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Multi-Cultural Wild Animal Britain: Jihad kids threaten to KILL patriotic schoolboy! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 16, 2009
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Five Muslim boys and a dhimmi girl were expelled from school for threatening to murder a fellow pupil - because he paid tribute to Britain's fallen:

Facebook death threats: 5 Muslim boys and white girl excluded from school | Mail Online

In this day and age I'm surprised the British kid wasn't suspended for his 'divisive' and 'jingoistic' patriotism! But I'm still not surprised the vermin won't face trial. Can't 'upset the Muslim Community' I suppose, paranoid enough as they are.

This isn't the first time that young followers of the Religion of Peace have caused schoolroom chaos:

UK muslim students praise 9/11 jihadis, Christian teacher fired for not tolerating their hate

Muslims DEMAND Taliban-style conditions in our schools! 'Is that reasonable', asks the BBC increduously!

Schools told 'no swimming in Ramadan' for Muslim pupils - Yorkshire News , etc.

And on les continont as well: Merkel says violence of Muslim youths is a problem in Germany


Teachers drop the Holocaust to avoid offending Muslims | Mail Online

The Muslim Council of Britain's disgusting decision to boycott Holocaust Memorial Day | The Spectator

(...'Course, we have to pander to THEIR holocaust claims:

Muslim holocaust and genocide rememberance day July 15 )

But such institutionalised hate doesn't stop teachers making the dirty kufir grovel in subservience to the Religion of Peace nonetheless:

Schoolboys punished with detention for refusing to kneel down and pray to Allah | News

Parents' outrage as children told 'dress as a Muslim for mosque trip - or you will be branded a truant' | Mail Online

Parents' fury at town hall plans for halal-only menus in schools | Mail Online

Muslim prayer rooms should be opened in Catholic schools, say church leaders | Mail Online

If these Muslims choke on our sweet air of freedom then I'm sorry they came.


Further data on the multi-cultural mix:

Knives rule the playgrounds as inter-racial violence soars | UK news | The Observer

...AND WHITES AREN'T TO BLAME! Bet that's a newsflash for the liberal twunts!
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Re: Multi-Cultural Wild Animal Britain: Jihad kids threaten to KILL patriotic schoolb

Why is all that happening, doesn't the UK have a conservative leader now?
Re: Multi-Cultural Wild Animal Britain: Jihad kids threaten to KILL patriotic schoolb

The Heir To Blair you mean?

Don't make me chuckle!

Though, of course, the real legwork was done by Labour.
Re: Multi-Cultural Wild Animal Britain: Jihad kids threaten to KILL patriotic schoolb

So... You're a living tabloid...
Re: Multi-Cultural Wild Animal Britain: Jihad kids threaten to KILL patriotic schoolb

Not so much a bad thing. Better than being a Marxist.

If I was a walking broadsheet I would endlessly waffle on like a stereotypical old woman, losing you the plot even partway in. As it is, I cut to the chase, this chase being that the OP is a symptom of a faulty Multi-Culti dream-cum-nightmare.

No wonder even Germany's Angela Merkel and friends are voicing concern on an issue usually put beyond question.



Like the Yellow Submarine's Blue Meanies, the jimjam-clads hate music so much they want to deprive their own kids of that joy:


The only 'beats' they seem to like are the ones across their own kids' heads:


Multi Culturalism? You can keep it!
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Re: Multi-Cultural Wild Animal Britain: Jihad kids threaten to KILL patriotic schoolb

Not so much a bad thing. Better than being a Marxist.

Maybe you should be a Marxist, after all, Stalin and Pol Pot were pretty good at getting rid on minorities.
Re: Multi-Cultural Wild Animal Britain: Jihad kids threaten to KILL patriotic schoolb

It's not the minority I'm on about but the foul ideology which has poisoned them.

Though it's a typical Liberal gambit to present the whistleblower as the bad guy. It would overturn all they've told themselves to resist shooting the messenger.

If anybody's like Stalin or Pol Pot it's those who even treat their own like cattle:


Chowk: Personal: Muhammads - Dead Hand - Behind Muslim Honor Killings

BOTTOM-GRADE cattle at that..
Re: Multi-Cultural Wild Animal Britain: Jihad kids threaten to KILL patriotic schoolb

Why is all that happening, doesn't the UK have a conservative leader now?

What does having a conservative leader to do with common bullying.. it has gone one for thousands of years...
Re: Multi-Cultural Wild Animal Britain: Jihad kids threaten to KILL patriotic schoolb

What does having a conservative leader to do with common bullying.. it has gone one for thousands of years...

Well RoP is complaining about the liberals, so you'd expect the consevatives to have fixed it.
Re: Multi-Cultural Wild Animal Britain: Jihad kids threaten to KILL patriotic schoolb

Well RoP is complaining about the liberals, so you'd expect the consevatives to have fixed it.

RoP complains about everything and blames it on the "liberals" even if they are conservative policies.
Re: Multi-Cultural Wild Animal Britain: Jihad kids threaten to KILL patriotic schoolb

As it is, I cut to the chase, this chase being that the OP is a symptom of a faulty Multi-Culti dream-cum-nightmare.
Multi Culturalism? You can keep it!

Why do the acts of a few muslims damn all other cultures in Britian?

Are you a member of the BNP?
Re: Multi-Cultural Wild Animal Britain: Jihad kids threaten to KILL patriotic schoolb

Why do the acts of a few muslims damn all other cultures in Britian?

Are you a member of the BNP?

It's always "the acts of a few Muslims" which do the damage, and all they need are a few. Even one Muslim can change an entire country and the way we go about our business..

Why would anyone have to be a member of the BNP, or any particular party, to complain about what's happening to their country? Or is this code for something deeper?
Re: Multi-Cultural Wild Animal Britain: Jihad kids threaten to KILL patriotic schoolb

Why would anyone have to be a member of the BNP, or any particular party, to complain about what's happening to their country? Or is this code for something deeper?

Re: Multi-Cultural Wild Animal Britain: Jihad kids threaten to KILL patriotic schoolb

He's not new, he's the resident BNP apologist. A busy man. They have much to apologise for, from their very existence down, but RoP is unlikely to be a member, He's too extreme...
Re: Multi-Cultural Wild Animal Britain: Jihad kids threaten to KILL patriotic schoolb

Yep, there's the Leftist invalidation and smear, right on cue.

It usually comes at the end of a lost argument..

Why do the acts of a few muslims damn all other cultures in Britian (sic) ?

It's not the cultures, for the most part, but the hosting system. THAT'S what Merkel and co. were moaning about too.

And to answer Pete EU, Cameron himself says he's a 'liberal Conservative'. It's perfectly in keeping for a slimeball like him to oversee the usual shambles with a smile.
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Re: Multi-Cultural Wild Animal Britain: Jihad kids threaten to KILL patriotic schoolb


I love your posts Spud ... never change :2wave:
Re: Multi-Cultural Wild Animal Britain: Jihad kids threaten to KILL patriotic schoolb

He's not new, he's the resident BNP apologist. A busy man. They have much to apologise for, from their very existence down, but RoP is unlikely to be a member, He's too extreme...

I'm a BNP apologist?

Isn't BNP a petroleim company?

Some of you leftoids are really quite amazing!
Re: Multi-Cultural Wild Animal Britain: Jihad kids threaten to KILL patriotic schoolb


I love your posts Spud ... never change :2wave:

Like you, Laila, he can't.

It's a lifetime thing.
Re: Multi-Cultural Wild Animal Britain: Jihad kids threaten to KILL patriotic schoolb

Isn't BNP a petroleim company?

Lol, what?

The British National Party (BNP) is a far-right political party formed as a splinter group from the National Front by John Tyndall in 1982. The BNP restricted membership to people it referred to as "indigenous Caucasian", effectively excluding non-whites
Re: Multi-Cultural Wild Animal Britain: Jihad kids threaten to KILL patriotic schoolb

Like you, Laila, he can't.

It's a lifetime thing.

What can I say, we're amazing as we are now
Re: Multi-Cultural Wild Animal Britain: Jihad kids threaten to KILL patriotic schoolb

Lol, what?

Thanks for the explanation about the BNP but as I'm Canadian my interest is minimal.

And of course the BNP thing was a joke. You prefer pictures, huh?
Re: Multi-Cultural Wild Animal Britain: Jihad kids threaten to KILL patriotic schoolb

You prefer pictures, huh?

Make it funny pictures and we got ourselves a deal

It will certainly liven this thread up :shrug:
Re: Multi-Cultural Wild Animal Britain: Jihad kids threaten to KILL patriotic schoolb

What can I say, we're amazing as we are now

Well, that's one way to look at it. Rather novel and insightfully naiive to use movie photographs in place of more difficult words and postulation. Just not very effective.

And I would actually be interested to see how Laila would talk her way out of this little lot. It's usually Islam which is the common factor in this kind of trouble.
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Re: Multi-Cultural Wild Animal Britain: Jihad kids threaten to KILL patriotic schoolb

And I would actually be interested to see how Laila would talk her way out of this little lot. It's usually Islam which is the common factor in this kind of trouble.

Talk my way out of what?
I didn't realise I am responsible for what other people do
Re: Multi-Cultural Wild Animal Britain: Jihad kids threaten to KILL patriotic schoolb

Make it funny pictures and we got ourselves a deal

It will certainly liven this thread up :shrug:

The subject was interesting enough (Five Muslim boys and a dhimmi girl were expelled from school for threatening to murder a fellow pupil - because he paid tribute to Britain's fallen)
but it quickly deteriorated into whether a poster is a member of the BNP or not.

It's this sort of undisguised ignorance, and its encouragement, that will destroy any interesting topic. It's similar to a form of censorship.

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