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My attempt to have people acknowledge me.. (1 Viewer)

V.I. Lenin

Active member
Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
HEY If Galenrox can do it, so can I. And I'm not even stoned half the time. Hah. Tell me what you think of me. I know I know, I'm not always posting but hey, I've been here a while and I have at least one post in every thread. So, what do you think of me. Yes, debate my greatness, my disgusting commie personality, whatever. If you don't know me then uh...you're probably in the majority. Haha.

Narcissism gooooood.:mrgreen:
V.I. Lenin said:
HEY If Galenrox can do it, so can I. And I'm not even stoned half the time. Hah. Tell me what you think of me. I know I know, I'm not always posting but hey, I've been here a while and I have at least one post in every thread. So, what do you think of me. Yes, debate my greatness, my disgusting commie personality, whatever. If you don't know me then uh...you're probably in the majority. Haha.

Narcissism gooooood.:mrgreen:

Yeah hey post more and I might write more.

Freaking disgusting socialists, you guys are all idiots. :mrgreen:

Seriously, you have your head on straight for a fellow socialist. And realistic socialists are hard to come by.
See Kelzie what I wanted was for important MEN to acknowledge me..I mean it's cute you're into politics but c'mon, what'll you want next, the right to vote?
V.I. Lenin said:
See Kelzie what I wanted was for important MEN to acknowledge me..I mean it's cute you're into politics but c'mon, what'll you want next, the right to vote?

Oh man you're so lucky I like ya. :shoot ;)
Yeah the women love me. It's the charisma and the accent.

NOW C'MON OTHER PEOPLE! Bash me or praise me or something. Make me feel important!
V.I. Lenin said:
Yeah the women love me. It's the charisma and the accent.

NOW C'MON OTHER PEOPLE! Bash me or praise me or something. Make me feel important!

Wait I'm sorry. Hold the phone. You have an accent? Howcome you've never mentioned this before?

Must be Russian...right? Accents are sooo hot. <3 <3
Yeah well since I don't type with one I figured it wasn't a big deal. Yeah Russian, you dont live there for 11 years and not get an accent, and I've been here for 14 years, learned English and have yet to lose a bit of the accent.

Perhaps I should change the name of this thread to Lenin and Kelzie chat?
V.I. Lenin said:
Yeah well since I don't type with one I figured it wasn't a big deal. Yeah Russian, you dont live there for 11 years and not get an accent, and I've been here for 14 years, learned English and have yet to lose a bit of the accent.

Perhaps I should change the name of this thread to Lenin and Kelzie chat?

You know I thought I detected a little heaviness in the tone of your posts. :mrgreen:

Maybe you should...I can stop replying if you'd like. :2razz:
V.I. Lenin said:
HEY If Galenrox can do it, so can I. And I'm not even stoned half the time. Hah. Tell me what you think of me. I know I know, I'm not always posting but hey, I've been here a while and I have at least one post in every thread. So, what do you think of me. Yes, debate my greatness, my disgusting commie personality, whatever. If you don't know me then uh...you're probably in the majority. Haha.

Narcissism gooooood.:mrgreen:

A great activist,keep your chin up Comrade,some of us love yer!
I just can't resist.

Rant that follows based solely on the fact V.I. Lenin is a socialist.

(In the voice of the Monty Python guy dispensing abuse at the argument clinic.)

Wot? A socialist eh? Well that's worked well in the past. Let's try it some more. I love an idea where the ideas, hard work, productivity, ingenuity, all gains made by that individual are ripped from him at the point of a gun and equally dispersed to the slackers, lazy, incompetent, drunk, those totally unwilling to contribute to society, for the good of all. I guess then I AM my brothers keeper. From those of means to those with need. If I work harder and smarter than the next guy then I guess I'll get up earlier and work longer because surely he needs more. No reason my greedy ass should keep what I earn. If I sweat more how dare I use my hard earned money to by the extra water I need instead of suffering dehydration so the next guy can have more than he needs?

Made my point yet?

Need more?

You may be a lovely individual.


You're a socialist and you suck.

Consider yourself acknowledged.

(Bear in mind this is all initiated by you being a socialist.)

PS. Hey Kelzie, I type with accents all the time.
teacher said:
I just can't resist.

Rant that follows based solely on the fact V.I. Lenin is a socialist.

(In the voice of the Monty Python guy dispensing abuse at the argument clinic.)

Wot? A socialist eh? Well that's worked well in the past. Let's try it some more. I love an idea where the ideas, hard work, productivity, ingenuity, all gains made by that individual are ripped from him at the point of a gun and equally dispersed to the slackers, lazy, incompetent, drunk, those totally unwilling to contribute to society, for the good of all. I guess then I AM my brothers keeper. From those of means to those with need. If I work harder and smarter than the next guy then I guess I'll get up earlier and work longer because surely he needs more. No reason my greedy ass should keep what I earn. If I sweat more how dare I use my hard earned money to by the extra water I need instead of suffering dehydration so the next guy can have more than he needs?

Made my point yet?

Need more?

You may be a lovely individual.


You're a socialist and you suck.

Consider yourself acknowledged.

(Bear in mind this is all initiated by you being a socialist.)

PS. Hey Kelzie, I type with accents all the time.

Wah? Hey, are you saying I suck?!?

I only do sometimes...:twisted:
Aw Teacher. You know you respect me and my sarcasm and debate skills. C'mon now, no need to hide it. You're just mad because I can hold my own. Besides, you should know 99% of the socialists I meet (aka All of them but Kelzie) think of me as revisonist trash and a traitor to Marxism.
V.I. Lenin said:
Aw Teacher. You know you respect me and my sarcasm and debate skills. C'mon now, no need to hide it. You're just mad because I can hold my own. Besides, you should know 99% of the socialists I meet (aka All of them but Kelzie) think of me as revisonist trash and a traitor to Marxism.

Whereas I just think of you as trash and a traitor. :lol:

Kidding, kidding.
Socialists are just a bunch of (whatever teacher said because they said it sooo beautifuly and it is so true that socialists are a bunch of people that hate people that work for their money and the laziest animals one this freakin planet)

I have no sympathy for Americans. They had a chance like everyone else.

Socialists are idiots.
What is the freakin difference between a socialist and a communist?
Mixed View said:
Socialists are just a bunch of (whatever teacher said because they said it sooo beautifuly and it is so true that socialists are a bunch of people that hate people that work for their money and the laziest animals one this freakin planet)

I have no sympathy for Americans. They had a chance like everyone else.

Socialists are idiots.
What is the freakin difference between a socialist and a communist?

Just curious, is that old saying "ignorance is bliss" really true?
V.I. Lenin said:
Aw Teacher. You know you respect me and my sarcasm and debate skills. C'mon now, no need to hide it. You're just mad because I can hold my own. Besides, you should know 99% of the socialists I meet (aka All of them but Kelzie) think of me as revisonist trash and a traitor to Marxism.

The thing is do you consider yourself a traitor to Marxism?
Kelzie said:
Just curious, is that old saying "ignorance is bliss" really true?

Please explain the good things about socialism and why you are one?
Androvski said:
The thing is do you consider yourself a traitor to Marxism?
No, I see myself as one who really sees a logical way to achieve his dream

Socialists are just a bunch of (whatever teacher said because they said it sooo beautifuly and it is so true that socialists are a bunch of people that hate people that work for their money and the laziest animals one this freakin planet)
Actually SOCIALISTS dont hate people that work for their money. They are important. We dont want to take all the rich peoples money and rape their kittens then eat their babies. And socialist welfare wouldn't allow people to sleep in their house all day for their whole life. It would help them go to college, get a good job, get through a rough time. It wouldn't be hand outs for bums.

I have no sympathy for Americans. They had a chance like everyone else.
....right. At what exactly?

Socialists are idiots.
What is the freakin difference between a socialist and a communist?
Eh not much. It's like asking the difference between capitalism in the USA today and lassiez-fair capitalism of the olden days. Not much right? Yeah, right.
Mixed View said:
Please explain the good things about socialism and why you are one?

I really don't want to. I have done so many times already. There is a thread for it somewhere were I list all the reasons that I am a socialist. I think it might be called "what is socialism" or something like that...maybe communism. Anyway, happy hunting! :2wave:

And I am not really a pure socialist. Most logically people aren't. I believe VI called me a euro-socialist...it's a good description.
Kelzie said:
I really don't want to. I have done so many times already. There is a thread for it somewhere were I list all the reasons that I am a socialist. I think it might be called "what is socialism" or something like that...maybe communism. Anyway, happy hunting! :2wave:

And I am not really a pure socialist. Most logically people aren't. I believe VI called me a euro-socialist...it's a good description.

I think she's a Cutie-Socialist...but that's just little 'ol kissass me.;)
V.I. Lenin -Aw Teacher. You know you respect me and my sarcasm and debate skills. C'mon now, no need to hide it. You're just mad because I can hold my own. Besides, you should know 99% of the socialists I meet (aka All of them but Kelzie) think of me as revisonist trash and a traitor to Marxism.

me-Like I said, I know not your posts. Just going on the socialist part. BTW. Please to always keep my name lower case, even when starting a sentence. I wouldn't want to appear arrogant. And actually, a little socialism coupled with capitalism is a good thing, oh wait, I think we call that at this point, a Representative Republic, you know, our nation?

Kelzie said:
Wah? Hey, are you saying I suck?!?

me-Actually, I just learned a day or two ago that you were a socialist. I am surprised I must admit. As you've a good coconut on your shoulders and have a sense-o-humor. I'll refrain from your chosenform of goverment for the moment. Do you have any posts where you explain your posistion? Ah, I see now, any idea where that thread is? Is that the same one I torethose guys a real big one way back? V.I. Lenin asked for it, good or bad, in the basement no less. I still like you, so I'll do a little researd before the carnage begins.

Mixed View said:
Socialists are just a bunch of (whatever teacher said because they said it sooo beautifuly and it is so true that socialists are a bunch of people that hate people that work for their money and the laziest animals one this freakin planet)


I have no sympathy for Americans. They had a chance like everyone else.

me-Am I missing something here? What is that supposed to mean?

Socialists are idiots.
What is the freakin difference between a socialist and a communist?

me-communists dress alike and call each other "comrade".
socialists are female senators from NY.

cnredd said:
I think she's a Cutie-Socialist...but that's just little 'ol kissass me.;)

Oh god, I think I'm going to be sick.
Mixed View said:
Socialists are idiots.
What is the freakin difference between a socialist and a communist?

Well, I don't think any socialist could be too much of an idiot if they can explain the differences between socialism and communism.

Perhaps the most obvious differences are that socialists allow for a distribution of wealth based upon people's work, whereas communists don't , and socialists allow more private ownership of property.
galenrox said:
**** THE JEWS!!!
there I said it.

any particular you had in mind? Natalie Portman, perhaps? Gwyneth Paltrow? Alicia Silverstone or Yasmine Bleeth? Wynona Rider, Sally Jessica Parker or Debra Messing?

Jon Lovitz?
galenrox said:
no dude, Jon Lovitz rocks hard!
nah, it's just something that I like to say on occasion.

Barbara Streisand, **** her.

Ahh that God awful film Yentl.
galenrox said:
never saw it, and I'd like to keep it that way.
I've only seen her talking on talk shows with her ridiculous and hypocritical politics, it just makes me want to walk to LA and ****ing strangle her.

And for her, I blame the jews.

Not a film I would have watched out of choice,an ex girlfriend of mine used to watch the **** all the time.The tape mysteriously vanished one day,after I'd had a bonfire.

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