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Mom Beats Boyfriend with Baby (1 Viewer)


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Feb 12, 2013
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You can't make this **** up

Woman used baby to beat boyfriend, beach patrol officials say

VOLUSIA COUNTY, Fla. - Ocoee mother Tatyana Allen, 18, faced a judge Tuesday afternoon, accused of using her 6-month-old baby boy to beat up her boyfriend near the Ocean Boardwalk on Monday.

"She took the baby by his body, and hit the baby against the man and then threw the baby down," said a witness on the phone with 911.

Tell me again, why people oppose abortion? Some people really should be encouraged to have one. In fact, we should jump at the chance to pay for them instead of making it easier for unfit parents to keep their babies.
You can't make this **** up

Woman used baby to beat boyfriend, beach patrol officials say

Tell me again, why people oppose abortion? Some people really should be encouraged to have one. In fact, we should jump at the chance to pay for them instead of making it easier for unfit parents to keep their babies.

I saw this this morning on one of the sites.

That animal should have her baby taken away, and the courts should let her sit in jail for a couple years.
You can't make this **** up

Woman used baby to beat boyfriend, beach patrol officials say

Tell me again, why people oppose abortion? Some people really should be encouraged to have one. In fact, we should jump at the chance to pay for them instead of making it easier for unfit parents to keep their babies.

I know, right? Child abuse is certainly call for abortion. If we aborted all pregnancies, there would be no child abuse.
I deal with enough of this **** on a daily basis and think I have seen it all. Then I see this and just shake my head. Im not even surprised anymore...
I saw this this morning on one of the sites.

That animal should have her baby taken away, and the courts should let her sit in jail for a couple years.

They did take the kid...but, for how long is anyone's guess.
I deal with enough of this **** on a daily basis and think I have seen it all. Then I see this and just shake my head. Im not even surprised anymore...

Obviously some people are not fit to be parents...if even to be considered human.
I know, right? Child abuse is certainly call for abortion. If we aborted all pregnancies, there would be no child abuse.

Some people are not fit to be parents. Abortion is the first gate. Maybe if more people decided to not pass through it, we would have less child abuse and neglect.
I suspect she is mentally ill. She was pregnant at sixteen, and probably not well equipped to deal with the realities of being a loving and supportive parent.

Send mor money.
I suspect she is mentally ill. She was pregnant at sixteen, and probably not well equipped to deal with the realities of being a loving and supportive parent.

Send mor money.

...for an abortion
Some people are not fit to be parents. Abortion is the first gate. Maybe if more people decided to not pass through it, we would have less child abuse and neglect.

Maybe. But the logic is poor at best. Your argument is that people should support abortion in order to decrease child abuse. While it is true that if you kill it, you can't abuse it in the future, abortion does not eliminate or demonstratively reduce the statistics of child abuse cases.

Even here we have child abuse and abortion is legal. The girl could have aborted, didn't, then assaulted her boyfriend with her child. Should she have been forced into an abortion? Will we have some form of government oversight and screening? Anyone who raises too many flags is not allowed to have a baby?

There are far better arguments for abortion other than destroying the life prevents it from being abused in the future, given the complete lack of evidence that abortion at all has any affect on aggregate child abuse/neglect statistics.
Why is abortion being discussed? Abortion is an available option. Odds are pretty good she meant to have the baby. Unless you are talking about some sort of forced sterilization plan for people failing to meet a certain IQ standard or some other functional literacy test, then abortion is a rather silly diversion.
Maybe. But the logic is poor at best. Your argument is that people should support abortion in order to decrease child abuse. While it is true that if you kill it, you can't abuse it in the future, abortion does not eliminate or demonstratively reduce the statistics of child abuse cases.

Even here we have child abuse and abortion is legal. The girl could have aborted, didn't, then assaulted her boyfriend with her child. Should she have been forced into an abortion? Will we have some form of government oversight and screening? Anyone who raises too many flags is not allowed to have a baby?

There are far better arguments for abortion other than destroying the life prevents it from being abused in the future, given the complete lack of evidence that abortion at all has any affect on aggregate child abuse/neglect statistics.

She would have aborted if our system did not make it "easier" for her to keep it than abort it. Maybe we should pay people to abort instead of paying them to keep kids.
Why is abortion being discussed? Abortion is an available option. Odds are pretty good she meant to have the baby. Unless you are talking about some sort of forced sterilization plan for people failing to meet a certain IQ standard or some other functional literacy test, then abortion is a rather silly diversion.

No. I am talking about upending our current system which rewards a 16 year old having a baby by giving her free stuff. I'd rather we give her free stuff if she chooses an abortion, which I would gladly have my tax dollars go toward.
She would have aborted if our system did not make it "easier" for her to keep it than abort it. Maybe we should pay people to abort instead of paying them to keep kids.

Oh, there's a good option. Let's pay people to have abortions....that certainly wouldn't spawn abuse.
She would have aborted if our system did not make it "easier" for her to keep it than abort it. Maybe we should pay people to abort instead of paying them to keep kids.

Did you ever figure that society has an interest in children being born?
Did you ever figure that society has an interest in children being born?

To lunatics like this person in the OP? I doubt it.
Oh, there's a good option. Let's pay people to have abortions....that certainly wouldn't spawn abuse.

I'd consider paying them to give the children up for adoption, if they give up parental rights, permanently.
I'd consider paying them to give the children up for adoption, if they give up parental rights, permanently.

They can already give up babies for adoption, and can in fact give up parental rights and be paid for it if they find a couple willing to do so.
No. I am talking about upending our current system which rewards a 16 year old having a baby by giving her free stuff. I'd rather we give her free stuff if she chooses an abortion, which I would gladly have my tax dollars go toward.
I think incentives should be removed for certain things...but you have to understand that for many being a baby momma is status...maybe their ONLY status. Many see their only value to men as bringing kids into the world. And the fact is there are universal solutions and class or financial status is no guarantor of wellness. Plenty of rich people that can know depravity.
I think incentives should be removed for certain things...but you have to understand that for many being a baby momma is status...maybe their ONLY status. Many see their only value to men as bringing kids into the world. And the fact is there are universal solutions and class or financial status is no guarantor of wellness. Plenty of rich people that can know depravity.

Sadly true.

Still though, it seems to me that if we encouraged abortion or, better yet, more effective use of birth control, we'd see a lot fewer 16 year olds with babies. For sure, if we took away the money, housing and EBT card for free cookies and soda, we would.
Sadly true.

Still though, it seems to me that if we encouraged abortion or, better yet, more effective use of birth control, we'd see a lot fewer 16 year olds with babies. For sure, if we took away the money, housing and EBT card for free cookies and soda, we would.
I dont know that you would see a reduction. You would just see more dead babies and damaged children. We arent talking about people that are playing pinochle with all the jacks and aces in the deck.
Think of it this way. If the kid had been aborted, the woman wouldn’t have had anyone to beat the boyfriend with.

This proves my point that if guns are made illegal people will find other ways to hurt people.
I dont know that you would see a reduction. You would just see more dead babies and damaged children. We arent talking about people that are playing pinochle with all the jacks and aces in the deck.

How would that create more dead babies and damaged children, if they do not have children in the first place it cannot happen. In Europe birth control is almost universal and there is ready access to abortion and teen mothers are near non-existent.

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