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Movies that have made you cry (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
South Shore of Long Island.
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
What movies have mad you cry? Or at least gotten you a bit teary eyes.

I'm not afraid to admit it. . I'm a very emotional dude so here are a few

1) Platoon (The scene where Elias is running away from the NVA (or was it Vietcong?))

2) 1984 (this movie made me cry in the first 5 minutes. at the end of the 2 minute hate) I got teary eyed again at the end of it when Winston says "Wonderful news. . ." at hearing of Big Brothers victory at the Eurasian front (or was it EastAsian?)

Anyone else brave enough?
Tears of the Sun.
Seeing the HK MK23 with silencer in action.
and the line "Take zippo first"

The fifth element
“Big badda boom”

Apocalypse Now.
Huey's and napalm what more could you ask for?

A man on fire
‘What are you gonna do?
I’m gonna kill them all”
Rudy :baby2
Don't get me started- I am so emotional, I cry at lots of movies.

The most recent one I saw that made me cry was Hardball with Keanau Reeves (sp?).
I never saw it before and it was on cable this weekend and at the end I was in tears!
Final scene in Deer Hunter when they all go back to the bar after the funeral and fix breakfast. They all sang God Bless America while crying for their fallen friend. Devastating film. There was no way NOT to cry.
40 Year Old Virgin

I laughed so hard I cried.

That's 9 dollars and 90 minutes I'll never get back...:boohoo:
KCConservative said:
Final scene in Deer Hunter when they all go back to the bar after the funeral and fix breakfast. They all sang God Bless America while crying for their fallen friend. Devastating film. There was no way NOT to cry.

Oh damn how could I forget Deer Hunter?

When Mike goes to visit his friend in the hospital. . .damn man.
1. The Thin Red Line when Pvt. Witt dies. Such emotional music during the village fight.

2. Saving Private Ryan when they show the view of the beach after the battle (some family fought and died there). When the medic dies and when the guy is stabbed.

3. Boys Don't Cry. OH GOD SO SAD.


5. Aliens when Hudson gets pulled under the floor by the aliens :mrgreen:
Braveheart, when Wallace makes his last great act of defiance.

Not quite a movie, but Metal Gear: Solid, right after the battle with Sniper Wolf. Every single time.
One of my older sons and I were just discussing this the other day. I'm not much of a crier, nor is he, but between the two of us we came up with several we'd both boo hooed at lol

"Big Fish"
"Evening Star"
the new "King Kong" (his eyes at the end........oh my)
"schindler's list"
the very last "godfather" where the guy dies all alone at the end......arg!
Terms of Endearment
Sophie's Choice
House of Sand and Fog
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
About Schmidt
American Beauty
Boys Don't Cry
Monster's Ball
A Star Is Born (Judy Garland and James Mason)
Midnight Cowboy
Dead Man Walking
Brian's Song (anyone remember this one?)
The Bicycle Thief
The Pianist
The Elephant Man

.....shall I stop now? *sob*sniffle*gasp*
Undoubtedly, the saddest moment in movie history was in, Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan when Spock died. They said that when people were watching this film in the theater, many of them committed suicide the next day out of sheer sadness over Spock. There was even a reported case of a woman in Missouri who was committed to a mental insitution for clinical depression when this film came out.

Actually, I'm just kidding. I guess it didn't really matter that Spock died, since he just came back in the next episode. :rofl

Although I suppose it was also a tear jerker in Star Trek 3 when Spock said, "Jim...your name is Jim."
star wars clone wars (when anakin's mother dies.:( )

godzilla(1997) (when Godzilla dies)
Synch said:
star wars clone wars


Uhhhh.....you sure you're not looking for the Movies that made you puke thread? :lol:
mixedmedia said:
Uhhhh.....you sure you're not looking for the Movies that made you puke thread? :lol:

.... Some people have different tastes in films, ok?

This is the right thread, those two movies were the only ones that ever made me cry.
Synch said:
.... Some people have different tastes in films, ok?

This is the right thread, those two movies were the only ones that ever made me cry.

Sorry, dude, no offense.....:2wave:

Surely you can look at my list up there and find a couple of flicks to rib me about. Just to be fair. I don't mind.
Deep Impact, in that scene when that woman and her dad were standing on the beach waiting for the wave to come that would surely kill them, I was watching that with my dad and I almost cried.

The only movie that has actually made me cry since "Puff the Magic Dragon" was, and I'm really embarassed to say this because what it implies about me, "The Passion of the Christ". The scene where Mary sees Jesus fall down, and then she flashbacks to him falling down as a young child, I just burst into tears.
galenrox said:
The only movie that has actually made me cry since "Puff the Magic Dragon" was, and I'm really embarassed to say this because what it implies about me, "The Passion of the Christ". The scene where Mary sees Jesus fall down, and then she flashbacks to him falling down as a young child, I just burst into tears.

Yeah dude, I thought the Passion was very sad, too. I remember there was a guy next to me in the theater crying. I think by the time Jesus was carrying the cross, people became very emotional.
Yeah I'm a pretty emotional guy too.

1. Deep Impact
2. Armageddon (when the guy's son he's not allowed to see runs to him at the end)
3. Forrest Gump (when his mother dies)
4. Shindler's List (at the end when Shindler thinks he hasn't done enough and Schindler's grave)
5. Saving Private Ryan
6. The Passion of the Christ

and alot more, just can't think of it. Cry about death more than anything.

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