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Nebraska lawmaker apologizes for debunked litter box claim (1 Viewer)


Purge evil with Justice
DP Veteran
Jul 24, 2011
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Slightly Liberal
News that shouldn't be news, but thanks to the GQP, here we are:

A Nebraska state lawmaker apologized on Monday after he publicly cited a persistent but debunked rumor alleging that schools are placing litter boxes in school bathrooms to accommodate children who self-identify as cats.

Unfortunately, online CT'ers are still circulating the debunked claim:

The false claim that children who identify as cats are using litter boxes in school bathrooms has spread across the internet since at least December, when a member of the public brought it up at a school board meeting for Midland Public Schools northwest of Detroit.

This should be in the CT section.

Now ,why on Earth would anyone be worried about children identifying themselves as members of another species? I highly doubt any of them meow, walk on their toes, eat rabbits, and play with insects.
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If it sounds too crazy to be true it might just be a good idea to get a little more information. Granted, the amount of stupid the internet has brought us is rather impressive but every once in a while you run into something that just not quite true.
If it sounds too crazy to be true it might just be a good idea to get a little more information. Granted, the amount of stupid the internet has brought us is rather impressive but every once in a while you run into something that just not quite true.
News that shouldn't be news, but thanks to the GQP, here we are:
Unfortunately, online CT'ers are still circulating the debunked claim:
What other obviously ****tup idiocy does this person also believe?
This should be in the CT section.

Now ,why on Earth would anyone be worried about children identifying themselves as members of another species? I highly doubt any of them meow, walk on their toes, eat rabbits, and play with insects.
Maybe we should ask Rhea? They are a queer, trans, nonbinary dragon struggling with ADHD!

If it sounds too crazy to be true it might just be a good idea to get a little more information. Granted, the amount of stupid the internet has brought us is rather impressive but every once in a while you run into something that just not quite true.
for real

As a legislator, he always uses his discretion and wisdom to research the wild rumors he hears before believing in them and attempting to create legislation based on his own incompetence and general unfitness to be an adult in the digital age.
Go right ahead.

We'll wait and consider you point once you finally make it.

gl and don't take too long
By "we" I meant you.... You were the one that expressed the interest, after all. Let me know what you find out!
By "we" I meant you.... You were the one that expressed the interest, after all. Let me know what you find out!
I think it's a monumentally stupid idea of yours to ask this person about the thread topic.

But, I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt depending on what Rhea had to say.
But you don't even know that.

So, it's only a monumentally stupid idea.

oh well.
I think it's a monumentally stupid idea of yours to ask this person about the thread topic.

But, I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt depending on what Rhea had to say.
But you don't even know that.

So, it's only a monumentally stupid idea.

oh well.
Ah, so you don't understand figures of speech, either. No surprise there.
Ah, so you don't understand figures of speech, either. No surprise there.
yes, of course.
that's the most likely reason I pointed out your post was a shit post

that's the most likely reason anyone points out one of your posts was a shit post
you're too hip for the room.

yes, of course.
that's the most likely reason I pointed out your post was a shit post

that's the most likely reason anyone points out one of your posts was a shit post
you're too hip for the room.

Oh no! The guy who spent days claiming that Trump was sending secret mercenaries (ninjas?) into US cities to abduct Democrats thinks my post was a "shit post." 😂
This should be in the CT section.

Now ,why on Earth would anyone be worried about children identifying themselves as members of another species? I highly doubt any of them meow, walk on their toes, eat rabbits, and play with insects.
I'll have you know that I definitely have consumed rabbit at some point, I'm fairly sure.

Also played with insects probably.

And pretended to meow.

And probably even walked on my toes briefly. Or tried.

None of these were with the goal of being a cat though.
I'll have you know that I definitely have consumed rabbit at some point, I'm fairly sure.

Also played with insects probably.

And pretended to meow.

And probably even walked on my toes briefly. Or tried.

None of these were with the goal of being a cat though.
That makes sense. I mean, I once shit in a litter box but that was just to freak old Mrs. Jones out.
That makes sense. I mean, I once shit in a litter box but that was just to freak old Mrs. Jones out.
Now that's one I haven't done.
News that shouldn't be news, but thanks to the GQP, here we are:

Unfortunately, online CT'ers are still circulating the debunked claim:


Slow news day?

Earth shattering breaking news?

The horror.
This should be in the CT section.

Now ,why on Earth would anyone be worried about children identifying themselves as members of another species? I highly doubt any of them meow, walk on their toes, eat rabbits, and play with insects.
You kind of sound like my old man used too. He had no issues with gays etc except when it came to marriage. He said, “I don’t care if a guy wants to have sex with a chicken. But when he also wants the benefits of marriage to a chicken that’s where i draw the line”

No marrying chickens.
It was hilarious when the allegation was made but given the current environment of progressives bending over backwards to accommodate the strange it would not have surprised me if it were true. This all came about over a school that has a furry club though none of the members actually asked for liter boxes. If they had, they’d probably be there.
If it sounds too crazy to be true it might just be a good idea to get a little more information. Granted, the amount of stupid the internet has brought us is rather impressive but every once in a while you run into something that just not quite true.

"Let's chase every single CT out there, because one of them might be true."

That's essentially what you just said.
"Let's chase every single CT out there, because one of them might be true."

That's essentially what you just said.
No, that isn't what I said. What I said, in effect, is that it's a good idea o check the background on a story if it sounds too crazy to be true.
News that shouldn't be news, but thanks to the GQP, here we are:

Unfortunately, online CT'ers are still circulating the debunked claim:


I have to laugh because I am out of tears over the GOP'ers inanities and insanities and the damages to my Nation because of them!

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