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Mitts October surprise for Obama... [W:90] (1 Viewer)

I just don't know what to tell you. Your brain just doesn't seem to be working properly. Re-watch your video maybe? I doesn't say anything that supports your claims man. You need to think harder. Calm yourself down. Try to think critically about things.

................................................. you just got PNOWNED...did you black out at the 1:15 mark?
Thank You for at least being real and accepting the truth of the connection and relationship with Odinga..and how it created the death of many Christians..
no, i only accepted that you found the video you were looking for
since you offered it i didn't even waste my time watching it as i knew it would prove to be worthless

again..Im not sure how to use this if I was Mitt.. my point is " should he" and if he loses will hindsight ssay he should have..
i am confident you will find an inappropriate way to present it
good luck with that ... not really
no, i only accepted that you found the video you were looking for
since you offered it i didn't even waste my time watching it as i knew it would prove to be worthless

i am confident you will find an inappropriate way to present it
good luck with that ... not really

CBS News... thats "right wing"???? you also have issues with the truth??? you should watch it....

This very old news.. I know all this..
................................................. you just got PNOWNED...did you black out at the 1:15 mark?

LOL. That's the basis of your conspiracy theory? The fact that the incumbent Odinga ran against claimed that the reason Obama was objecting to the corruption in Kenya was because he favored Odinga? Seriously, you can't tell how stupid that is?
LOL. That's the basis of your conspiracy theory? The fact that the incumbent Odinga ran against claimed that the reason Obama was objecting to the corruption in Kenya was because he favored Odinga? Seriously, you can't tell how stupid that is?

You have issues with facts... there is nothing conspiracy here.. NOTHING.. its all well documented..whats stupid is how you cant get this.. its well documented..

you are so far off...Odinga was NOT ther incumbant for starters..did you watch the CBS report? Im begining to wonder if you can process this..Obama supported his uncle Odinga who was in a pact with the Muslims against the sitting President.. its all in the CBS report..

I can go on if you want later...its endless..
If Im Mitt...I roll out "Uncle Odinga" and roll the tape of him arm in arm campaigning in Kenya against a sitting President of another country... on out tax payer dime

or I go after Obamas "infanticide" record which is never spoken about

what other unknown/ MSM hidden part of Obama would you think Mitt should roll out?

So... lie and spin some more?
Obama and Uncle Odinga campaign together...

Obama and Odinga Campaign in Kenya - YouTube

great comment

Barack Obama actively campaigned for and contributed cash to Kenya’s Democratic Socialist Orange Party candidate, Raila Odinga in 06-08. Odinga had an agreement with a radical Kenyan Islamic foundation, seeking Odinga’s support in exchange for support of Odinga’s candidacy. Obama knew this yet still raised over $1M of USA money supporting Odinga. This violates the Logan Act Obama should be in Jail actually

Didn't this Obama and Odinga conspiracy start after a chain email, which was soon shown to be fraudulent?
Kiddo, what did I tell you about slowing down and thinking harder before you post? Why do you refuse to do it?

You have issues with facts... there is nothing conspiracy here.. NOTHING.. its all well documented..whats stupid is how you cant get this.. its well documented..

Well documented? Ok then, lets see some documentation. So far, you've failed to come up with anything at all.

you are so far off...Odinga was NOT ther incumbant for starters..

Again kiddo, I said "the incumbent Odinga ran against". Concentrate.

his uncle Odinga

You understand that he isn't actually his uncle, right? They're members of the same tribe is all.
You understand that he isn't actually his uncle, right? They're members of the same tribe is all.

That and Odinga is using Obama's name to rally support around himself because he knows Kenyans have tremendous support for Obama.
There will be a Romney October surprise. It just won't be this nonsense.

What it will be is a nonstop onslaught of the dirtiest political ads ever seen in our modern history purchased at a rate three or four to one for every Obama ad.

They hate filled vitriol and outright lies will make the 2004 swift boating look like a Little Sisters of the Poor Sunday orphans picnic by comparison.
What it will be is a nonstop onslaught of the dirtiest political ads ever seen in our modern history

Who needs to buy an ad when the nastiest viral videos or chain emails get thrown around to millions of people and thrown up on youtube every day without consequence. Then when it becomes too big of a hit, you'll get it splattered up on CNN free of charge. It's not the SuperPacs we should worry about: it's the average citizen.
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any suggestions? I asked if anyone has some other issues to table

IMO, it sounds like you're saying that they're just going to go all out with the "black, African, monkey" references? Slightly veiled.

Like a cornered snake, they piss themselves then start biting and spitting on everyone.
IMO, it sounds like you're saying that they're just going to go all out with the "black, African, monkey" references? Slightly veiled.

Like a cornered snake, they piss themselves then start biting and spitting on everyone.

wow... you Libs really think wild thoughts...I was asking nothing of the sort, just asking if the "real stories" on Obama that the MSM would never touch now or just have buried... if its in Mitts interest to "use them"...

would you like to table a story about Obama that could be used... The relationship with Frank Marshal Davis to me is also untold and Jarrets connection, or Obamas working with Farakan..there are so many..
If Im Mitt...I roll out "Uncle Odinga" and roll the tape of him arm in arm campaigning in Kenya against a sitting President of another country... on out tax payer dime

or I go after Obamas "infanticide" record which is never spoken about

what other unknown/ MSM hidden part of Obama would you think Mitt should roll out?

I'm sorry man,we agree on many things but this Odinga thing has no legs....
Didn't this Obama and Odinga conspiracy start after a chain email, which was soon shown to be fraudulent?

Yea...thats it!! you nailed...howd you figure it out, yea its a scam.....LOL LOL...

I'm sorry man,we agree on many things but this Odinga thing has no legs....

OK.. fair enough... why do you think that..? as we both know its very real, I assume you are aware of this connection etc.. I may agree with you that its a tough story to try to get people to wrap theri heads around as this thread plainly shows...

Im interested in your pov and reasoning..
There will be a Romney October surprise. It just won't be this nonsense.

What it will be is a nonstop onslaught of the dirtiest political ads ever seen in our modern history purchased at a rate three or four to one for every Obama ad.

They hate filled vitriol and outright lies will make the 2004 swift boating look like a Little Sisters of the Poor Sunday orphans picnic by comparison.

Lets us Pray...!!!! that would be awesome...
Kiddo, what did I tell you about slowing down and thinking harder before you post? Why do you refuse to do it?

Well documented? Ok then, lets see some documentation. So far, you've failed to come up with anything at all.

Again kiddo, I said "the incumbent Odinga ran against". Concentrate.

You understand that he isn't actually his uncle, right? They're members of the same tribe is all.

Im just trying to process the lack of anything valid in your post...its amazing
OK.. fair enough... why do you think that..? as we both know its very real, I assume you are aware of this connection etc.. I may agree with you that its a tough story to try to get people to wrap theri heads around as this thread plainly shows...

Im interested in your pov and reasoning..

There are lots more things to go after Obama on that are much more damaging....Like all of his broken promises and failed policies.I don't think the average person cares about the Odinga story,they care about the lack of cash in their bank accounts.
There are lots more things to go after Obama on that are much more damaging....Like all of his broken promises and failed policies.I don't think the average person cares about the Odinga story,they care about the lack of cash in their bank accounts.

Id like to think so bro.. but if your on the goverment handout , paying no taxes, and as we see today the horrid employment numbers and looking for "Obama to put gas in my car"...Im not sure that just reason will work...LOL....Ive heard a koolaid induced zombie state is tough to cure..LOL
Im just trying to process the lack of anything valid in your post...its amazing

Well, look kiddo, obviously you've decided that you are going to buy into this conspiracy theory no matter what and that you don't require any shred of evidence to do so. Hey, whatever, it's a free country. You can believe whatever dumbass thing you want. But if you think this four year old, thoroughly debunked, toothless conspiracy theory is going to have some impact on the election, you're out of your mind.
Well, look kiddo, obviously you've decided that you are going to buy into this conspiracy theory no matter what and that you don't require any shred of evidence to do so. Hey, whatever, it's a free country. You can believe whatever dumbass thing you want. But if you think this four year old, thoroughly debunked, toothless conspiracy theory is going to have some impact on the election, you're out of your mind.

Not a conpsriacy... but for you lets just say this is not a cartoon... Im sure you have some hope and change posters to reycle and get posted.... Tell Pelosi to stop blinking, I find it unsettling when you see her!!!
Nothin' but a conspiracy theory here. Should go in the Conspiracy Theory section of the debate forums.
any suggestions? I asked if anyone has some other issues to table

How about the fact that he supports or has instituted policy that supports 7 of 10 planks of Communism given by Karl Marx? We all know Romney won't touch that. I think he would get almost the same reaction for calling him that if he called him the N word.

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