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Mueller's next big reveal (1 Viewer)

And she wasn't charged with a crime. That poster seems to forget that.

But she should have been.Just like Eric Holder got a pass by a D.C.District
Court Judge { Amy Berman Jackson } for his refusal to turn over " non-priviledged "
documents in regards to the gun-running Operation - Fast & Furious -.
Obama did his part by allowing Holder to Lie to Congress as to when he first
learned of the Operation and then Obama used Executive Priviledge to shield
Holder from handing over subpoena's docs requested by The House Oversight and
Government Reform Committee.
Yet Holder was found guilty of Contempt of Congress.
This same Justice Dept. run by Loretta Lynch,also pulled a fast one by protecting
Hillary.Lynch eventually will have to explain herself.She was the person who had the
duty to Charge or Exonerate Hillary.Not Comey.
You have to use your reading comprehension skills on this one, Tres.

No. You're the one who was responding to something he didn't say.

He never said NDAs were criminal. Nobody said that. And that isn't what Cohen is in trouble for (creating an NDA). Perhaps you should read the news and you'll see what he is pleading guilty to. It isn't "creating an NDA".
But she should have been.Just like Eric Holder got a pass by a D.C.District
Court Judge { Amy Berman Jackson } for his refusal to turn over " non-priviledged "
documents in regards to the gun-running Operation - Fast & Furious -.
Obama did his part by allowing Holder to Lie to Congress as to when he first
learned of the Operation and then Obama used Executive Priviledge to shield
Holder from handing over subpoena's docs requested by The House Oversight and
Government Reform Committee.
Yet Holder was found guilty of Contempt of Congress.
This same Justice Dept. run by Loretta Lynch,also pulled a fast one by protecting
Hillary.Lynch eventually will have to explain herself.She was the person who had the
duty to Charge or Exonerate Hillary.Not Comey.

So in other words, Hillary Clinton was never charged with a crime. Yes, we already knew that. Well, the rest of us did. That poster didn't know.
Yes, like all the Trump/Russia collusion conspiracy threads.

There's an actual investigation that is being discussed. While you continue to rant about fabrications. Sorry but your false analogy is false.
There's an actual investigation that is being discussed. While you continue to rant about fabrications. Sorry but your false analogy is false.

for muellers next reveal, he will get alt left radicals so excited about nothing that they will think they are winning!
for muellers next reveal, he will get alt left radicals so excited about nothing that they will think they are winning!

You forgot your "lol (laugh out loud)"
You forgot your "lol (laugh out loud)"

its implied. every time you alt left radicals think youre winning something, its just another smile on my face.

such as when meullers investigation is complete... and then its the senates turn ;)
its implied. every time you alt left radicals think youre winning something, its just another smile on my face.

such as when meullers investigation is complete... and then its the senates turn ;)

alt left... herp derp.
No. You're the one who was responding to something he didn't say.

He never said NDAs were criminal. Nobody said that. And that isn't what Cohen is in trouble for (creating an NDA). Perhaps you should read the news and you'll see what he is pleading guilty to. It isn't "creating an NDA".

Sorry for the inconvenience.
You should apologize to the entire board for not understanding people's posts and for reading things that are never said.

No, I don't think so. If that were so, I would be getting thousands of apologies sent to me, many from you.
No, I don't think so. If that were so, I would be getting thousands of apologies sent to me, many from you.

I'm not the one who made something up. You did.

Now, please cite the law Obama broke when he helped the Castros. I've asked you 3 times and you keep running away.
By the way, I'm still waiting for you to cite the law that Obama broke when he helped the Castros. What is the statute?

I think it would fall under high crimes and misdemeanors, at the very least, for what he did. There you have it. What else can I help you with today? Need any help with the Constitution? I sense a weakness there.
I think it would fall under high crimes and misdemeanors, at the very least, for what he did. There you have it. What else can I help you with today? Need any help with the Constitution? I sense a weakness there.

Please cite the statutes of the high crime he committed. I've now asked you four time and you can't answer.

Can you show me where in the law it defines communication with the Castros as a crime, or a misdemeanor?
Please cite the statutes of the high crime he committed. I've now asked you four time and you can't answer.

Can you show me where in the law it defines communication with the Castros as a crime, or a misdemeanor?

Seems one can't have a decent conversation with conspiracy folk. They just toss their nutter conspiracies around and pretend they live in a sane world and will refuse facts outright. Sad.
Please cite the statutes of the high crime he committed. I've now asked you four time and you can't answer.

Can you show me where in the law it defines communication with the Castros as a crime, or a misdemeanor?

Uhhh... you know that's in the Constitution, right? Are you telling me that you didn't know that I was referencing the Constitution? Jeez, you are worse off than I thought.
I'm not the one who made something up. You did.

Now, please cite the law Obama broke when he helped the Castros. I've asked you 3 times and you keep running away.

Oh, I'm still waiting for answers too. That happens a lot, though. I like to ask those kinds of questions. Usually, the libs either ignore them of go off on their usual misdirection. They basically wave the white flag when they do that.
Uhhh... you know that's in the Constitution, right? Are you telling me that you didn't know that I was referencing the Constitution? Jeez, you are worse off than I thought.

Helping the Castros in Cuba is addressed in the Constitution? Show me where.
Oh, I'm still waiting for answers too. That happens a lot, though. I like to ask those kinds of questions. Usually, the libs either ignore them of go off on their usual misdirection. They basically wave the white flag when they do that.

So you're admitting that he never said anything about NDAs being criminal.
So you're admitting that he never said anything about NDAs being criminal.

Ah, I see you are now making stuff up. You are going accord to the script...

Oh, I'm still waiting for answers too. That happens a lot, though. I like to ask those kinds of questions. Usually, the libs either ignore them of go off on their usual misdirection. They basically wave the white flag when they do that.

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