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NBA Offseason '16: The KD Sweepstakes, the Draft and More (1 Viewer)


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With one of the NBA's brightest stars' services up for grabs and the draft coming on up this Thursday---especially since someone decided to close the active NBA thread---a new thread is required to discuss some of this off season's upcoming events. We also have the Olympics this summer being played in that garbage dump called Rio. I can't imagine any NBA star feeling good about going there right now.

First, the Draft: We know who is going #1 and #2. The real game begins in Boston, with pick number 3.

The NBA Draft really begins when the Celtics pick at No. 3 - SBNation.com

There will be plenty of good players and maybe even a superstar drafted after the second pick on Thursday. There's always a chance someone other than Simmons or Ingram ends up being the best player in this class.

With only a few days to go before the draft, the Celtics are in the process of finding out which player they believe that could be.

They better do their homework because draft busts in the NBA are legion. Here's a list of the recent busts...and, man, did these guys ever bust...some even to the point of literally getting busted.

15 OF The Worst NBA Picks At Every First-Round Spot Since 2000
Dragan Bender plays for Maccabi Tel-Aviv, a very talented player, tall guy who can shoot threes and has a very good game vision. He'll have to put on some muscles though.
With one of the NBA's brightest stars' services up for grabs and the draft coming on up this Thursday---especially since someone decided to close the active NBA thread---a new thread is required to discuss some of this off season's upcoming events. We also have the Olympics this summer being played in that garbage dump called Rio. I can't imagine any NBA star feeling good about going there right now.

First, the Draft: We know who is going #1 and #2. The real game begins in Boston, with pick number 3.

The NBA Draft really begins when the Celtics pick at No. 3 - SBNation.com

They better do their homework because draft busts in the NBA are legion. Here's a list of the recent busts...and, man, did these guys ever bust...some even to the point of literally getting busted.

15 OF The Worst NBA Picks At Every First-Round Spot Since 2000

Golden state looking at Dirk, Celtics are one star player from a championship, and props go out to Lebron. Never liked the guy, but putting up like 119 points or something like that in the last 3 games...???? WHAT
Golden state looking at Dirk, Celtics are one star player from a championship, and props go out to Lebron. Never liked the guy, but putting up like 119 points or something like that in the last 3 games...???? WHAT

Celtics are indeed getting better. Top 3 pick and a free agent...that should give them the boost they need.
Celtics are indeed getting better. Top 3 pick and a free agent...that should give them the boost they need.

I very much agree. I may also be biased because I'm from Foxboro originally but I try and keep my feelings out :)

I'm pumped for next season.
Brad Stevens is a great coach.
Celtics are indeed getting better. Top 3 pick and a free agent...that should give them the boost they need.
With one of the NBA's brightest stars' services up for grabs and the draft coming on up this Thursday---especially since someone decided to close the active NBA thread---a new thread is required to discuss some of this off season's upcoming events. We also have the Olympics this summer being played in that garbage dump called Rio. I can't imagine any NBA star feeling good about going there right now.

First, the Draft: We know who is going #1 and #2. The real game begins in Boston, with pick number 3.

The NBA Draft really begins when the Celtics pick at No. 3 - SBNation.com

They better do their homework because draft busts in the NBA are legion. Here's a list of the recent busts...and, man, did these guys ever bust...some even to the point of literally getting busted.

15 OF The Worst NBA Picks At Every First-Round Spot Since 2000

I fully expect the Phoenix Suns to pick a disappointing washout. Its what they do ever since Sarver bought the team and made them terrible.
I fully expect the Phoenix Suns to pick a disappointing washout. Its what they do ever since Sarver bought the team and made them terrible.

Mock Draft has them picking Buddy Heild from OK. Of course...they may pick a tall skinny foreign kid instead like the Pistons did when they passed on Dwayne Wade.

I feel bad for Simmons. He's going to Philly. I can't even remember the last time they didn't end up in last place.
NBA draft grades: Lakers earn high marks, Bucks fail

I think the Thunder made the best moves.

But all of that's secondary, of course. This is about OKC. First reaction: This lineup looks FUN.

PG: Russell Westbrook
SG: Victor Oladipo
SF: Kevin Durant
PF: Enes Kanter
​C: Steven Adams

Second reaction: If you remove Kevin Durant from that lineup, that looks a lot less fun.
It is being reported 1 of the Knicks 'selling points' to get Rose was Jackson promising Rose the Knicks will make a BIG push to get KD.

I doubt Durant will go to NYC. But if Jackson wasn't BS'ing Rose, with the Knicks in the mix for KD it does make things interesting. And IF(huge if) they get him? KD, Rose, Melo and Porzingis? In the weak East(except for the Cavs) the Knicks might make some noise.
It is being reported 1 of the Knicks 'selling points' to get Rose was Jackson promising Rose the Knicks will make a BIG push to get KD.

I doubt Durant will go to NYC. But if Jackson wasn't BS'ing Rose, with the Knicks in the mix for KD it does make things interesting. And IF(huge if) they get him? KD, Rose, Melo and Porzingis? In the weak East(except for the Cavs) the Knicks might make some noise.

Rose in this, his contract year, will probably play exceptionally well too. KD probably won't leave OKC though. Why would he?

Make $30 M per year in OKC and be king. Make $30M in NYC, and you're still going to be handed car keys at a fancy restaurant by some hot shot hedge fund manager who mistakes you for a valet.
Rose in this, his contract year, will probably play exceptionally well too. KD probably won't leave OKC though. Why would he?

Make $30 M per year in OKC and be king. Make $30M in NYC, and you're still going to be handed car keys at a fancy restaurant by some hot shot hedge fund manager who mistakes you for a valet.

Rose is a broken down point guard who no longer can dominate. His career ended on 4/28/2012. His inability to come play in the playoffs next year proved that he is a coward.
Rose in this, his contract year, will probably play exceptionally well too. KD probably won't leave OKC though. Why would he?

Make $30 M per year in OKC and be king. Make $30M in NYC, and you're still going to be handed car keys at a fancy restaurant by some hot shot hedge fund manager who mistakes you for a valet.

I agree I highly doubt KD will go to NY.. But lets not forget it is NEW YORK. It's a fun town and if you are a winner there, there is a LOT of money top be made off-court, off-field. off-the diamond. Whatever. Madison Avenue is in NYC.

Be a winner in NYC and turn that 30M into 60M.
I agree I highly doubt KD will go to NY.. But lets not forget it is NEW YORK. It's a fun town and if you are a winner there, there is a LOT of money top be made off-court, off-field. off-the diamond. Whatever. Madison Avenue is in NYC.

Be a winner in NYC and turn that 30M into 60M.

100M even. But, lose there and suddenly you're A-Rod with a big media bullseye pasted on your forehead.
The Suns ended up getting this guy:

As reports suggest that the Warriors will shed Iguodala, Barnes, Bogut and a few others to make room for Durant, the Cavs say, "Bring it on." Well, not really. They just plan to repeat with the horses they already have on the track.

Cleveland Cavaliers GM David Griffin says plan is to keep team together

I'd say, good move. The team is solid. And, like I said elsewhere, probably only going to improve now that they have the pressure of winning a title behind them. I look for Love to break out, Kyrie to solidify his role as number one scoring option not named LeBron, and James to play a much more relaxed triple double producing style. Their offense will improve and their defense be more consistent now that Lue is coming in at the beginning of the season. I see the team making a few minor changes, replacing a couple bench players and maybe picking up a Richard Jefferson clone. It's not like they'll have trouble finding players willing to play in Cleveland anymore.

Warriors? Durant? Man, be careful what you wish for. IMO, the guy is brittle and a ball hog. I would not break up my championship team to get him. But, I certainly hope they do.
Supposed second coming of Lebron James, OJ Mayo suspended for two years.

O.J. Mayo dismissed and disqualified from NBA for violation of drug policy

...the NBA's collective bargaining agreement — which is a public document — lists the following "drugs of abuse" as prohibited substances: amphetamines and its analogs, cocaine, LSD, opiates (heroin, codeine and morphine), and PCP.

According to the CBA's penalties, a player who tests positive for drugs of abuse will be dismissed and disqualified from the league. The length of the dismissal and disqualification (two years) is mandatory, and "may not be rescinded or reduced by the player’s team or NBA.”
Cavs receive Luxury Tax Bill.

Cleveland Cavaliers owe $54 million in luxury taxes

In addition to the $54 million in luxury taxes that Cleveland owes before the month is out, three other teams have eight-figure tax obligations to settle. The Los Angeles Clippers owe $19.9 million in luxury tax, followed by the Golden State Warriors ($14.8 million) and Oklahoma City Thunder ($14.5 million).

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