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Must we always think of that Trump person? (1 Viewer)

Must we always think of that Trump person?

  • yes, we have to

  • no, we do not have to

  • we should forget him

  • no, we should not forget him

  • I don't know ....

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DP Veteran
Aug 10, 2019
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Must we always think of that Trump person?
Must we really?
Must we always ask if things were better or worse with that Trump person?
Can't we forget about him at last?
Must we always think of that Trump person?
Must we really?
Must we always ask if things were better or worse with that Trump person?
Can't we forget about him at last?
No. As a German, you don't have to think of him at all...at least, not until 2025. That's when he's going to resume his plans to force your country and the rest of the EU to renegotiate a slew of trade issues.

Then you'll be thinking of him a lot.
Must we always think of that Trump person?
Must we really?
Must we always ask if things were better or worse with that Trump person?
Can't we forget about him at last?
With Trump still holding rallies and going on Fox and other RW media, we have no choice but to keep him front and center. Remember that there is still a large percentage that believes he's still the president.

A man that attempted a coup and caused a riot on Jan. 6th, 2021, cannot be forgotten about especially since neither he nor his coup allies have been brought to justice.
You can't start every NPR or CNN broadcast with details about some poor Jan6'er being sentenced to jail without thinking about Donald Trump. He's still living in your your mind every day, and he's probably in your dreams too.
No. As a German, you don't have to think of him at all...at least, not until 2025. That's when he's going to resume his plans to force your country and the rest of the EU to renegotiate a slew of trade issues.

Then you'll be thinking of him a lot.
only when your repub leader trump praises 💩tin at his campaign rallies
Must we always think of that Trump person?
Must we really?
Must we always ask if things were better or worse with that Trump person?
Can't we forget about him at last?
A great many people, mostly in the US but also elsewhere in the world, have spent the the past 5 years viewing the world through a Trump shaped prism. They know pretty much nothing else and, that being the case, will always view the world that way.

He seems to be the bogeyman that hides under the bed. Somehow many threads that have nothing to do with Trump end up with many Trump posts?
Must we always think of that Trump person?
Must we really?
Must we always ask if things were better or worse with that Trump person?
Can't we forget about him at last?
Depends on the thing.

Trump was a symptom of a still-lingering and possibly looming threat to the soul of America.
Forget him if you will, but always remember the threat he represents.
I voted twice for The Donald.

I will always be grateful to him for refusing to kneel in 2020.

If he runs in 2024, I will vote for him -- maybe (I am 84, so ...).

But I never think of him -- until I read threads about him on the two political forums to which I belong.

He is definitely Mr. Yesterday.

I hope that the Justice Department also forgets him.

It should not prosecute him.

It would only cause more divisiveness in the country. (Although he would probably relish being in the news again on the front page.)

2024 is the chance for Republicans to nominate a truly moderate candidate and someone who acts in a mature manner.

If the Dems nominate Ms. Harris, the Republicans may have a chance to take back the Oval Office.
Must we always think of that Trump person?
Must we really?
Must we always ask if things were better or worse with that Trump person?
Can't we forget about him at last?
He's going to be the Republican candidate in 2024. He's basically announced as much: this is exactly his style of ambiguity before doing the thing we all know he meant to say.

Yes. Absolutely. Positively. Liberals anyway. He snuck up on libs like China Joe on a 12 y/o girl. Now he’s lodges in their minds and libs can’t let him go. It’s not libs fault either, they tried with all their lies and all to get rid of him but it just never worked. I mean Russia Russia Russia was supposed to take him down. Stormy was supposed to take him down. Omarosa was supposed to take him down. Stormys lawyer, what was that knuckleheads name?, was supposed to take him down. Yet he’s still there but hes now so entrenched that most libs will be seeing his orange face in their sleep.
Instead of counting sheep, they will be counting trumps. TDS is flourishint, this forum is a prime example.

You can't start every NPR or CNN broadcast with details about some poor Jan6'er being sentenced to jail without thinking about Donald Trump. He's still living in your your mind every day, and he's probably in your dreams too.

We don't flock to his rallies, losers go to shower adoration on their loser and donate money to extend the time frame of his grift.

Must we always think of that Trump person?
Must we really?
Must we always ask if things were better or worse with that Trump person?
Can't we forget about him at last?

Sure, soon as we deal with eight of his American co-conspirators...


......and their counterparts in Moscow, and Trump's boss.
Must we always think of that Trump person?
Must we really?
Must we always ask if things were better or worse with that Trump person?
Can't we forget about him at last?


People love pointing to a boogyman who they want to blame for problems they see in this country.
Even though Trump has not been in the White House for over a year, they love to point fingers at someone they don't like.
They can overlook Crooked Hillary and her campaign that paid outside groups to come up with phone\y information about Trump and his 2016 campaign. And those empty-headed people will fight to the death to prove that the lies told about Trump for two years were true. And they believe Rachel Maddow was a fine opinionator who was on the right track condemning Trump for "colluding" with Russia - without any proof whatsoever.
The Left-leaning media is a powerful force that is able to fill gullible Liberals with bullshit lies.
And that is why people in these forums still like talking about Trump.
Must we always think of that Trump person?
Must we really?
Must we always ask if things were better or worse with that Trump person?
Can't we forget about him at last?
No we must not always think of the orange shit gibbon.

In fact I go for hours on end not thinking about him.

But when I enter a space where he is oft if not always an active topic of discussion it is kind of hard to not think of that Marred-A-Lago scumbag.

He does everything he can to stay in people's faces so it is not surprising he won't go away as a topic.

But you know what?

Soon as I leave the places online that are talking about him he leaves my thinking and exits my mind.

My mind knows how to let things go back on the shelf, as it were, like a book in the library, until the next time I check it out.

;) (y)

I love my mind!
You can't start every NPR or CNN broadcast with details about some poor Jan6'er being sentenced to jail without thinking about Donald Trump. He's still living in your your mind every day, and he's probably in your dreams too.
The thing is, the rules here at DP prevent me from describing what I dream about. Let's put it this way, If they came true, there would handcuffs and ankle bracelets front and center. And Trump would be getting off easy.
No. As a German, you don't have to think of him at all...at least, not until 2025. That's when he's going to resume his plans to force your country and the rest of the EU to renegotiate a slew of trade issues.

Then you'll be thinking of him a lot.
And when he offers for them to buy energy from the U.S., do that.
With Trump still holding rallies and going on Fox and other RW media, we have no choice but to keep him front and center. Remember that there is still a large percentage that believes he's still the president.

A man that attempted a coup and caused a riot on Jan. 6th, 2021, cannot be forgotten about especially since neither he nor his coup allies have been brought to justice.
In this case I agree with you!


People love pointing to a boogyman who they want to blame for problems they see in this country.
Even though Trump has not been in the White House for over a year, they love to point fingers at someone they don't like.
They can overlook Crooked Hillary and her campaign that paid outside groups to come up with phone\y information about Trump and his 2016 campaign. And those empty-headed people will fight to the death to prove that the lies told about Trump for two years were true. And they believe Rachel Maddow was a fine opinionator who was on the right track condemning Trump for "colluding" with Russia - without any proof whatsoever.
The Left-leaning media is a powerful force that is able to fill gullible Liberals with bullshit lies.
And that is why people in these forums still like talking about Trump.

December 7, 2019
"..Why did he take days to reveal he was on the line during that July 25 phone call between President Trump and President Zelenskiy? Does he really believe Ukraine, not Russia, interfered in the 2016 U.S. elections? He's a West Point man who said during the 2016 Republican.. primaries...

MIKE POMPEO: You know, Donald Trump the other day said that, quote, "If he tells a soldier to commit a war crime, the soldier will just go do it." He said, "They'll do as I tell them to do." We've spent 7 1/2 years with an authoritarian president who ignored our Constitution. We don't need four more years of that.

SIMON: How did that man become one of President Trump's most vociferous champions? When Mike Pompeo was nominated for secretary of state, Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas told the Senate...


TOM COTTON: When Mike Pompeo speaks, the world will know the secretary of state speaks for the president..."

Link to cached page of this article,

August 19, 2019
"...The event took place on the day of the Kansas presidential caucuses, and Pompeo had endorsed Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.); after listening to Pompeo’s remarks from backstage, Trump demanded to know who Pompeo was, the New Yorker reported."
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No. As a German, you don't have to think of him at all...at least, not until 2025. That's when he's going to resume his plans to force your country and the rest of the EU to renegotiate a slew of trade issues.

Then you'll be thinking of him a lot.

He's going to force us is he?
How will he manage that?
The EU won't be bullied around and you need them as much as they need you.

Nobody forced the US to sign previous trade agreements and you should have a problem with your previous negotiators, not other countries who signed agreements in good faith.
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