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Mutual rejection of Protestants and Catholics - who of the rejects the other side more? (1 Viewer)

in my experience it is like this ...

  • Protestants reject Catholics more than the other way round

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • Catholics reject Protestants more than the other way round

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • the rejection is equal on both sides

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • there is no rejection at all

    Votes: 1 25.0%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Aug 10, 2019
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Political Leaning
Mutual rejection of Protestants and Catholics - who of the rejects the other side more?

What is your feeling: Who of these groups rejects the other side more?
Whether you yourself reject one or both of them is not the question here.

there is no rejection at all​

I offered this as an option - but myself I do not think it true.
According to Catholic cannon no Protestants are saved according to Protestant cannon nearly all Catholics are saved. I think that makes your poll answer obvious
  • 1 vote for: Protestants reject Catholics more than the other way round​

  • 1 vote for: Catholics reject Protestants more than the other way round

According to Catholic cannon no Protestants are saved according to Protestant cannon nearly all Catholics are saved. I think that makes your poll answer obvious
According to Protestant fundamentalist, everbody goes to hell - except Protestant fundamentalists.

All other Christians go to hell - all Jews - all Moslems - all Buddhist .... etc etc .... everybody else on earth goes to hell.

Except those "born-again" Protestant fundamentalists ....
Mutual rejection of Protestants and Catholics - who of the rejects the other side more?

I just saw that one little "m" is missing here.
The sentence should be like this:

Mutual rejection of Protestants and Catholics - who of them rejects the other side more?
  • Total voters 2
I am hoping for more voters
I have read many articles by Protestants about how terrible the Catholics are.
I do not remember any articles by Catholics about how terrible the Protestants are.
According to Catholic cannon no Protestants are saved according to Protestant cannon nearly all Catholics are saved. I think that makes your poll answer obvious
I believe it's "canon," cuz otherwise both are blown to smithereens. ;)
  • Total voters - still only 2
I would be interested to read others as well
I believe it's "canon," cuz otherwise both are blown to smithereens. ;)
I once shook hands with a femal Protestant canon!
Yes, one has to know the difference between canon and cannon!
According to Catholic cannon no Protestants are saved according to Protestant cannon nearly all Catholics are saved. I think that makes your poll answer obvious

If a Protestant or anyone doesn't know that one can only achieve salvation through the Catholic church, they can still achieve salvation by God's allowance, according to the Catholic religion. All you need is a heart that seeks Him. Whatever are the criteria and man's understanding and acceptance of it, it is Christ/God that makes the final decision about who does and does not to heaven.
Who or what is a Canon?

A Canon in a church is an official. He may or may not be a priest. The Chapter of a cathedral is an official group made up of the Dean and Chapter of canons, who meet in a chapterhouse. They run the cathedral, especially the business affairs of the cathedral. They are the body which has legal responsibility for the cathedral, and for electing the (arch)bishop.[1]

Originally, a canon was a cleric who lived in the precinct of the cathedral. The word meant a priest who was under (ruled by) a bishop.

In the Anglican church, some canons are laypersons (not ordained). The title is also given to some senior or retired priests as an honorary title
"You are my friends if you do what I am commanding you." John 15:14

the rejection is equal on both sides​

What about this option?
Mutual rejection of Protestants and Catholics - who of the rejects the other side more?

What is your feeling: Who of these groups rejects the other side more?
Whether you yourself reject one or both of them is not the question here.

Is there a reason you are gripped by this topic?
2 out of 4 now say:

Protestants reject Catholics more than the other way round​


Protestants reject Catholics more than the other way round​

Where can one see that?
Is there a reason you are gripped by this topic?
Because of some personal experiences.
But it would need a kind of short story to tell and to explain.
But it would need a kind of short story to tell and to explain.
When I have more time I will tell the story.
It is about a refugee from East Germany who came to West Germany and "ended up" in an area where there were Catholics - and he and his wife were horrified.
And then there is this:

There are a lot of Protestants who maintain that Catholics are no Christians at all.
But I do not know of any Catholic who would maintain that Protestants are not Christians.
It was like this:

My sister and I were on a visit to a former citizen of East Germany and his wife.
The husband had been one of the opponents in the East that had been "freigekauft" by the West = released to the West for money paid by the West German government.

He cold make a choice where he would like to be re-settled in the West.
He had then noted down: "Württemberg" - as he was under the impression that this region was purely Protestant - which it isn't, btw.

In the words of his wife now:
"But instead of Württemberg we were sent to Baden! And here the people are CATHOLIC!!!!"
And she shouted the word "Catholic" aloud and raised her hands above her head to show her horror.
Now both my sister and I are Catholic.
So it was not very polite to tell the story that way.

And btw: Both the region of Baden and the region of Württemberg are about half-way Protestant and Catholic.
And in the time of the Monarchy both regions were ruled by Protestant monarchs.
And never ever have I met a Catholic who would have said - and with horror in his or her voice:
" .... but the people here are PROTESTANT!!!!!!"
and 2 out of 4 now say:

Protestants reject Catholics more than the other way round​


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