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Mulligatawny Soup is great! (1 Viewer)

I'd like to try it but I'm allergic to natural ingredients.
What do you think of it? :)
I haven't had it in years, but there was a time when every Indian restaurant I went into had a completely different 'Mulligatawny' soup. I always thought that because India was such a vast country, with different regional cooking, the dish could be named the same and bear no resemblance to the same soup 1,000 miles away. Some were tomato based, some had lentils and others didn't, some were milder than others, etc, . . . . .

As a result, I don't know what the "real" mulligatawny soup is.
What do you think of it? :)

It’s OK, but there are large variations among the recipes.

I haven't had it in years, but there was a time when every Indian restaurant I went into had a completely different 'Mulligatawny' soup. I always thought that because India was such a vast country, with different regional cooking, the dish could be named the same and bear no resemblance to the same soup 1,000 miles away. Some were tomato based, some had lentils and others didn't, some were milder than others, etc, . . . . .

As a result, I don't know what the "real" mulligatawny soup is.

Yep, much like what “real” chili is.
What do you think of it? :)
Never had it. Never had any Indian food, but somehow I know the name. It must have been in a children's book of mine or something.
I’ve seen so many variations - some good, some not so good.
It’s OK, but there are large variations among the recipes.

Thanks. That's what I thought. It seems as if I could make almost any soup at all, and still call it Mulligatawny soup.
Some Info:

Bengali writer Buddhadeb Guha's character Rijuda mentions it as his most hated soup.

In "The Soup Nazi" episode of Seinfeld, Kramer asks Elaine to get him a bowl of mulligatawny soup.

It was featured in the Homestar Runner cartoon Experimental Film with music written by They Might Be Giants. [9]

In Germany, and Denmark, it is named in the English-language sketch Dinner for One, which many people watch every New Year's Eve. As a result, "mulligatawny soup" (as it is called in the sketch) has achieved wide name recognition in Germany.

In Batman Vol 1. #701, it is revealed that mulligatawny soup is Batman’s favourite food.

In George Orwell's novel A Clergyman's Daughter, it is referenced several times by a cockney youth in the expression "That's the mulligatawny!" with a generally positive connotation.

Some were tomato based, some had lentils and others didn't, some were milder than others, etc, . . . . .
As a result, I don't know what the "real" mulligatawny soup is.
It should be curry based.
It should be curry based.
Yeah but . . . . curry based with tomato? curry based with coconut milk? curry based with chicken? with goat? which vegetables? with lentils - or with no lentils? very spicy? not so spicy? Peppers and tamarind also seem essential, but the range is really vast.

I put curry powder in my egg salad. It's great.

Dinner for one - with Mulli soup! :)
I fully agree that it's a great soup.
It's lovely on a cold day with some good toast with loads of Olivio on it.
It's very popular in the UK and we always have it in the house.
I fully agree that it's a great soup.
It's lovely on a cold day with some good toast with loads of Olivio on it.
It's very popular in the UK and we always have it in the house.
How do you do that? Can you buy it in a can? I hate canned soup.
How do you do that? Can you buy it in a can? I hate canned soup.

Yep, it's canned.
I've honestly never considered canned soup to be a bad thing as it's so normal here is it not in the US?
Yep, it's canned.
I've honestly never considered canned soup to be a bad thing as it's so normal here is it not in the US?
We do have plenty can soup consumers, I am just not one of them. Tastes tinny, imho. I don't do bottled salad dressing either. We use the occasional cream of mushroom soup for casseroles etc. I freeze the condensed soup in ice cube trays to use when the need arises.
We do have plenty can soup consumers, I am just not one of them. Tastes tinny, imho. I don't do bottled salad dressing either. We use the occasional cream of mushroom soup for casseroles etc. I freeze the condensed soup in ice cube trays to use when the need arises.

Fair enough.
Tins are the lazy option and it's handy for after work.
I do a late finish and it's well after the time when I can be bothered to make anything large or fussy so a can of soup about an hour or so before bed does the trick.
Add some toasted bagels and I'm a happy camper.

I'm easy to please.
Yep, it's canned.
I've honestly never considered canned soup to be a bad thing as it's so normal here is it not in the US?
This disrepect for canned soup is a bit snobbish, imho.
Not everybody has the time and the knowledge etc like a professional cook.

I enjoy my Mulligatawny Soup from a can.
If snobs think they must look down on me because of it - so be it! :)
Better it is to have canned soup than no soup! :)
This disrepect for canned soup is a bit snobbish, imho.
Not everybody has the time and the knowledge etc like a professional cook.

I enjoy my Mulligatawny Soup from a can.
If snobs think they must look down on me because of it - so be it! :)
Better it is to have canned soup than no soup! :)
See what I did there? Question for another poll, free of charge.
Is it snobbish to dislike certain foods?
Not everyone likes broccoli either btw.

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