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Naked crispy chicken taco shells-Taco Bell (1 Viewer)

LOL well it may not be Mexican, but I'm sure it will taste great!
The perfect shell for the KFC Double Down.

Though not called a shell, it looks like KFC beat them to the chicken wrapping.

Sometimes I will get a decadent urge for fried chicken, and when I do I get a package of boneless skinless thighs at the supermarket, batter them in scrambled raw egg, dust them with flour, sprinkle them with sea salt and ground black pepper, fry them in olive oil for about half an hour on low heat, and yummy !! What a treat !!

Better than KFC.
The perfect shell for the KFC Double Down.

Though not called a shell, it looks like KFC beat them to the chicken wrapping.

I read this morning that the development of this menu item was to compete with KFC.

My arteries are tingling in anticipation. :mrgreen:
how does this fast food garbage qualify as "self help"?
how does this fast food garbage qualify as "self help"?

Maybe you didn't see the sub-forums statement of intent of ...

"This non-political forum is for discussions regarding food, restaurants and recipes."

Is this a discussion regarding a restaurant? Yes it is.
Regarding food? Why yes it is again.

So inline with the Parent forum's title of "Self Help and Advice".
I would advice you to help yourself and try it out.


Don't you see the lettuce and tomatoes? ;)
Moderator's Warning:
Stick to the topic in the OP, which is not a vegan vs meat slap fight.
Well, looks like I got something to try while I'm waiting for McRib sandwiches to make a comeback!
Yep, and I'm sure that's Taco Bell's hope--that "naked" will catch consumers' attention!

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