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My EMAIL to Tom "Scume bag Delay (1 Viewer)


Jan 14, 2005
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Political Leaning
I sent Tom "Scum Bag " Delay an email to his email /web site it went something like this .

Tom Scum Bag Delay I hope you our your wife is put into a situation like Mrs Schiavo I find it truly disgusting you made a political issue out of this poor woman situation.

We both as well as all of any thinking American all know all you and President Bush and the other scum bag Republican are only pandering to the the religious right I hope Mrs Schiavo haunts you and your family for the rest of your life
Wheres the love man? I thought you were a hippy.

Hopeing that anyone would go through what that family has is pure evil.

BTW, he isn't the only Republican to make a political issue out of it.
Freedom69 said:
I hope Mrs Schiavo haunts you and your family for the rest of your life
Saying she should die so her suffering ends, only to hope she is in eternal suffering by being 'trapped' between worlds. Merciful. :confused:
Pacridge said:
'trapped' between worlds? I don't get it?
You never heard this? Those who 'haunt' have been 'trapped.' For whatever reason, they did not make their journey to the after life. Some think it's because they have unfinished business - some may not know they're dead.

What was that show, Crossing Over? I don't believe that stuff, I was just applying it to Freedom's 'haunting' comment.
Vauge wants to know where the love Freedom69 your a Hippie I my be a hippie in my heart but I'm not stupid .

I realize with these scum bag republican you can not fight clean you must fight dirty .

As I said before if John Kerry fought as dirty as the scum bags republicans he would be president today.

Just look at all the discussing pieces of garbage the republicans have doing their dirty work for them i.e

Talk show host Rush the gutless wonder Lim-BUM Mike "Piece of ****" Savage, Sean " THE COWARD " Hanity , Howie "The DIRT BAG " Carr , Peter The Hack " Blute , all these dirt bag and 100's more all they do all day long is take cheap shoots at the Democrats and the liberals / progressives .

I admit it is the fault of the stupid Democrats to just take it we try to fight a clean fight but you can not not with pieces of BLEEP like this

I told you before when I was on the Kerry Campaign I wanted to get a group of volunteers to fight the dirt bag talk show host .

But the little WIMPs did not have the balls to fight dirty

NO guts NO glory
Batman said:
You never heard this? Those who 'haunt' have been 'trapped.' For whatever reason, they did not make their journey to the after life. Some think it's because they have unfinished business - some may not know they're dead.

What was that show, Crossing Over? I don't believe that stuff, I was just applying it to Freedom's 'haunting' comment.

Never heard of that show, but I get what you're saying now.
Your e-mail will go right in the trash where it belongs, freedom. I don't know why the left thinks they have to be so full of hate. You probably accepted a lot of misconduct from Democrats, without saying a word or even defended it. I laugh when lefties act with outrage then resort to name calling.
Hey Squawker please tell me what kind of drudge you are taking because they have you so brain washed your living in a dream world .

i know you a fan OT Right wing talk radio i.e Mike" Mr Hate" Savage his screeching voice alone is hateful never mind the garbage words coming out of hid moth. ........How about Rush Lim -Bum what positive messages have you heard him speak ? All he every does is talk about people differences and how we should hate each other ......I never hear right wing talk radio talk about bring people together --- Have you ?.

How about Bil Gutless wonder Reilly this piece of bleep is still saying we must boycott France ......As President Bush is trying to mend fences with France
what an ASS ......As they say with friends like him who needs Enemy's.

Every right wing talk show host I can think of all they do is talk about HATE

Please if you know of a right wing talk show host who talks about bringing ALL people together please let me know because I'd would love to listen to himbu
I'll be waiting for you to let me know of a positive right wing talk show host BUT I believe i'll be waiting forever

partridge you guys have your head so up Tom Delay's Ass it's about ready to come out of his month.
Freedom69 said:
I sent Tom "Scum Bag " Delay an email to his email /web site it went something like this .

Tom Scum Bag Delay I hope you our your wife is put into a situation like Mrs Schiavo I find it truly disgusting you made a political issue out of this poor woman situation.

We both as well as all of any thinking American all know all you and President Bush and the other scum bag Republican are only pandering to the the religious right I hope Mrs Schiavo haunts you and your family for the rest of your life

Who is the administrator?

This post is vile, serves no purpose other than to distract from the issue. I've noticed nothing but garbage from this person, who should be tossed out of here permamently.
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Strangelove said:
Who is the administrator?

This post is vile, serves no purpose other than to distract from the issue. I've noticed nothing but garbage from this person, who should be tossed out of here permamently.
Freedom of speech is supposed to be the cornerstone of this forum. We cannot kick someone out of this forum just because you do not like what they say.
anomaly said:
Freedom of speech is supposed to be the cornerstone of this forum. We cannot kick someone out of this forum just because you do not like what they say.
Unfortuantly in this case anomaly is right.
anomaly said:
Freedom of speech is supposed to be the cornerstone of this forum. We cannot kick someone out of this forum just because you do not like what they say.

Yes, but with great power comes great responsibility.

Any fool can spout off. I prefer education not frustration. However, frustration and anger seems to be the flavor of the day for most Liberal Dem's.

However, I will consider the source since it is Freedom 69.
Thor said:
Yes, but with great power comes great responsibility.

Any fool can spout off. I prefer education not frustration. However, frustration and anger seems to be the flavor of the day for most Liberal Dem's.

However, I will consider the source since it is Freedom 69.
The only anger the left is currently experiencing is entirely due to the lack of a leftist party! The Democrats, contrary to what the 'new liberal' (note that neo-liberals are notorious for their seemingly anti-leftist pro-business policy) would have you believe, have been moving right for years. I now find myself at the tender age of 17 with no political party. The two party system under which we live is obviously flawed: in any two party system, in an effort to gain votes, truly left and truly right views are usually ignored, as most politicians campaign to the moderates, and moderates, in our country, would have been conservatives 50 years ago. This right shift is the culprit for bringing about such anger as you describe. What you do not mention, however, is that this anger entirely called for.
anomaly said:
The only anger the left is currently experiencing is entirely due to the lack of a leftist party! The Democrats, contrary to what the 'new liberal' (note that neo-liberals are notorious for their seemingly anti-leftist pro-business policy) would have you believe, have been moving right for years. I now find myself at the tender age of 17 with no political party. The two party system under which we live is obviously flawed: in any two party system, in an effort to gain votes, truly left and truly right views are usually ignored, as most politicians campaign to the moderates, and moderates, in our country, would have been conservatives 50 years ago. This right shift is the culprit for bringing about such anger as you describe. What you do not mention, however, is that this anger entirely called for.

Obviously, I'm not going to complain for the shift toward conservative agenda since I am one. However, I am one with common sense. I don't sell my soul to any party. I'm more of a right or wrong type person. If the Reps are wrong then their wrong. If the Dems are wrong then their wrong. I call it itegrity.

Any political party is flawed.

Politicians play the game of "moderate" in hopes to please both sides. Its hard to find someone that will vote their heart and passions because they only keep the job for one term before they are voted out (most of the time).

Thank God we live in the USA were you or I have the right to start a Grass roots political party.
anomaly said:
Freedom of speech is supposed to be the cornerstone of this forum. We cannot kick someone out of this forum just because you do not like what they say.

absolute liberal dreck.

This a private forum, owned by an individual. He makes the decisions regarding participation.

Wishing a horrible disease upon another's family member goes beyond 'speech' to the realm of injury.

I hated Clinton, but woud never consider emailing him such hateful bile.

I gaurantee, if it were me or another conservative who said something like this about Barbara Boxer, you and the administrator would be up on your high horses in minutes, decrying how 'mean spirited' the statement was.

I love the double -standard.
Strangelove, I for one agree with you. There isn't any need to spew hate messages in a debate forum. Freedom should know better. People who have no points to make, resort to name calling. Perhaps freedom would like to edit his post to word it differently. I am dissappointed in you freedom. :(
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However, I will consider the source since it is Freedom 69.
This has much to do with the reason why it was not made a big deal by many of the members. Had anyone else made a statement like this; fire and damnation from the community would have erupted and action might have been warranted. Notice there are few views and posts in this thread?

Freedom69 in most cases should not be taken seriously. He does have a unique way of bringing an issue to the table. I know in the future, he will not stoop to this level again (right freedom?).
Squawker said:
Strangelove, I for one agree with you. There isn't any need to spew hate messages in a debate forum. Freedom should know better. People who have no points to make, resort to name calling. Perhaps freedom would like to edit his post to word it differently. I am dissappointed in you freedom. :(

Hmmm, Is this the same "Squawker" who once wrote?:

Don't bother thanking me. You are one of the worthless pieces of **** we wished we could have killed. You can rewrite history all you want and pretend you care about the loss of life and pretend everything you did was because you hated war. Don't PM me again, don't reply to me. **** off.
Strangelove, would you mind turning on PM's from Admin?
If it is ok, I wanted to PM you offline.

What a dope Partridge believes a congressman really reads any of his emails if he knew anything about politics he would know every congressman has his aids read his email .........This is why a congressman has aids .

And Squawker said Tom Delay will problem read it and throw it in the trash were it belongs .............And then he told a real funny he said that liberal talk about hate all the time I was rolling on the floor when I heard that one because all I every hear the right wing talk show hosts talk about is hate speech .

Every "Right wing" talk show I ever heard alway talks about people differences it so easy to teach people to hate / dislike each other.
"He's/She's Too Fat ,
You can not marrie him / her/...He She the wrong color
He's/She's too Short, etc.

It a lot more difficult to unite people.

I however believe in being a uniter not a devider .

To steal some word from an old song

The world is black the world is white it turns by day and then be night .
Or somthing like that I may forget some of the words but the meaning is in my heart
I don't think there are any Republicans who 'look up' to Tom Delay.. the man is an embarassment to the party.

I know I won't ever defend him.
Hmmm, Is this the same "Squawker" who once wrote?:
I was being nice to him. I spoke in the past tense and didn't include his innocent family. There is a difference. I would have ignored him if I had known he had a problem, but like Strangelove, I was new.

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