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National Police Force (1 Viewer)

Should all Police be federal?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • No

    Votes: 33 97.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


DP Veteran
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
Oaxaca, Mexico
Political Leaning
"[h=2]President Barack Obama is harnessing the increasing attacks on police — and the periodic shootings of people by stressed cops — to push his agenda to federalize state and local police forces.[/h]“I want to start moving on constructive actions that are actually going to make a difference,” he said during his evening press conference in Poland when he was asked about the Dallas attack.
Those actions, he said, would be based on the recommendations of the panel that he picked after the 2014 street riots in Ferguson, Missouri. The panel offered “practical concrete solutions that can reduce — if not eliminate — the problems of racial bias,” Obama said."
Obama Pushes More Federal Oversight of Cops After Dallas Attack on Cops - Breitbart

At present, police departments are the responsibility of the local jurisdiction. Some politicians in Washington want to have federal control of law enforcement.

What is your opinion?
"[h=2]President Barack Obama is harnessing the increasing attacks on police — and the periodic shootings of people by stressed cops — to push his agenda to federalize state and local police forces.[/h]“I want to start moving on constructive actions that are actually going to make a difference,” he said during his evening press conference in Poland when he was asked about the Dallas attack.
Those actions, he said, would be based on the recommendations of the panel that he picked after the 2014 street riots in Ferguson, Missouri. The panel offered “practical concrete solutions that can reduce — if not eliminate — the problems of racial bias,” Obama said."
Obama Pushes More Federal Oversight of Cops After Dallas Attack on Cops - Breitbart

At present, police departments are the responsibility of the local jurisdiction. Some politicians in Washington want to have federal control of law enforcement.

What is your opinion?

more oversight on cops, and they were the victims here...:lol:
I know. I was shocked the NYT didn't have any comments.

A nationalized police force would be abhorrent.
Right now, in my little town, if I have a problem with the local police, I can go down and speak with the mayor.
With a national police force, well who knows what you can do.
Definitely not. Since most laws are not federal then that would make no sense at all. It is bad enough that one person, as POTUS, can decide to ignore (aka selectively enforce) federal ommigration law - giving that same single person (partisan moron?) the power to ignore enfircement of a state (or local) law that they deemed "unfair" could be a disaster.
No ******* way!
DC is deeply broken and already has way too much power.

The Constitution is overly stretched already.

Let's not make things worse.

How is the federalized Post Office doing?
"[h=2]President Barack Obama is harnessing the increasing attacks on police — and the periodic shootings of people by stressed cops — to push his agenda to federalize state and local police forces.[/h]“I want to start moving on constructive actions that are actually going to make a difference,” he said during his evening press conference in Poland when he was asked about the Dallas attack.
Those actions, he said, would be based on the recommendations of the panel that he picked after the 2014 street riots in Ferguson, Missouri. The panel offered “practical concrete solutions that can reduce — if not eliminate — the problems of racial bias,” Obama said."
Obama Pushes More Federal Oversight of Cops After Dallas Attack on Cops - Breitbart

At present, police departments are the responsibility of the local jurisdiction. Some politicians in Washington want to have federal control of law enforcement.

What is your opinion?

Sounds a lot lie an army to me. Voted no.
Definitely not. Since most laws are not federal then that would make no sense at all. It is bad enough that one person, as POTUS, can decide to ignore (aka selectively enforce) federal ommigration law - giving that same single person (partisan moron?) the power to ignore enfircement of a state (or local) law that they deemed "unfair" could be a disaster.

Most laws are not federal but the balance has shifted way to the federal side in the last forty years.

When I think of federal police I think of Waco, Ruby Ridge, and the DOJ arming the drug cartels in Mexico. I think of the DEA agent near Denver who was charged with felonies and when it was time to go to court the federal goverment said he was undercover on a really important case and they refused to tell the police where to find him. I think of Lon Horiucho who was hired by the FBI to kill Randy Weaver, missed and killed his wife, and the State of Montana was told federal agents had absolute immunity to state laws. I realize that Southside Chicago would love to have people from Mississippi and Alabama patrolling their streets but do you think San Francisco would be happy with people from East St. Louis?

I understand President Obama's position. National Police Forces have worked well for the USSR, East Germany, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela.
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If this were to happen the first thing would be the politicizing of the police along the lines of the IRS, the DOJ, and the EPA.
Voted No,

We already have the FBI/ATF/NSA to assist when needed. Policing should be a local/State issue.

Seems it would just be a means for the Feds to consolidate more power.
Most laws are not federal but the balance has shifted way to the federal side in the last forty years.

Yep, the 10th amendment has become if something is "important" (meaning it was addressed by congress critters) then it becomes a federal government power forever. A good example was the (gradual) creation of a federal, cabinet level, department with an annual budget of $70 billion to "coordinate" education - never once was education mentioned as a constitutional federal power.

The federal power to "tax income from all sources" (the 16A) has now morphed into a federal requirement to purchase "private" goods/services (currently limited to federally approved medical care insurance) or to pay a "special" tax (actually a penalty) for not having done so. No federal power to mandate buying something "good"? No problem - just add a federal income tax penalty for not having done so!
"[h=2]President Barack Obama is harnessing the increasing attacks on police — and the periodic shootings of people by stressed cops — to push his agenda to federalize state and local police forces.[/h]“I want to start moving on constructive actions that are actually going to make a difference,” he said during his evening press conference in Poland when he was asked about the Dallas attack.
Those actions, he said, would be based on the recommendations of the panel that he picked after the 2014 street riots in Ferguson, Missouri. The panel offered “practical concrete solutions that can reduce — if not eliminate — the problems of racial bias,” Obama said."
Obama Pushes More Federal Oversight of Cops After Dallas Attack on Cops - Breitbart

At present, police departments are the responsibility of the local jurisdiction. Some politicians in Washington want to have federal control of law enforcement.

What is your opinion?

Oversight and a federal police force are two different things. This story is just another example of horribly skewed right-wing thinking and reporting. Nowhere is there any "agenda" by President Obama to make all police "federal". I defy you to show that he said so. Nor is there anything in the 116 page task force report that even suggests that all police should be federalized.

What IS a recommendation summary, is that the US government should implement standards and practices on a nationwide level wherein all police departments communicate through a national mediary and design programs for the welfare of the public AND the police officers. The reports simply recommends that everybody be on the same page. There is nothing nefarious about that or in Obama's approach to the issue.
You tricked me with your deceptive, dishonest poll.

I of course voted NO. Federalizing police would be ridiculous for a multitude of reasons.

But the article you posted is about oversight. Oversight is where our police are failing right now.
Obama is spot on. We desperately need more oversight.
The only oversight they have at the moment is the DOJ. And often any oversight becomes political rather than legal.

We have guilty cops going free. We have innocent cops being put through the ringer. And we have a society full of people who are affecting how these cases are viewed even though our society fails to know the difference between a cop making an accidental mistake vs. malicious murder vs. a justified shooting.
No one ever touches on the accident part. It is always either justified or murder in the political world, the pundit world, and throughout society.

One of the first things we need to do is focus on the difference between accident and murder.
For example, Philando Castile's death was an accident. You can even tell by the cop's voice alone that he is terrified. He probably never had any business being a cop to begin with.
An accident is not a crime. But any cop who has an accidental shooting resulting in death should be barred on a national level from ever holding a gun again or working in law enforcement.

Eric Garner's situation was different. His death was not an accident, it was murder. It was not first degree murder though. It was somewhere between manslaughter and second degree murder.
The officer applying the relentless and unlawful choke hold who was ignoring Eric's pleas for help, should be tried for second degree murder. This was not an accident.

We desperately need Federal oversight and national standards that both protect our police and police our police.
Oversight and a federal police force are two different things. This story is just another example of horribly skewed right-wing thinking and reporting. Nowhere is there any "agenda" by President Obama to make all police "federal". I defy you to show that he said so. Nor is there anything in the 116 page task force report that even suggests that all police should be federalized.

What IS a recommendation summary, is that the US government should implement standards and practices on a nationwide level wherein all police departments communicate through a national mediary and design programs for the welfare of the public AND the police officers. The reports simply recommends that everybody be on the same page. There is nothing nefarious about that or in Obama's approach to the issue.

I was about to make another post to say essentially the exact same thing you posted.

The way the Right Wingers are reading this is similar to the way they hear Obama wanting to have background checks and restrict heavy weapons of war, and then they believe that "Obama is coming for their guns".
Oversight and a federal police force are two different things. This story is just another example of horribly skewed right-wing thinking and reporting. Nowhere is there any "agenda" by President Obama to make all police "federal". I defy you to show that he said so. Nor is there anything in the 116 page task force report that even suggests that all police should be federalized.

What IS a recommendation summary, is that the US government should implement standards and practices on a nationwide level wherein all police departments communicate through a national mediary and design programs for the welfare of the public AND the police officers. The reports simply recommends that everybody be on the same page. There is nothing nefarious about that or in Obama's approach to the issue.

"The report urges the federal government to federalize police training and practices, via the use of federal lawsuits, grants and threats to cut federal aid. So far, Obama’s deputies have cajoled and sued more than 30 police jurisdictions to adopt federal rules in a slow-motion creation of a national police system, similar to the slow-motion creation of a federal-run health-sector via Obamacare."

Bingo. It is a matter of federalized police departments. I realize the propagandists on the left want a federal police force but as with most things can't really say so.

So, we have to who think there should have been a third option on the poll of local police departments controlled by the federal government.
How is the federalized Post Office doing?

The post office is doing great.
Has not used a tax dollar since 1971.

I Think somebody fell off the conspiracy buss back in 2012, and missed the debunking.
"The report urges the federal government to federalize police training and practices, via the use of federal lawsuits, grants and threats to cut federal aid. So far, Obama’s deputies have cajoled and sued more than 30 police jurisdictions to adopt federal rules in a slow-motion creation of a national police system, similar to the slow-motion creation of a federal-run health-sector via Obamacare."

Bingo. It is a matter of federalized police departments. I realize the propagandists on the left want a federal police force but as with most things can't really say so.

So, we have to who think there should have been a third option on the poll of local police departments controlled by the federal government.

"Police Training" = getting on the same page. A recommendation does not mean it's going to happen. The police departments all over the country already operate on state and federal laws, so THAT is certainly not a federal force.

The boogieman is NOT coming to get you.
You tricked me with your deceptive, dishonest poll.

I of course voted NO. Federalizing police would be ridiculous for a multitude of reasons.

But the article you posted is about oversight. Oversight is where our police are failing right now.
Obama is spot on. We desperately need more oversight.
The only oversight they have at the moment is the DOJ. And often any oversight becomes political rather than legal.

We have guilty cops going free. We have innocent cops being put through the ringer. And we have a society full of people who are affecting how these cases are viewed even though our society fails to know the difference between a cop making an accidental mistake vs. malicious murder vs. a justified shooting.
No one ever touches on the accident part. It is always either justified or murder in the political world, the pundit world, and throughout society.

One of the first things we need to do is focus on the difference between accident and murder.
For example, Philando Castile's death was an accident. You can even tell by the cop's voice alone that he is terrified. He probably never had any business being a cop to begin with.
An accident is not a crime. But any cop who has an accidental shooting resulting in death should be barred on a national level from ever holding a gun again or working in law enforcement.

Eric Garner's situation was different. His death was not an accident, it was murder. It was not first degree murder though. It was somewhere between manslaughter and second degree murder.
The officer applying the relentless and unlawful choke hold who was ignoring Eric's pleas for help, should be tried for second degree murder. This was not an accident.

We desperately need Federal oversight and national standards that both protect our police and police our police.

I do appreciate the time you took to respond. I understand that you don't think current federal law, federal courts, a multitude of federal agencies don't exercise sufficient "oversight". I think you're being misleading. We have oversight now. Oversight by the federal government, oversight by the media, the courts.

Police departments have had for decades policy suggestions and recommended standards, some of which have been implemented. Some not. Some made sense, some didn't.

Is what you want "oversight" which I would argue already exists or do you want is federal command and control of local law enforcement agencies?

I think we saw the federal government's approach to policing in Ferguson, Missouri.
I do appreciate the time you took to respond. I understand that you don't think current federal law, federal courts, a multitude of federal agencies don't exercise sufficient "oversight". I think you're being misleading. We have oversight now. Oversight by the federal government, oversight by the media, the courts.

Police departments have had for decades policy suggestions and recommended standards, some of which have been implemented. Some not. Some made sense, some didn't.

Is what you want "oversight" which I would argue already exists or do you want is federal command and control of local law enforcement agencies?

I think we saw the federal government's approach to policing in Ferguson, Missouri.

Media and Courts are failing miserably at handling instances of police homicide and violence.
The DOJ is too susceptible to political currents.

There is currently no oversight at all. Just one big chaotic mess.

Most courts and most media pundits do not even understand the difference between murder and accidental shooting.
When a police officer thinks he sees a gun and shoots, only to find out it is a child with a bb gun or a man with a concealed permit... this is an accident. Not a murder.
We need a unified agency that both protects and polices our police.

Both sides are often very wrong in these situations. Most of these shootings are accidents.
Now... does race play a factor into this? The statistics would indicate an overwhelming YES.
But even if a mistake is based on race, it is still a mistake and not a murder.
This indicates that we also need oversight over the training these officers receive.

None of this can be done consistently and properly below the Federal level.
This would push states to secede much faster than is going on any way .. the problem with obama wanting that is that law enforcement and military TYPES ARE CONSERVATIVES that is the problem... LOOK at who are the conservatives and look who are the liberals.... Most men are conservatives... will he have only gay women as the enforcers of the laws against men?? just no contest..

what is gonna start to stampede is the conservatives stopping the liberals because the conservatives ARE THE MEN.... are the LAW ENFORCEMENT.. Are THE MILITARY... obama is being VERY FOOLISH
This would push states to secede much faster than is going on any way .. the problem with obama wanting that is that law enforcement and military TYPES ARE CONSERVATIVES that is the problem... LOOK at who are the conservatives and look who are the liberals.... Most men are conservatives... will he have only gay women as the enforcers of the laws against men?? just no contest..

what is gonna start to stampede is the conservatives stopping the liberals because the conservatives ARE THE MEN.... are the LAW ENFORCEMENT.. Are THE MILITARY... obama is being VERY FOOLISH

Ugh. We get it already.

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