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Mitts October surprise for Obama... [W:90] (1 Viewer)

Yes, I did. And no, I won't.

And no, I meant that despite what people say about Obama, I do not think he hates America. He pads his rhetoric with American exceptionalism way too often for me to take that attack seriously.

Thank you Fiddy for taking the time to answer my question...I appreciate..
The notion that the election will be decided by a last minute conspiracy theory or teabagger undercover video or some such nonsense is ridiculous. You guys burned through whatever minimal credibility you had years ago now with all the crazy conspiracy theories that got debunked and faked videos and all that. At this point, nobody even reads or watches any of that stuff except other teabaggers.

"teabaggers"... LOL... Oh the all inclusive Libs strike again!!
If there is an October surprise coming, it is very likely related to Romney's taxes. Either the details on how he got that $100 million in the IRA or information showing that he took advantage of the safe harbor to pay backtaxes he had lied about on investment income from his offshore accounts before the Swiss turned the records over in 2008.

If there were something bad about Obama, it would have come out over the course of two presidential elections and four years of conspiracy nuts trying their damndest.

have you seen the Khalidi tape..or his college transcripts? tell me what you know about the Logan Act how that applies to Obama and Odinga...
did you watch the videos? and do you know the history of Odinga?

my point is so many still today have no idea of this story..you may be right that it somehow helps Obama to play he is the victim..

Nope. But regardless of whether this is true or not, and I strongly believe it isn't, this will be played as a conspiracy and it will help Obama. It's better to just stick to things that actually matter like the economy.
"teabaggers"... LOL... Oh the all inclusive Libs strike again!!

Who told you that the liberals were inclusive of teabaggers? You don't appear to understand what tolerance is about. It has nothing to do with pretending that hatemongers or morons are normal people, it deals with treating all demographic groups equally.

have you seen the Khalidi tape..or his college transcripts? tell me what you know about the Logan Act how that applies to Obama and Odinga...

Look man, that whole conspiracy theory is one of the dumbest. And, hate to break your bubble here, but it's been out for 4 years now and nobody cares. Do you know why nobody cares? Because Obama did nothing remotely wrong and broke no law. The Logan Act forbids individual citizens from engaging in foreign policy on behalf of the US. While Obama was a senator, he traveled to Kenya. At one appearance, he and Michelle took an AIDS test in public to help reassure the people of Kenya that the test was safe. Odinga was at that event on stage. That's it kiddo. No engaging in foreign relations. Nothing even remotely as close to engaging in foreign relations as Romney going to Israel and meeting with the leaders there to talk about how he believes the US will respond to them if they bomb Iran for example (he basically greenlit it despite the overwhelming US foreign policy against it), and even that isn't even nearly a violation of the Logan Act.

Really, that whole conspiracy theory has only one intended effect- teabaggers think foreignness is suspicious, so they want to paint Obama as foreign. He is of Kenyan descent, so they like stuff about him being in Kenya or meeting with Kenyan leaders. When they see a black, foreign looking, guy with an accent around Obama, some voice in their head goes "see! I told you he wasn't one of us". Perhaps they imagine that if the normal people just saw that image they would reach the same conclusion. But, of course, normal people are much smarter and more morally developed than teabaggers, so it never works.

The reality is that teabaggers just aren't smart enough. They hear these sorts of conspiracy theories and they are so stupid and angry that they just wolf them down without engaging their brains at all. That's why they're always running around thinking they've got the conspiracy theory that is going to destroy Obama and in the end all they ever manage to achieve is to make themselves look stupid.
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Nope. But regardless of whether this is true or not, and I strongly believe it isn't, this will be played as a conspiracy and it will help Obama. It's better to just stick to things that actually matter like the economy.

You may be right... I just dont want to lose this election and say " they still dont know about this, would it have swayed votes"..
but for fun do your own research on this.. I have posted some youtubes to start..
Who told you that the liberals were inclusive of teabaggers? You don't appear to understand what tolerance is about. It has nothing to do with pretending that hatemongers or morons are normal people, it deals with treating all demographic groups equally.

Look man, that whole conspiracy theory is one of the dumbest. And, hate to break your bubble here, but it's been out for 4 years now and nobody cares. Do you know why nobody cares? Because Obama did nothing remotely wrong and broke no law. The Logan Act forbids individual citizens from engaging in foreign policy on behalf of the US. While Obama was a senator, he traveled to Kenya. At one appearance, he and Michelle took an AIDS test in public to help reassure the people of Kenya that the test was safe. Odinga was at that event on stage. That's it kiddo. No engaging in foreign relations. Nothing even remotely as close to engaging in foreign relations as Romney going to Israel and meeting with the leaders there to talk about how he believes the US will respond to them if they bomb Iran for example (he basically greenlit it despite the overwhelming US foreign policy against it), and even that isn't even nearly a violation of the Logan Act.

The reality is that teabaggers just aren't smart enough. They hear these sorts of conspiracy theories and they are so stupid and angry that they just wolf them down without engaging their brains at all. That's why they're always running around thinking they've got the conspiracy theory that is going to destroy Obama and in the end all they ever manage to achieve is to make themselves look stupid.

Your post is pure spin and jive.. as silly as the frozen botoxed look of stupidity on Pelosi's halfwit face..

I posted that actual videos..Michelle's not there.. what are you talking about?..
Your post is pure spin and jive.. as silly as the frozen botoxed look of stupidity on Pelosi's halfwit face..

I posted that actual videos..Michelle's not there.. what are you talking about?..

The portions of that video that show both Obama and Odinga are from the event I talked about kiddo. Do you see the ribbon logo behind him when he's standing next to Odinga? That's the logo of the AIDS testing clinic. Liverpool something or other. Nothing in your video remotely indicates that Obama campaigned for Odinga. You know that of course, assuming you watched it, so what is the problem here? I get that seeing Obama in Africa with African people makes you angry and suspicious of Obama, but that is just an emotional problem, that doesn't mean Obama did something wrong. I don't really know how to put this man. You need to be smarter, but I don't know how I can say that to you that you will get it.
I think Mitt Romeny's tax returns and how that offshore account in the Cayman Islands really works would make great 'issues'.

I agree. They should pull out the list of state and federal pensions that have investments in the Cayman Islands.
The portions of that video that show both Obama and Odinga are from the event I talked about kiddo. Do you see the ribbon logo behind him when he's standing next to Odinga? That's the logo of the AIDS testing clinic. Liverpool something or other. Nothing in your video remotely indicates that Obama campaigned for Odinga. You know that of course, assuming you watched it, so what is the problem here? I get that seeing Obama in Africa with African people makes you angry and suspicious of Obama, but that is just an emotional problem, that doesn't mean Obama did something wrong. I don't really know how to put this man. You need to be smarter, but I don't know how I can say that to you that you will get it.

How many Christians died because of Odingas words after the election?..did he have a pact with the muslims?...
did you watch Obama speach.. no mention of aids..

at the 3:15 mark he starts the campaigning, slamming of the current president..... this has nothing to with aids but that one shot..NOTHING,..
Im 48, so thanks on the "kiddo" line.. Ive only studied these subject intensly for over 15 years now..you have no idea, you run jive..the massive crowds are from campaign stops.. where's Michelle? shes not there?,,,, why did Odinaga have a pact with the muslim but Kabiki did not?
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I agree. They should pull out the list of state and federal pensions that have investments in the Cayman Islands.

Lots of Dems would be on that list..
How many Christians died because of Odingas words after the election?..did he have a pact with the muslims?...
did you watch Obama speach.. no mention of aids..

Im 48, so thanks on the "kiddo" line.. Ive only studied these subject intensly for over 15 years now..

See, there we go again kiddo. I busted your lie about Obama campaigning for Odinga and you are just pretending that didn't happen and going off instead about how much you think Odinga sucks. You understand why that is a big fail on your part, right?

You need to be smarter. I know that sounds like I'm just being mean and you can't do anything about how smart or not you are, but that isn't true. Being smart isn't just a way some people are born. It is, largely, a choice to think carefully. To put in the effort to work things out and to concentrate. To avoid letting oneself get swept up in anger and whatnot and to try to see things impartially. You need to make that effort.
Mitts October surprise for Obama...
i think you should go with the implementation of Obamacare and feature how medical cost increases have slowed since that legislation was passed
you could focus on the people whose lives were saved because they now have access to healthcare options that were unavailable before
go with the gay and lesbian members of our armed forces and how the change allowing them to be open about their personal relationships has obviously destroyed the military's effectiveness as indicated by the number of times our forces have been routed and overrun .... only because of the gayness that was allowed to exist
hell, emphasize that our reliance on foreign oil is at a two decade low ... that should scare the **** out of those republican oil vendors
but most of all i would recommend Obama's actions to enable more people to get a college education because nothing frightens the ignorant republicans like the prospect of a learned citizenry. faux news would be right there with you, as it must be able to maintain its viewership and that will not happen if they become educated
i think you should go with the implementation of Obamacare and feature how medical cost increases have slowed since that legislation was passed
you could focus on the people whose lives were saved because they now have access to healthcare options that were unavailable before
go with the gay and lesbian members of our armed forces and how the change allowing them to be open about their personal relationships has obviously destroyed the military's effectiveness as indicated by the number of times our forces have been routed and overrun .... only because of the gayness that was allowed to exist
hell, emphasize that our reliance on foreign oil is at a two decade low ... that should scare the **** out of those republican oil vendors
but most of all i would recommend Obama's actions to enable more people to get a college education because nothing frightens the ignorant republicans like the prospect of a learned citizenry. faux news would be right there with you, as it must be able to maintain its viewership and that will not happen if they become educated

ha.. nothing has come down in price in healthcare.. our went up 12%

Dont ask dont tell..wasnt that Clinton???? LOL
See, there we go again kiddo. I busted your lie about Obama campaigning for Odinga and you are just pretending that didn't happen and going off instead about how much you think Odinga sucks. You understand why that is a big fail on your part, right?

You need to be smarter. I know that sounds like I'm just being mean and you can't do anything about how smart or not you are, but that isn't true. Being smart isn't just a way some people are born. It is, largely, a choice to think carefully. To put in the effort to work things out and to concentrate. To avoid letting oneself get swept up in anger and whatnot and to try to see things impartially. You need to make that effort.

at the 3:15 mark he starts the campaigning, slamming of the current president..... this has nothing to with aids but that one shot..NOTHING,..
Im 48, so thanks on the "kiddo" line.. Ive only studied these subject intensly for over 15 years now..you have no idea, you run jive..the massive crowds are from campaign stops.. where's Michelle? shes not there?,,,, why did Odinaga have a pact with the muslim but Kabiki did not?

Youre a lib from SF... no need to feel sorry for me...LOL

You want more on Obama and Odinga...how much can you handel before you get all hostile that your are debunked as not knowing a word but trying to run jive?

You lack of knowledge is not your fault...all Libs are victims of GWB right? LOL
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See, there we go again kiddo. I busted your lie about Obama campaigning for Odinga and you are just pretending that didn't happen and going off instead about how much you think Odinga sucks. You understand why that is a big fail on your part, right?

You need to be smarter. I know that sounds like I'm just being mean and you can't do anything about how smart or not you are, but that isn't true. Being smart isn't just a way some people are born. It is, largely, a choice to think carefully. To put in the effort to work things out and to concentrate. To avoid letting oneself get swept up in anger and whatnot and to try to see things impartially. You need to make that effort.

In March, grenade explosions at one of the main bus stations in Kenya’s capital killed nine people and wounded 40 others, the deadliest in the series of attacks. Al-Qaeda-linked al-Shabab militants from neighbouring Somalia have vowed to carry out a major attack on Kenya for sending troops in.

And let’s not forget, it was Barack Hussein Obama who helped his cousin Raila Odinga in Kenya, finance a deadly coup that overthrew the duly elected former Christian leader of Kenya. Odinga has since taken power and implemented sharia law, also with the support of Barack Obama. The Muslim population of Kenya is less than 15%. AN INVESTIGATION by three Republican congressmen has revealed the Obama administration has secretly spent $23 million of U.S. taxpayer dollars in Kenya to fund a “Yes” vote on a constitutional referendum that would increase access to abortions in Kenya and establish legal status for Islamic law tribunals – a move that some congressmen have contested violates the Siljander amendment, a statute that prohibits the federal government from lobbying for or against abortion with foreign aid funds. See: obama-is-supporting-and-financing-the-establishment-of-a-sharia-law-system-in-kenya

Muslims slaughtering Christians in Nigeria and Kenya. AGAIN! | BARE NAKED ISLAM
at the 3:15 mark he starts the campaigning, slamming of the current president..... this has nothing to with aids but that one shot..NOTHING,..

Again kiddo, the only footage of the two of them together was from that AIDS test event.

the massive crowds are from campaign stops

Kiddo, do you understand the difference between real and pretend? When you make things up out of thin air, that is only pretend. Do you follow?
Again kiddo, the only footage of the two of them together was from that AIDS test event.

Kiddo, do you understand the difference between real and pretend? When you make things up out of thin air, that is only pretend. Do you follow?

Your just lying that I know...
The Obama and Odinga Connection - YouTube
CBS NEWS...^^^ you may want to watch and listen when they tell you are youre a liar and BSing..

I think you may want to watch before you make a more false comments "kiddo"...do you know what "pretend" is..you asked me...I know what it is...its what your posts are..

I follow that you are clueless and flat out BSing....or is CBS also wrong

shall I continue?
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In March, grenade explosions at one of the main bus stations in Kenya’s capital killed nine people and wounded 40 others, the deadliest in the series of attacks. Al-Qaeda-linked al-Shabab militants from neighbouring Somalia have vowed to carry out a major attack on Kenya for sending troops in.

And let’s not forget, it was Barack Hussein Obama who helped his cousin Raila Odinga in Kenya, finance a deadly coup that overthrew the duly elected former Christian leader of Kenya. Odinga has since taken power and implemented sharia law, also with the support of Barack Obama. The Muslim population of Kenya is less than 15%. AN INVESTIGATION by three Republican congressmen has revealed the Obama administration has secretly spent $23 million of U.S. taxpayer dollars in Kenya to fund a “Yes” vote on a constitutional referendum that would increase access to abortions in Kenya and establish legal status for Islamic law tribunals – a move that some congressmen have contested violates the Siljander amendment, a statute that prohibits the federal government from lobbying for or against abortion with foreign aid funds. See: obama-is-supporting-and-financing-the-establishment-of-a-sharia-law-system-in-kenya

Muslims slaughtering Christians in Nigeria and Kenya. AGAIN! | BARE NAKED ISLAM

Again kiddo, remember that I debunked your claim that Obama campaigned for Odinga? Do you understand why that makes all your bs about how much you think Odinga sucks irrelevant? I shouldn't need to keep repeating these basic points. This is the lack of effort I am talking about. We already went over this, but you don't seem to be thinking about what we're talking about. Slow down. Concentrate.
This flat out nails it....^^^^ says he is campaigning with Odinga against the sitting President...CBS NEWS
well, it looks like you have the october surprise that you were searching for
go with that

but realize you are going to hate the next four years of the Obama administration
If Im Mitt...I roll out "Uncle Odinga" and roll the tape of him arm in arm campaigning in Kenya against a sitting President of another country... on out tax payer dime

or I go after Obamas "infanticide" record which is never spoken about

what other unknown/ MSM hidden part of Obama would you think Mitt should roll out?

When I saw the title of the thread I was expecting it to be how happy Romney was that we only added 93,000 jobs in Aug. Silly me.
Your just lying that I know...
The Obama and Odinga Connection - YouTube
CBS NEWS...^^^ you may want to watch and listen when they tell you are youre a liar and BSing..

I think you may want to watch before you make a more false comments "kiddo"...

I follow that you are clueless and flat out BSing....or is CBS also wrong

shall I continue?

I just don't know what to tell you. Your brain just doesn't seem to be working properly. Re-watch your video maybe? I doesn't say anything that supports your claims man. You need to think harder. Calm yourself down. Try to think critically about things.
well, it looks like you have the october surprise that you were searching for
go with that

but realize you are going to hate the next four years of the Obama administration

Thank You for at least being real and accepting the truth of the connection and relationship with Odinga..and how it created the death of many Christians..

again..Im not sure how to use this if I was Mitt.. my point is " should he" and if he loses will hindsight ssay he should have..

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