, just that we are able to see who and how much it was.

As a Conservative Republican person I believe in political compassion, rational political compassion, not poorly thought out, bleeding heart, or the kneejerk kind.

End Part Two
Moving on to the next part.
Part Three:

As a Conservative Republican person I, although I personally oppose abortion, see that it is still legal; as such women and girls seeking abortions should not be attacked or harassed for their doing that, nor should clinics or their staff that provide those services be harassed or attacked.

As a Conservative Republican person I personally don’t believe in the use of capital punishment. I realize it is still legal in some states, and although on principle I disagree with it, I will support those states with capital punishment laws and in their performing them, as much as I fear they may too often get it wrong when it comes to the sentencing.

It is also a Conservative Republican person principle for me to not shy away from the facts of a matter, even when facts show my side has behaved poorly or is very much in the wrong. I am never afraid to say, “I was wrong” when it is proven that, yes, I was wrong.

As a Conservative Republican person do not be surprised if I point out, when you might argue a point against me or my side of the aisle, that there was precedent of the same thing done by your side. I will acknowledge it when the role is reversed. But don’t let that make you think I will accept that “two wrongs make a right.” I won’t do that. It would be politically dishonest.

As a Conservative Republican person, in fact, I do expect better behavior from my side, all the time, and as such I will likely be more critical of my side when it comes to bad political behavior.


I would hope that would be self-explanatory.

Getting back to the Border issue. I have lived in 3 of our 4 southern Border States. In one I lived within walking distance of the border and passed across and back many times both on foot and while driving. I also worked for a company in Texas that did border security work, within the area of surveillance both visually and with seismic sensors and the related communications hardware. I have traveled many miles along our southern border and know first hand how difficult but not unsolvable enhanced border security can be. I have no problem with that as a goal along side resolving so many other of our immigration issues; in particular the totally understaffed Immigration Courts system and recruiting and keeping good CBP personnel.

As a “principled Conservative Republican person” I don’t mindlessly hate people if they are Liberal or Democrat, or have an opposing view to mine. I see nothing in being a Conservative Republican person that demands of me that I hate President Obama or First Lady Michelle or anyone on the Left side of the aisle. I may eschew or greatly dislike or even hate some of their deeds or policies, that is another thing altogether, I do that with all pols. (A little more fudge on my part.) I don’t hate them, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be mean spirited to them in my posting, at times.

As a Conservative Republican person I can also take to task politicians I fully support without losing my Conservative Republican persona, despite what some might wrongly think.

As a Conservative Republican person I see no problem with anyone illustrating the failures or foibles of both sides of the aisle.

I guess that is all a good enough jumping off point.

What say you?
The only thing that is really changed about my beliefs and ideologies is my Political Registration and my acceptance that the Republican Party moved and LEFT me out.
News that shouldn't be news, but thanks to the GQP, here we are:

Unfortunately, online CT'ers are still circulating the debunked claim:

Culture wars are melting conservatives' brains.
Glad you asked.

Following is something I wrote in the early days of the first President Obama term when I was still a happy Registered Republican but first started receiving serious opposition and downright hateful postings from fellow Republicans and Conservatives on social media platforms; they, those folks, were dictating to me how it was "impossible" for me to be a Conservative Republican based on my postings.

When the Republican Party moved so far to the wackadoodle RIGHT they literally LEFT me out I updated my "manifesto" as it were and switched out Conservative Republican substituting Liberal Democrat, once I registered as a Democrat, accepting the notion from my Right Wing peers of my not being able to be what I had been for 42 years and still was.

So here it is.
Interesting. But I was actually asking for some examples of what you consider to be the " soul of so many of todays Conservative Republicans" that you could never agree with. FYI, I have always been a conservative and never been a Republican, so I might agree with you on some of your points.
News that shouldn't be news, but thanks to the GQP, here we are:

Unfortunately, online CT'ers are still circulating the debunked claim:

Let's hope this ridiculous conspiracy gets buried.
No, that isn't what I said. What I said, in effect, is that it's a good idea o check the background on a story if it sounds too crazy to be true.
How about checking the background of each and every story, period?
haven't been a little boy in a very long time.
Wow, TMI dude. Or is it dudette now?

I wasn't talking about your personal sexual identity. I was talking about your claim democrats where convincing kids of that.
How about checking the background of each and every story, period?
Or...OR, and this is my preferred method, just ignoring the really wacky stuff unless it looks like a good opportunity to poke a little fun.
Or...OR, and this is my preferred method, just ignoring the really wacky stuff unless it looks like a good opportunity to poke a little fun.
Sure. We have to have fun from time-to time. But remember -- some things are stranger than fiction. ;)
Sure. We have to have fun from time-to time. But remember -- some things are stranger than fiction. ;)
I used to read Ripley's in the Sunday funnies every week and that was my dose of crazy for the week. Now, thanks to this site and most of you fine folks, it's just been raining crazy for the past few years!
Wow, TMI dude. Or is it dudette now?

I wasn't talking about your personal sexual identity. I was talking about your claim democrats where convincing kids of that.
How did this convince anyone were trans?
How did this convince anyone were trans?
Oh, I don't know, perhaps the PResident of the United State affirming their choice and saying he's got their backs.
News that shouldn't be news, but thanks to the GQP, here we are:

Unfortunately, online CT'ers are still circulating the debunked claim:

Theoretically, if there is a child who identifies as a cat, shouldn't they be accommodated with a litter box? I mean, would you really erase that child's existence and deny their identity by not affording them a litter box? Therians, Otherkin, and Furries exist! Stop the hate!
Oh, I don't know, perhaps the PResident of the United State affirming their choice and saying he's got their backs.
Yes, their backs, the ones that are Trans, has nothing to do with your right wing paranoia about turning kids gay.
Do you ever stop and think about how absurd your RW thoughts actually are? of course not just consume more of the RW poison kool aid.
How did this convince anyone were trans?

The framing of this issue is vomit inducing.... the White House says "The Governor of Texas has directed state officials to open child abuse investigations into families simply because they have provided access to affirming care for their children." Uh...no, that isn't what they did at all.

The child abuse was not "affirming care to children." The child abuse was "hormone blockers and sex reassignment surgery" done on children. Children who are not even allowed to consent to a tattoo.

Hormone blockers to STOP PUBERTY in little children.

Surgery to cut the penises and testicles off of little boys.

Surgery to remove the vulvas and vaginas of little girls.

The Left has gone quite mad.
Yes, their backs, the ones that are Trans, has nothing to do with your right wing paranoia about turning kids gay.
Do you ever stop and think about how absurd your RW thoughts actually are? of course not just consume more of the RW poison kool aid.
As an independent, I can recognize absurdities on both sides, and the right wing is full of absurdities, yes.

But what doesn't get recognized is the absurdities on the Left, which are just as bad, and in the case of surgically removing a 10 or 11 year old's sexual organs and/or preventing them from undergoing puberty, the suggestion that this is just "care" and the big bad "right wingers" are trying to deprive children of "care" is nauseatingly absurd.

I am an independent, not a Republican, and not a Democrat. The idea that someone would block puberty because a child is having dysphoria about their gender identity, and then remove their genitalia, forever destroying their ability to parent a child and irreversibly modifying their bodies and minds, is really disgusting. Seriously.

And, nobody an call me a right winger. I am pro choice on abortion. I am pro marriage equality, I am pro-reasonable gun regulation, I am pro civil rights, and I am against racism/sexism, etc. I am pro separation of church and state, and I am anti-religious atheist. I am the parent of two little girls, and I would provide them with any "care" they need or could get as children, including psychological and psychiatric care, but there is no way in hell that anyone would block my daughters' puberty or remove their genitals, under the assertion that whatever identity issues they are having now are permanent. I'm sorry, folks, but the fact that people on the Left want this done to children is horrid.

They can **** right off with the dopey euphemisms - it's not "affirming care." It's cuting off genitals and blocking puberty. Call it what the hell it is.
The framing of this issue is vomit inducing.... the White House says "The Governor of Texas has directed state officials to open child abuse investigations into families simply because they have provided access to affirming care for their children." Uh...no, that isn't what they did at all.

The child abuse was not "affirming care to children." The child abuse was "hormone blockers and sex reassignment surgery" done on children. Children who are not even allowed to consent to a tattoo.

Hormone blockers to STOP PUBERTY in little children.

Surgery to cut the penises and testicles off of little boys.

Surgery to remove the vulvas and vaginas of little girls.

The Left has gone quite mad.
you sound as if you receive your "news" from Facebook posts on the subject. Where are children getting surgery?
you sound as if you receive your "news" from Facebook posts on the subject. Where are children getting surgery?

That's what the Texas governor suggested was "child abuse." Specifically puberty blocking and surgery. It's in the material. The white house, however, said that what was considered child abuse was "affirming care." It wasn't. The White House is full of shit, because that literally was not what was considered child abuse in Texas.

The Governor's letter literally states in the first line, the following: "Consistent with our correspondence in August 2021, the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) has now confirmed in the enclosed opinion that a number of so-called “sex change” procedures constitute child abuse under existing Texas law." That is not a reference to "affirming care." That's a reference to procedures to change the sex of a child. https://gov.texas.gov/uploads/files/press/O-MastersJaime202202221358.pdf

The letter goes on to say:

As OAG Opinion No. KP-0401 makes clear, it is already against the law to subject Texas children to a wide variety of elective procedures for gender transitioning, including reassignment surgeries that can cause sterilization, mastectomies, removals of otherwise healthy body parts, and administration of puberty-blocking drugs or supraphysiologic doses of testosterone or estrogen. See TEX. FAM. CODE § 261.001(1)(A)–(D) (defining “abuse”). Texas law imposes reporting requirements upon all licensed professionals who have direct contact with children who may be subject to such abuse, including doctors, nurses, and teachers, and provides criminal penalties for failure to report such child abuse. See id. §§ 261.101(b), 261.109(a-1). There are similar reporting requirements and criminal penalties for members of the general public. See id. §§ 261.101(a), 261.109(a).

If those procedures aren't happening, nobody has anything to worry about. If they are happening, then they should have something to worry about. And, such procedures are not "just affirming care.

The articles on this where they slam the governor, and when they say that Texas wants to deny "care" to children are dishonest propaganda, and rarely, if ever, does the Left wing media actually quote the letter they are criticizing, and you will note that the White House also did not quote the letter. They just reframe the issue and pretend it says something that it doesn't.

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