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MLB 2024 (1 Viewer)

O/U in Colorado today is 13 runs. 70 degrees and wind blowing out to center at 25mph sustained with gusts up to 40mph. I'm sure the two starting pitchers can't wait to get out there lol.
Lol.. Wind blowing out in Colorado... Definitely a football score there.. Lol
O/U in Colorado today is 13 runs. 70 degrees and wind blowing out to center at 25mph sustained with gusts up to 40mph. I'm sure the two starting pitchers can't wait to get out there lol.
I took TB over an alternate 7.5 runs last night at +122. It’s now +104. I can’t count on the Rockies. The six day game umps today seem to lean pitcher.

Both pitchers getting a K in the first inning is a cool new lost wager.

Apps have really elevated K props after getting burned in the first rotation. Ragans out-dueled Burnes Wednesday but his bullpen blew the game.
I took TB over an alternate 7.5 runs last night at +122. It’s now +104. I can’t count on the Rockies. The six day game umps today seem to lean pitcher.
This was a really bad miss, man. First game of a series, at 5,280, day off, lefty Gomber pitched great and was pulled after four for another starter Lambert.
Both pitchers getting a K in the first inning is a cool new lost wager.
Yet it won in CO at a plus 184 clip.
Apps have really elevated K props after getting burned in the first rotation.
Bobby Miller of LAD over on Ks was a lost wager.
Ragans out-dueled Burnes Wednesday but his bullpen blew the game.
BAL takes down PIT in game one of three.
Bieber out for the year after two great starts.
It’s being said he added speed in the offseason.

HOU/TEX with the first 4-game wraparound to Monday.
Blackburn was excellent for the A’s today.

Edit: Terrible plate ump Brennan Miller screwing the Twins all day in their park.
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Miller had an off day. Maybe he had some kind of deal with Ohtani and his bookie.

This was a really bad miss, man. First game of a series, at 5,280, day off, lefty Gomber pitched great and was pulled after four for another starter Lambert.

Yet it won in CO at a plus 184 clip.

Bobby Miller of LAD over on Ks was a lost wager.

BAL takes down PIT in game one of three.
Dodgers have a hall of fameish top of the order but once you get down to around the 7 spot its pretty mid.

Dodger pitching showing some vulnerability. Its about 80/20. 80% good / 20% bad.

Put it together and you're looking at about 105 to 110 wins.

If Buehler comes back in top form and Kershaw comes back with a fastball of around 93-94, watch out. Some team will need to cheat like the *stros to beat them.
Dodgers have a hall of fameish top of the order but once you get down to around the 7 spot its pretty mid.

Dodger pitching showing some vulnerability. Its about 80/20. 80% good / 20% bad.

Put it together and you're looking at about 105 to 110 wins.

If Buehler comes back in top form and Kershaw comes back with a fastball of around 93-94, watch out. Some team will need to cheat like the *stros to beat them.
To be fair, not many teams have a strong 7-9 order.
To be fair, not many teams have a strong 7-9 order.
You could take the Dodgers nine announced players, or the Braves who just stunned the Dbacks with a 2-8 comeback, and just blind draw them out, and they’d still tax and tire a pitcher. The Phillies and Dbacks made Fried throw 43 and 37 first-inning pitches.

I stumbled on the O’s Wells last night, who pitched today. Gave up an early 3 runs in the 2nd. Great pre-ASB Last year. Post-ASB, he was stressed by LAD, TB, and NYY and was out for two months. Dead arm, like Burnes gets.

Detmers is tossing another good one at BOS so far with 6 Ks to start. BOS is resilient though, pushing one across in the 3rd. Whitlock is decent for BOS.
Ozzie Guillén is right. Too many athletes are eating synthetic and ultra-intense diets.

Humans need real, natural food, which includes REAL meat.

Fat is something you cannot pull. Injuries are out of control.
Dodgers say "**** that bullshit weather". Good riddance to Chicago in April.

The cubs can come to Dodger stadium in July-August when balls are flying out of the yard. Then we'll see whats what.
I was at the Cubs game Friday. Cold but dry. Was pretty nice in the sun but I sat in the shade and it was cold. I have been at colder, wetter games though. Ohtani sure is a big guy. Cubs pulled it out though 9 - 7. Good game.
Jerry Grote, the longtime New York Mets catcher and part of their 1969 World Series championship team, died Sunday because of respiratory failure after a heart procedure in Austin, Texas, his family announced. He was 81.
I remember him. He also spent some time on the Dodgers.

Jerry Grote, the longtime New York Mets catcher and part of their 1969 World Series championship team, died Sunday because of respiratory failure after a heart procedure in Austin, Texas, his family announced. He was 81.
I don't think a strong relationship between diet and injury has been established. Although I wouldn't be surprised.

As far as pitchers are concerned. Orel Hersheiser gives his thoughts. Very well thought out. His interview starts at about 13:00.

Ozzie Guillén is right. Too many athletes are eating synthetic and ultra-intense diets.

Humans need real, natural food, which includes REAL meat.

Fat is something you cannot pull. Injuries are out of control.
I'm convinced to this day that Al Downing grooved one for him.

I feel old... Lol

Aaron's No. 715 turns 50: Celebrating the anniversary of his iconic HR​

On this day 50 years ago...


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