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My Boss & The Rothschilds (1 Viewer)


Exposing GOP since 2015
DP Veteran
Jan 21, 2013
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Post-Trump America
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My boss just discovered The Rothschilds. As a person well read into the lore, I couldn't bring myself to tell him that most of their fortune is depleted, none of their "schemes" are connected, and that they are far from the richest family on the planet...
My boss just discovered The Rothschilds. As a person well read into the lore, I couldn't bring myself to tell him that most of their fortune is depleted, none of their "schemes" are connected, and that they are far from the richest family on the planet...

Oh, sure....that's just what "they" want you to believe.
Wait. He discovered the load of antisemitic crap built around the name, or he discovered "Da Joos"? The first makes for mild amusement and social awareness, the latter could be a problem.
Now you can say that you know the grandson of Louis Rothschild's banker, Hugo Haas.


Louis Rothschild was stripped of his possessions and most of his fortune, and so was my grandfather.
My grandfather was forced to pay a larger ransom, 25 million Marks in gold, worth nearly half a billion dollars today.
Unlike Rothschild, he held out for two years until the regular daily beatings finally broke him.
Wait. He discovered the load of antisemitic crap built around the name, or he discovered "Da Joos"? .

He just found out they exist. i'm sure everything associated with the name will come to him eventually. This path leads nowhere good. :shock:
He just found out they exist. i'm sure everything associated with the name will come to him eventually. This path leads nowhere good. :shock:

He just needs to go into it aware of the neo nazi mythology.
He just found out they exist. i'm sure everything associated with the name will come to him eventually. This path leads nowhere good. :shock:

Yeah, if he starts raging against Mossad agents and deep-state pedovores, he will be lost forever.
On the other hand, if he becomes consumed with CT's, maybe your job will be easier, i.e. less "bossy" oversight.
He just found out they exist. i'm sure everything associated with the name will come to him eventually. This path leads nowhere good. :shock:

Oh god. It's always fun when a person you know has their "come to Jesus moment" and just starts spouting off **** that would make Alex Jones wet his pants.
Yeah, if he starts raging against Mossad agents and deep-state pedovores, he will be lost forever.
On the other hand, if he becomes consumed with CT's, maybe your job will be easier, i.e. less "bossy" oversight.

Oh god. It's always fun when a person you know has their "come to Jesus moment" and just starts spouting off **** that would make Alex Jones wet his pants.

The sad thing is, these people think they are "learning," new things. He knows i'm center-left, so he asked me don't you want to learn more about the rothschilds and I said no thanks. He said, do you care? I said, no I don't. He said is there another reason why you don't care, (insisting because I'm not a trump supporter). I just ignored him...

He's an economic doomsdayer who gets his economic news from a Brother (the religious kind).
Oh god. It's always fun when a person you know has their "come to Jesus moment" and just starts spouting off **** that would make Alex Jones wet his pants.

That phrase doesn't mean what you think it means. It means coming to an understanding or at least empathy with previous adversaries. It doesn't mean losing one's mind.
You might have to be a lot of things you never expected real soon. Might wanna brush up on Nordic mythology.

one of the more recent nordic myths tells a tale of a semitic maiden being offered as a sacrifice, to appease the one known as the hammer of the gods.
one of the more recent nordic myths tells a tale of a semitic maiden being offered as a sacrifice, to appease the one known as the hammer of the gods.

fur against her skin ... soft
What was that.
How do you look in red and black? If not boots, you could try a hat.

Hey, hey. I detect an undertone of nastiness in that comment. Why bring school rivalry into this?

Give a has been program a new coach for a year and people start getting all loud and proud. :roll: Shame, shame, shame.
Hey, hey. I detect an undertone of nastiness in that comment. Why bring school rivalry into this?

Give a has been program a new coach for a year and people start getting all loud and proud. :roll: Shame, shame, shame.

Thanks for that leftover coach in Miami. Lotta good he did.

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