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moderaters (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
Vincennes IN
Political Leaning
Why do moderaters tell you not to insult other posters, but yet turn around and insult you?
Hey alphieb if you feel one of the moderators have been treating you or anyone else unfairly privately PM one or all of us with whom and what post is of your concern. All of the team will discuss your complaint. Feedback is always welcome on this site.
I think the moderators do a pretty good job on this board. It is tough to strike the right balance between letting discussion go an not letting thing devolve into a flaming contest. And a thankless job I'm sure, so here's a thanks to you mods.
You are just going to run in to that now and again, as moderators are just people themselves, and are not perfect. I happen to think that this place is a little over moderated, as it seems every other member is a moderator, so it's bound to be even more prevelant. I run my own forum, and am rarely even there, and it has not been a problem, I let the members handle their own problems, and don't feel the need to babysit them. Sometimes you will find that a moderator is a little power hungry, but that's just the nature of the beast, as in life, so goes the internet. In the end though, there is nothing you can do about it, just suck it up if you enjoy yourself here, if not, find another forum, but this one is the best I have seen yet.;)
Deegan said:
You are just going to run in to that now and again, as moderators are just people themselves, and are not perfect. I happen to think that this place is a little over moderated, as it seems every other member is a moderator, so it's bound to be even more prevelant. I run my own forum, and am rarely even there, and it has not been a problem, I let the members handle their own problems, and don't feel the need to babysit them. Sometimes you will find that a moderator is a little power hungry, but that's just the nature of the beast, as in life, so goes the internet. In the end though, there is nothing you can do about it, just suck it up if you enjoy yourself here, if not, find another forum, but this one is the best I have seen yet.;)

OMG, Deegan, do we actually agree on something?:shock:

Deegan said:
You are just going to run in to that now and again, as moderators are just people themselves, and are not perfect. I happen to think that this place is a little over moderated, as it seems every other member is a moderator, so it's bound to be even more prevelant. I run my own forum, and am rarely even there, and it has not been a problem, I let the members handle their own problems, and don't feel the need to babysit them. Sometimes you will find that a moderator is a little power hungry, but that's just the nature of the beast, as in life, so goes the internet. In the end though, there is nothing you can do about it, just suck it up if you enjoy yourself here, if not, find another forum, but this one is the best I have seen yet.;)

Hard to imagine, but we really try to be hands off for the most part. Unless we find blatant misuse of a rule during our normal surfing, we let the users report a post before we spring into action. We get many reported posts from the community. Every reported post gets attention. Often action is required. Our actions truely are driven by the users.

There is indeed something you can do about it. Like GarzaUK said, we do not take these matters lightly. Report the post or send me a PM. If the action is against me, please send a PM to another mod. Even though I am the lead moderator, I am not free from action against me. Nor are any of the mods. Concerns over moderation is of utmost importance us.
Mod's, just like cops, are people too!
vauge said:
Hard to imagine, but we really try to be hands off for the most part. Unless we find blatant misuse of a rule during our normal surfing, we let the users report a post before we spring into action. We get many reported posts from the community. Every reported post gets attention. Often action is required. Our actions truely are driven by the users.

There is indeed something you can do about it. Like GarzaUK said, we do not take these matters lightly. Report the post or send me a PM. If the action is against me, please send a PM to another mod. Even though I am the lead moderator, I am not free from action against me. Nor are any of the mods. Concerns over moderation is of utmost importance us.

I pm'd GarzaUK, it is only one person. I was in the wrong too, but this person attacked me very inappropriately.
alphieb said:
I pm'd GarzaUK, it is only one person. I was in the wrong too, but this person attacked me very inappropriately.

As per forum rules...

3. Flaming - "Originally, flame meant to carry forth in a passionate manner in the spirit of honorable debate. Flames most often involved the use of flowery language and flaming well was an art form. More recently flame has come to refer to any kind of derogatory comment no matter how witless or crude."[google] In a forum with sensitive topics such as this, derogatory flaming is bound to happen. Common sense will prevail, yet this is not an invitation to flame. e.g. You stupid *****ing moron is completely unacceptable and could lead to a suspension of posting privileges.

While the Moderators ARE held to a higher standard(MUCH higher than the members realize), keep in mind the Mods are fellow forum members with the same interests, motivations, and emotions as anyone else...

With minimal exceptions, there is not one person on this forum that hasn't dropped the level of debate a notch or two...If it's a single remark that doesn't reach a certain level of debauchery, it slides by...it's when the comments become repeated and the whole thread spirals into the netherworld that action should be taken...

If we were to Moderate otherwise, we'd spend our day suspending most of the forum!...By the same token, if the Mods were to be handcuffed and silenced, no Moderator would wish to stay...

We try to find a "happy medium"...:2wave:
cnredd said:
As per forum rules...

3. Flaming - "Originally, flame meant to carry forth in a passionate manner in the spirit of honorable debate. Flames most often involved the use of flowery language and flaming well was an art form. More recently flame has come to refer to any kind of derogatory comment no matter how witless or crude."[google] In a forum with sensitive topics such as this, derogatory flaming is bound to happen. Common sense will prevail, yet this is not an invitation to flame. e.g. You stupid *****ing moron is completely unacceptable and could lead to a suspension of posting privileges.

While the Moderators ARE held to a higher standard(MUCH higher than the members realize), keep in mind the Mods are fellow forum members with the same interests, motivations, and emotions as anyone else...

With minimal exceptions, there is not one person on this forum that hasn't dropped the level of debate a notch or two...If it's a single remark that doesn't reach a certain level of debauchery, it slides by...it's when the comments become repeated and the whole thread spirals into the netherworld that action should be taken...

If we were to Moderate otherwise, we'd spend our day suspending most of the forum!...By the same token, if the Mods were to be handcuffed and silenced, no Moderator would wish to stay...

We try to find a "happy medium"...:2wave:

This is one of the classiest debate sites I have been on. Some of them are down right nasty with no intervention. I was just offended by one Mod. no big deal.....I'm over it now. I was guilty myself of posting something that was not appropriate.
alphieb said:
This is one of the classiest debate sites I have been on. Some of them are down right nasty with no intervention. I was just offended by one Mod. no big deal.....I'm over it now. I was guilty myself of posting something that was not appropriate.
And you should've been banned!


One point if I may...The "line drawn in the sand" is different for every member...You can say one thing to a member and they laugh it off...say the same thing to another and they get upset...

That's what makes finding a happy medium so tough...
cnredd said:
And you should've been banned!


One point if I may...The "line drawn in the sand" is different for every member...You can say one thing to a member and they laugh it off...say the same thing to another and they get upset...

That's what makes finding a happy medium so tough...

I usually don't get upset and find myself laughing all the time if it is a witty comment. I guess it depends on the nature of the insult....or maybe its just almost time for my monthly enemy.....LOL
galenrox said:
Plus, from what I hear, there's a lot going on that we don't hear about.
Please explain this sentence...
cnredd said:
Please explain this sentence...

Now you're just fishing for compliments.;)
Deegan said:
Now you're just fishing for compliments.;)
Wasn't going for that angle...don't really see it anyway...

Read it again...

Plus, from what I hear, there's a lot going on that we don't hear about.

If there's stuff going on that you don't hear about, than how can you say "from what I hear"?...

Don't look too deep...
cnredd said:
Wasn't going for that angle...don't really see it anyway...

Read it again...

Plus, from what I hear, there's a lot going on that we don't hear about.

If there's stuff going on that you don't hear about, than how can you say "from what I hear"?...

Don't look too deep...

Oh, I'm the one looking to deep, lol!;)
galenrox said:
Plus, from what I hear, there's a lot going on that we don't hear about.

I read that statement and hold it very true. The mod forum is very busy with new ideas, verifing exactly what we should consider appropriate, level of mod action etc... then add on the reported posts. LOL, every mod here as soon as they were given "powers" their jaw hit the floor - wow. So, yes there is alot going on behind the scenes that should be and is mute to the users.

We can *say* we are unbiased all day - we have to walk it. Along the road there are always bumps. So we go back and fine tooth comb them so that they become a learning experience and referenced in future events.
vauge said:
I read that statement and hold it very true. The mod forum is very busy with new ideas, verifing exactly what we should consider appropriate, level of mod action etc... then add on the reported posts. LOL, every mod here as soon as they were given "powers" their jaw hit the floor - wow. So, yes there is alot going on behind the scenes that should be and is mute to the users.

We can *say* we are unbiased all day - we have to walk it. Along the road there are always bumps. So we go back and fine tooth comb them so that they become a learning experience and referenced in future events.

I wish my site were as successful as yours is, as it stands, I spend much more time here, but I enjoy it, so it's really the only thing that matters. If and when my site is as busy, I will have learned a lot from your example, great job Vauge.;)

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