Red dave how little you know. Fact the British economy was F%*ked long before Thatcher or any of the Torries came into power. Ask my parents they lived through the Labour years of the early seventies, where there was high unemployment, crippling strikes. Yes socialist paradise!
The steel mills, coal mines, shipyards, and all else nostalgic of Great Britain were crumbling long before Thatcher and the dreaded Torries.
Oh and British Leyland, the publicly owned motor company was stuffed in the 1960's! That company could not make a profit, the British government had to constantly pour money into that enterprise each year to keep it running. Which I might add could have been spent on such things as health care, roads, education etc.
Also British public made cars were crap in build quilty compared, to their German (private company) built counter parts.
Fact phone calls in Australia, have become cheaper, since the partial privitisation of Telecom Australia, and the deregulation and subsequent set up of competition in the telecommunications market.
Why should government have a monopoly on business? You wouldn't tolerate it in the private sector, so why would you tolerate it in government sector?
Lastly, Thatcher gave the bitter medicine that Britain needed. People call her a bitch, in part because we are brought up to believe that women should be naturing, people didn't like to see a woman that was like one of the boys. That's why the male dominated unions probably hated her.
Also Britain's current economic prosperity (that kicks the crap out of sluggish Germany, and France economies), is based on the economic policies of Thatcher. People seem to think that economic policies that governments create, will instantly bear fruit. It doesn't work that way. It takes time.
Capitalism is not the enemy of the people, monopolies; government, or private are the real enemies of the people.
Competition is a beautiful thing!
Free markets, free trade, free people and prosperous people.
Libertarianism all the way!:mrgreen: